Chereads / I need to find my way back home / Chapter 7 - Finally, The Journey Begins.

Chapter 7 - Finally, The Journey Begins.

Emma thought, "It feels so cozy in here. I have never felt so light. I don't want to wake up; I could sleep in this bed forever. Is this what heaven feels like? This bed is so soft. Wait.... bed!?" 

Emma had fallen asleep in Frieda's bedroom. After ten hours, she opened her eyes and noticed her clothes were different. Getting up in bed and resting her head on the pillow, she tried to piece together everything that had happened. "I wonder where Frieda went?" 

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway. The door opened quietly. "Oh, you are awake," Frieda said as she and Luna entered the room. Luna ran toward Emma and hopped into bed with her. 

"She is so soft," Emma said, snuggling close.

"Did you realize you fell asleep while bathing? I had to pick you up and change your clothes. Those bath potions helped relieve your stress. You must be feeling light," Frieda explained.

"Yes, I feel great! I could go hiking on the tallest mountain," Emma laughed.

"Oh, please take a rest. You were so worn out. Why didn't you tell me you were tired? I would have taken you straight home. I guess I'll make you something to eat; you probably haven't even eaten anything."

Emma smiled. "Yes, please."

Fifteen minutes later, Frieda returned with a huge plate of dishes that Emma had never seen before. "Wow, what do you call this dish?" Emma asked.

"It's called a Griffin egg omelet," Frieda replied.

"Wha—like that huge beast, the griffin?" Emma asked in disbelief.

"Yes! Haven't you seen a griffin?" Frieda said.

"No, I have no idea what you're talking about. It's hard to believe such creatures exist," Emma responded.

"Yes, they do exist. First, eat up. I'll take you on a tour, and we will watch the animals of this world. The journey will be called 'animal looking,'" Frieda said playfully.

Emma laughed. "You are so funny, Frieda. I will eat the dish you made. I have been starving; it smells great."

Emma picked up a fork and a spoon and started devouring the omelet. It was clear from her eagerness that she had been starving the whole time. Frieda and Luna just watched as Emma finished the entire dish in five minutes.

"Do you want more?" Frieda asked.

"I am full," Emma said.

"I'll bring you some dessert," Frieda added.

"That would be nice," Emma replied with a shy smile.

Frieda returned with Frosted Fairy Cakes—miniature cupcakes no larger than the palm of your hand. The cakes themselves were a soft, pale gold, with a texture so light and airy that they seemed to float on the plate. The frosting was the true star: a shimmering, iridescent swirl that glowed faintly in the light, as if kissed by moonlight. Tiny edible glitter (fairy dust, of course) sparkled across the surface, and each cake was adorned with a delicate sugar flower or a tiny, edible butterfly that fluttered ever so slightly, even when detached.

Emma gaped. "What is that?"

"They're called Frosted Fairy Cakes. You should try some; they have healing abilities," Frieda explained.

"Frosted Fairy Cakes? How do you make them?" Emma asked, intrigued.

"Hehe, I will tell you the recipe later. We can both make them together sometime," Frieda promised.

"Wow, I gotta try this! Yum! The taste, the texture—it melts in my mouth! Oh my gosh, I feel like I could die after eating this. They are so delicious!" Emma exclaimed.

"Hehehe, thanks for your appreciation, my lord," Frieda teased.

"What's with the 'lord'?" Emma laughed.

"Luna should also have some." Frieda put a bit in Luna's mouth and then took a bite herself. 

Licking her fingers, Emma exclaimed, "This has to be the best meal I've ever had! Both dishes were so good. I never thought I could eat anything so delicious in my life!"

Luna and Frieda looked at each other and smiled. "We're happy you like it! By the way, I have something to show you, Emma."

"What is it?" Emma asked, curious.

"While you were sleeping, I washed your clothes, and they are ready to be worn now. However, since you can't go out in those, you'll have to keep wearing what you have for now. Earlier, I mentioned wanting to wear that dress, so I tried it on, and you won't believe it— it fit me perfectly! I'm going to wear it now."

Frieda went to change her clothes and styled her hair in two braids. When she entered the room, she said, "Look, it looks so good! I like the short skirt. It's so my style. I've been telling my mom to make me short skirts, but she won't allow it."

"Yeah, it fits you perfectly! I'm shocked. It looks great on you," Emma replied.

"I wish I could go out wearing it."

Emma got up from her bed and looked into the mirror in Frieda's room. "Wow, I love the dress!" The dress was definitely magical; it was beautiful. The brown and red color combination made it look pretty and perfect for an adventure.

Frieda and Emma exchanged smiles, feeling happy in their clothes. They started to jump with excitement, and Luna joined in. Laughter filled the room.

"I think we are ready to leave," said Frieda.

"Yes! I want to meet Anton," Emma added.

"I think Luna will get bored here alone. I don't know when Mom and Dad will come home. What do you think, Emma? Should we take Luna with us?"

"Yes, we should."

"Well then, I have my bag ready." Frieda's bag was made of a plant-like material and was brown, matching her outfit perfectly.

The three of them went down to the ground floor and reached the entrance door.

Frieda said, "I wanted you to meet Mom and Dad, Emma."

"It's fine, Frieda. We can have a long talk with them once we get Anton. We'll come straight back to your house," Emma replied.

Smiling, Frieda said, "Yes, we should do that."

As they opened the door and stepped outside, they realized the journey ahead was long. But with friends together, time seemed to pass in an instant, filled with laughter, support, and adventure.