The boy says,
"No, no! Just saying sorry won't work."
(The boy looks at Rehan's hand and sees a lot of food. He starts grabbing the food away.)
The boy says,
"Give me all your food right now, or I'll make things worse for you!"
Rehan says,
"No, no! I won't give my food. I already apologized to you, so why are you trying to take my food?"
(Just then, a girl shouts from behind.)
(She steps in front of Rehan and says to the boy.)
The girl says,
"Why are you messing with this boy?"
The boy says,
"This boy ruined my shirt and argued with me!"
Rehan says,
"No, no! I didn't say anything like that. I already apologized and said it was a mistake. But this boy is still trying to take all my food!"
The girl says,
"He already said it was a mistake, so why are you still bothering him? Should I go and complain to the principal that you are bullying him? You know what will happen if I tell the principal. So I suggest you leave quietly right now!"
(Hearing this, the boys leave.)
(Rehan and the girl are sitting on the rooftop.)
Rehan says,
"Thank you so much for helping me."
The girl says,"
Oh, come on! Helping others is what I do."
(The girl looks at Rehan's food, and her mouth starts watering.)
(Rehan notices this and says,) "Do you want to eat this?"