Chereads / RAVEN'S BLOOD: PRINCESS ELENA / Chapter 4 - Thief !!

Chapter 4 - Thief !!

I looked at the two men and knew that my plan was slowly falling down the drain because they didn't drink the tea. Still thinking how I was going to escape I unknowingly slept off.

When I woke up the inn was very chilly and the two men were discussing and drinking tea by the fireplace. I knew it can never be the tea I made because it would have been cold by now.

 I closed my eyes so that they won't know that I am awake.

"Steve I wonder what kind of tea leaves this is ,I haven't tasted anything like it" one of the men said. 

The one called Steve replied "yes Frank, it seems to be a rare tea leaf and its taste is great especially the light spicy feel.

I was getting bored with their conversation but one thing caught my attention "the spicy feel" no tea ever tasted spicy.

I had to know because I have tasted all the tea leaves from all the seven kingdom of Zolth and I mean none of them absolutely none of them had any slightest spicy feel. Unless it is not tea leaves but Kelly leaves, those dimwits used thinking it was tea leaves.

Well I guess my plan is actually going as planned, since I knew that they would soon surrender to master sleep, I used the small knife I took from the kitchen and started cutting the rope used to tie my hand with my eyes closed.

Those two dimwits were discussing until they got quiet and I knew it was show time.

I opened my eyes and they were sleeping very deeply. I got up and thanked my star that my legs weren't tied, I took one of the men's bag and went to the pantry and took some bread and wine. 

Luckily there was a pouch filled with coins in the bag that might help me in the journey. I quietly opened the door a little and peeped through it.

I came out and quietly closed it, I almost screamed when I heard a loud snoring coming from the side of the porch. 

I then went to the stable and selected the most friendly horse a thoroughbred, I am actually very good with horses.

I quietly led the horse out of the stable into the road. I walked till I was far from the inn then mounted the horse and rode off. As I was riding the night starts to fade away beginning a new day.

I was thirsty so I stopped and brought out my water bottle and was drinking when someone came running from the bush. 

My horse reared throwing me down and galloped away. I got up and was dusting myself when the man came to me and starts apologizing.

"I am so sorry Milady, let me help you" he said while taking out the leaves on my hair.

"Get your hands off me !" I shouted pushing him away. He apologized and disappeared into the bush.

I dusted my clothes and decided to trek since my horse has gone, after a little walk I arrived at a village. I was hungry so I brought out the food I came with but I couldn't eat it. I threw it away and went to a cart where fresh bread were sold. I brought out the pouch to pay but it was empty. 

Confused, I poured all the contents in the sack on the floor but not a single coin was in there.

My mind drifted back to that time that young man tried to wipe dust from my dress. That fool took my money, now what will I do and I am very hungry. I tried begging for some money and food, but no one gave me. 

A whole princess of Bradon is now begging for food, wait tell I caught that thief he will pay miserably.

After walking around, I decided to sit at a rock beside a Goldsmith stall and rest when I recognized a voice.

"Rob this ring is pure gold, give me another bag of coins" the voice said.

I stood up from where I was sitting and saw the man that stole my money. 

He saw me and ran away and I ran after him. I kept chasing him until we arrived at a place where sheep and goat were sold and I lost him.

I started going back to the Goldsmith stall and I saw that the thief dropped the ring while running. I pick it up and found out that it belonged to my kidnappers. I went back to the Goldsmith stall, "tell me the home of that young man and I will give you this ring" I said to him.

"Shut up young lass and gave me the ring or you will cry back to your mama" he said.

"I had like to see you make me cry" I challenged.

He whistled and men with different type of weapon started coming out. Where they came from I could not tell.

"You better give me the ring miss" he said.

"Never !" I replied.

On of the men charged at me but I kicked him at his groin and he fell on the floor. They kept coming at me but I continued defeating them. I am the second best swordman in my kingdom so they are all easy to defeat. 

When they are all on the ground groaning, I went to the Goldsmith and said to him "tell me where that rotten thief lives or you will look worst than those on the ground".

"I can't tell you, it is too risky for a young lass like you" he replied stroking his dirty beard.

"Oh that's caring of you but guess what? this young lass is losing her patient, do you want to know what happens when she loses it completely?" I said. 

"No" he replied.

"Very good then, now take me where he lives".

The Goldsmith closed his stall and started leading me to the same trail that I chased that thief.