Toby got up to make his call and Travis scrambled behind him.
"I want to hear Ok," Travis called out coming up behind him.
"Ok, but no talking, and if she says they can't come don't get upset Ok," Toby told him.
"Ok, I can do that," Travis said. They both sat on the love seat anxious to hear the answer as Toby found the number.
Before he pressed the number, he smiled at Travis, he whispered, "Do it,"
They listened to the phone ring right as Toby expected the voicemail to come on, they heard, "Yes, hello," and they heard the girls giggling in the background. Toby could visualize them being excited he was calling and smiled.
"Hi, this is Toby how are you,"
"I'm fine, as you can tell the girls are excited you called."
"Travis is sitting with me, he is excited too. So, let me ask, Travis' birthday is Saturday, and we were hoping you and your girls could come to his party. He doesn't have many friends since we just got back in town."
Hearing, "yes," chanting from the girls Travis smiled he knew they would come.
"Sure, we would love to come just tell me when and where."
"Well let's say 7:00 Saturday" and he gave her the address. "You don't need to bring gifts, he has too much stuff already."
"Aah, but what is the fun of parties without presents," Lisa teased.
"True, so bring whatever you want. We are excited to see you. And could you tell Sophie Happy Birthday from us, and we can celebrate her birthday too, Toby said and then asked, "Could I call back when Big Ears goes to sleep."
"Sure, I would love that, let's say after nine."
"I can do that and I'm looking forward to seeing you all Saturday."
"Me too, it will be fun, and you don't live too far away."
"That's good, Ok so I will talk to you later," Toby said sweetly.
He pressed the red button and smiled. "So, you heard they will be here,"
"I'm going to tell Louise," Travis said and ran off calling out her name.
In two and a half hours he can call her back. That made his heart rate pick back up. Taking a piece of Travis' drawing paper, he walked out to the kitchen and sat at the counter. "Ok let's make a list of things I need to get. I keep forgetting those smell-good pots," Toby said and wrote that down first with a blue marker.
"One of those happy birthday banners the one you had is trashed I'm sure," Bobbie told him.
"Are you making the cake, or should I order one?"
"I would but I don't have the pans to make the type of cake we need." Louise started to say something, and Bobbie raised her finger. "This kitchen had the basics, but we can't keep borrowing from Louise," Bobbie complained.
"Ok, do you have a place you're interested in going to?"
"Yes, there is a good restaurant supply place not far from here. I can pick up quality things at a good price,"
"Fine in the morning I'll follow you there and tell them to charge it to my credit card and let you shop until your heart's content."
"Sounds perfect, I think they open at nine, we can go after a good breakfast once they head out to school," Bobbie said, hearing Liana and Travis playing the piano. They were playing Jingle Bells and Liana played the low notes and Travis played the high notes as they sang the song. Toby joined them forgetting his list.
They got him settled and sleeping so Toby took the opportunity to call Lisa.
"Hi!" Toby said very nervous for some reason. "I'm excited you ladies agreed to come,"
"No, we are excited."
"Well, I'm not good at giving parties so beware.
Most who will come are grownups. He doesn't know too many kids being so young." Toby told her.
"It is the age; Sophie only has a few friends too."
"Right, it is a difficult age. He is very aware of what is going on but not how to react."
"You sure we should come?"
"Oh yes, he is thrilled you're coming. Well, I just wanted to say how nice it was to see you again. And let you know I'm not sad at all that you had a stupid husband." He listened while she laughed.
"I'm pretty glad he was stupid at this point too."
He laughed at her statement.
"Yeah, so we are looking forward to seeing you all. Is there anything that you know the girls would like for the party?"
"No, they will eat about anything," she said with a little laugh.
"Ok then, I'll see you Saturday at seven. Bye," Toby said he wished he had the guts to say more but he would probably screw it up if he did. At least she knows I have a son and didn't run.
The ladies at the Party Store helped him fill three treasure bags with things little girls would like and one for Travis. They guaranteed him they would love them. He also bought Mylar balloons because they don't go flat quickly. Filling the back seat, he drove straight home and hid them in his closet. Hearing clunking in the kitchen he came out and saw Bobbie moving bags around on the island. She smiled and it looked like she made a haul. Most of the stuff ended up in the dishwashers. It all just needed a quick rinse she informed him.
"So, no problem with paying?" Toby asked.
"No, they claim they do that a lot with chefs and owners opening new restaurants. They just wanted to know what it was like working for that sexy man."
"Oh yeah and you told them wonderful right," Toby teased.
"I said, you're a dream and I love working for you."
"So sweet, so you got everything you need for the cake?"
"No, I need to go grocery shopping and pick up some stuff," Bobbie told him.
He needs to get her a credit card so she can take care of whatever she needs, he realized. They have been working as if she was not staying and he needed to make this a more permanent arrangement. So, he called Chuck and told him his dilemma. An hour later he brought over a refillable gift card with two thousand dollars on it. Toby thinks he wants to see where he lives. He offered quickly to bring it over or he wanted out of the office for a while.
"I can refill it at any time. I'll keep an eye on the bottom line and keep it full," Chuck told him as Bobbie made them a cup of coffee. His boss had pretty much only had him working on this one client. The account was so large it kept him busy dispersing it and making sure he was making money off his money. He also had his spreadsheet and banking balances. The stuff they usually go over in his office. They discussed where he wanted the money to go or did he wanted to purchase another business. He also brought perspectives for money-making businesses in the area. He had many millions and the money from the Aliens movie already came in. His percentages will start when the movie opens. The idea of worrying about another business and the workers didn't appeal to him.
"Let's talk about this after the holidays. I have a birthday and Christmas to deal with right now," Toby told him as Bobbie went out the door. She was off with the card and a Sam's card in hand. She would use Rob's and they wouldn't know any difference.
The theater store was making money not as much as he thought but then again Louise was being paid until this last week Monica too. Paying two managers is quite a bit off the profit.
He had wrapping to do and once Chuck left he sat on the floor in his room with all the papers and ribbons he bought from the party store. He boxed and wrapped until he heard Travis come in, stashing the things in his closet he walked out like nothing had happened.
"Hey big guy, how was your day?"
"Good we don't have to go back for almost three weeks," Travis told him as Toby hugged him. "My teacher liked my haircut too."
"Wow, that is a good long vacation. Is there anything you want to do while you're out of school?"
"My friend Jimmy is going to Hawaii for Christmas. Can we go?" Travis asked. Oh lord, Toby did ask.
"You know that takes some planning and most people had their reservations a long time ago. Let's go this summer, I think you'll like it there, the ocean is clean and warm."
"Maybe Sophie can go with us. She would like the water I bet." Travis said, holding his face, so he paid attention to him.
"I bet she would, later I'll ask her mother. If I ask right now, she may think I'm a weirdo," Toby teased.
"I get to go," Liana said, smiling, waiting for her invitation.
"Of course, who would watch the kids?" Toby chuckled as his phone rang. He didn't know the name, but he did know the area code was California.
"Yes hello, yes this is Toby McBride how can I help you? He said and listened for a while.
"Oh yes, I liked it and gave it to Gavin for consideration for the score. I thought it followed the storyline well.
Thank you
Yes, my son composed it.
Sure, he lives with me.
I'm sure he would have no problem with you adding to it.
Hang on and I will ask," Toby told the caller,
"Travis, this man likes your music and wants to add an orchestra to your pieces. He wants to know if it is Ok.
"Sure, do I get to hear it?" Travis asked very excitedly.
"I'm sure when he gets done."
"Yeah, it is fine," Travis told him and went back to drawing.
"But he does want to hear it when you're done," Toby told the man on the phone.
"Yes, he is young, yes, he turns two in three days.
No, it is not a joke. He has been working on music for about nine months. His piano teacher wrote it down as he composed, and she played it for the tape. His fingers are too short to play all the notes he wanted for the pieces," Toby told the surprised man.
"I know he is amazing." Kind of shocked he hadn't heard about him when he was shot.
"Yes, you may use the music for the movie and send the score payment here to Travis McBride," Toby said, acting like Louise making sure he gets the payments.
"I know it's kind of chilling at times.
"Right, that is why I gave it to them as I listened to it, it just seemed to flow with at least the part of the movie I was in."
"Have you seen any of it?"
"Good, is it good?"
"Scary good, I thought so."
"Yes, I would love to see it."
"Yeah, I understand, but I would still love to see what they have."
"Have you ever done the talk show circuit?"
"Ok, I hear you tit for tat."
"Enjoy it and make it sound good."
Sure, Bye," Toby said and pressed the red button.
"Well they loved your music and Gavin plans to use it. They are going to expand it but use the basic music. The composer was having a hard time producing a score, so Gavin gave him the CD I gave him to listen to as you asked.
"He liked my music?" Travis asked, smiling up at his father excitedly.
"Yes, very much, and was shocked you are so young. So, you young man will be a known composer at the ripe old age of two,"
Travis was thrilled and ran over to the piano and began to play something new as Toby entered the kitchen. Bobbie and Liana stood in the kitchen grinning as he came around the corner.
"So, they are going to use his music for the movie," Liana asked. He had worked so hard on it, and she was thrilled they would use his concerto.
"Yes, they plan to add an orchestra to the music, expand it, and use the basic score. So that is exciting I may need to contact Mike to add Travis to his client list," Toby said in a teasing manner.
"Maybe you should, who knows what he will come up with next," Liana suggested listening as he composed another song. It sounds light and airy, not scary like the Alien one. She wondered if he knew something Toby didn't know. Was there another movie coming for him?
"Yeah, who knows it may be worth a lot of money," Toby said and walked away with his phone in hand. It could be one of those scores that sticks to everyone's memory like Jaws or Superman's theme.
"Hey Mike, it is Toby Mc."
"Good, good, I just got a call," he said and closed his door.
"He'll send a contract to them. He thought I was kidding, he knew Travis was smart but a composer, that blew his mind," Toby told them while he looked for something to eat. The pantry was packed with junk food after Sam's trip. He pulled out a small bag of cookies from a big box and walked off smiling. Travis saw what he sat down with and scrambled off the piano bench to check it out.
"Sweetie come and get one of your own, those are small bags," Bobbie suggested reaching into the cabinet for more.
With a quick 'thank you', he ran to the couch and climbed up to sit next to his daddy. Toby opened his bag and they sat back to watch TV for a little while. A Christmas special was on and kept them both entertained as the cookies disappeared.
"I called Mike and had him send a contract to Gavin for your music. We'll put whatever you make in an account just for you. So, what made you write that music?"
"Well you told me about your new movie, and it just came to me that it would sound like that. Scary and sad but then happy then you won, and everyone will be OK in this world."
"That movie is scary, I'm not sure you should see it as young as you are. It scared me just making it," Toby told him.
Travis giggled and went back to eating his cookies.
Everyone was busy cleaning and decorating; the party would start in two hours. The house smelled like heaven between, Toby's smell-good pots and the hundreds of snacks Bobbie has made. The T's were trying to eat them as fast as she could make them. Travis likes the sausages wrapped in biscuits the best. She made those she knew kids loved them. But some cheese on a cracker was second best according to Travis.
They finally slowed down on the eating and the snacks were adding up. The banner was up, and gifts were on the behind the couch table. The train was going around the tree and an Alan Jackson's Christmas CD played on a loop softly in the background. At exactly 7:00 the bell rang. Someone had changed the chime to a Christmas tune he noticed as he answered the door. Travis bounced on his toes so excited for company. Opened the door and there it was, that smile; his heart began to pound even harder than it had all evening with anticipation.
"I hope you don't mind we are early, I drove around the block twice, but the girls have been driving me crazy to come over."
"No not at all I'm glad you're here," he said, opening the glass door to let them in.
She walked towards him as he held the door open and stepped to his side and the girls slipped in. Pulling her into a one-arm hug he whispered, "I'm thrilled you're here. You should be able to feel my heart pounding," he said holding her against his chest and he felt hers beating rapidly too. She was a tall willow thin woman graceful with long blonde hair to her waist. The silky kind of hair he loved. He knew that she would always be thin and beautiful until she was old, very much a young Louise type. Letting her loose she stepped in and smiled again looking back at him she was impressed with his home.
"Oh my, what a beautiful place," Lisa said, taking the home in. Her girls were doing the same thing as Travis was trying to take them to the tree. He wanted to show them the train. The thing has fascinated him from the start. Noting where the other gifts were sitting Lisa took his present and placed it on the table. She noticed the one with Sophie's name on it and smiled at how sweet that was.
Liana and Bobbie stood in the kitchen watching the exchange, smiling at one another they could tell the heat was on between them. Both were happy for Toby; he needs someone in his life. He had been screwed over and alone for too long.
Lisa smiled seeing the other women and approached them with Toby right behind her.
"Lisa, this is Bobbie my wonderful chef she is the best and this is Liana she is Travis' nanny, teacher, and all-around wrangler for him," Toby told them, "The little one is Sophie and the bigger one is Megan," he said pointing out the girls who are moving bulbs on to the train giggling as it went around.
"They are beautiful little girls," Liana told her.
Seeing what they were doing Lisa called out, "Girls don't tear up his things."
Quietly Toby told her, "They can't do much damage Travis has rearranged that tree a dozen times and the bulbs won't break. Let me show you around," he said, leading her away from the kitchen, "we have been back only a few weeks, so we are still settling in." Flipping the lights on in the back they looked out to the pool area. It was nice, nothing fancy, but nice. He needed outdoor furniture, but he would wait until spring. Taking her around past the tree she could see what they were doing, and that train had all their attention. She saw the piano and asked, "Do you play?"
"No, it's Travis who plays," Toby told her and strummed the strings like a harp as they walked around. "That is all the talent I have,' Toby teased.
"Do you mind?" she asked, taking his smile as a yes, she sat and began to play. She played along with the song on the CD and followed along beautifully. Travis got excited when he heard her playing and left the girls to watch her.
"I can play," Travis announced so she scooted down to make room for him and she played the tune on the lower notes. He watched her play for a while and began to play what she played. Lisa was shocked she expected him to pound as Sophie did, but he played as close to what Lisa played until the doorbell rang. He took off to see who was there as Toby walked away to do the same.
Watching him walk away she moaned he was so fine, and her heartbeat sped up again. Alli and Liz came in bearing presents and hugs for everyone. Louise was right behind them. The energy in the home picked up as everyone was introduced around. Toby prayed that Alli would keep her mouth shut and not bring up the other women in his past. He hadn't even thought of her doing that until this second.
Alli noted the replacement of a couple of pieces of furniture and kept looking and talking to the others. The rush at the store was over so they could relax. Bob was the busy one. He promised he would be there soon Alli assured Toby.
Louise was speaking with Lisa about Travis' amazing talents kind of filling her in on his background. Reminding her about the shooting and how he told the police officers who shot his father. Of course, she didn't tell her it was her son who shot him. Bobbie also told them about the concertos he wrote being used in the new movie. He played the one piece when he heard her talking about it as they talked about the movie. Toby was telling the women where the different parts would fit in the movie. Painting the scary picture of the parts, he played. Yes, it was a movie, but it was scary even without the CGI. The scenes had his heart pumping fast as he played out the script.
He got them laughing describing the way the monsters were portrayed in the film. He could tell Lisa was afraid he was going to scare the girls who were looking concerned, so he changed the subject.
Travis almost finished the whole thing when Bob came in with a big present wrapped funny and Megan called out, "You got a bike." Hugs and introductions and you shouldn't have gone around the room.
"Well, you wanted him to get some exercise, didn't you?" Bob teased.
"Right, and I get to run along behind him," Toby added, seeing his future played out in the driveway. He felt it was payback.
"You have a large driveway, and that kid is smart," Bob pointed out, unconcerned for his friend's health.
Megan seemed to be having a good time, but the difference between Sophie and Travis was night and day. She was delightful and as sweet as she could be, but her verbal ability was very limited. Maybe twelve words he could make out and a lot of mumbling, but Lisa seemed to understand her just fine.
Gifts were opened and the car was center stage as it zoomed around the house. The girls played with the treasure bag, and yes, they loved them. Liana was saying the controls for the car would help Travis' hand-eye coordination. Sophie received a beautiful doll and spent a lot of time looking at it and fixing its hair as the evening went on.
Monica came in with her son who was not thrilled to be there. He didn't know any teens who wanted to go to a two-year-old's birthday. Picking on him for a few minutes he invaded the kitchen and ate his fill watching the car zoom around the living room. It crashed several times. Monica had a long present and was telling Toby the rule of height on kids. Having Travis stand against the wall Toby measured him using a black Sharpie to mark his height and dated it.
"Now add that two and a half times to that height measurement is supposed to be how tall he will be when he is grown," Monica told him.
Getting excited to know he pulled out paper and started adding it up. Louise slipped it out of his reach as he tapped to answer the addition. "I was about to get it," he grumbled as the others laughed.
"Six feet five inches, but he is not really two so we could add a half inch or more. So, it could be six-six." Louise said.
"I always expected he would be tall and taller than me. He will probably be a linebacker."
"Over my dead body. He is not going to get concussion syndrome from playing football, his brain is too valuable," Louise told the entire household forcefully.
"Hey I played football," Toby complained.
"Maybe that is why you can't add," she quipped back.
"No, they invented a calculator, who adds anymore," he snapped back and smiled. He bought three for the store. He even got one that had a read-out tape like an accountant uses.
"Very true," Lisa said defending him.
He appreciated that. "Thank you," he said and leaned in, hugged her shoulder to his chest, and kissed her on her temple. "See, she understands. What is Alli's excuse, she didn't play football?"
"I'm lazy," Alli gave for a reason. Everyone laughed and went back to eating Bobbies delicious snacks.
Bobbie brought out the cake she made. It had Hot Wheels all over it with a make-believe road and wrote Happy Birthday Travis down the center with two candles that sat on one edge so he could blow them out and not spit all over the cake. They all could tell she was a mother.
As the kids ran off their sugar high on the stairs Lisa prepared to leave. They enjoyed the party, but the girls were two hours past bedtime, she explained as she got their stuff collected. Coats, shoes, and treasures were tossed around the living room. She ended up on her knees looking under furniture to find them. Toby was embarrassed when she stood, and she had dust on her knees. He had to find a housekeeper and wondered if Louise would be interested. Bobbie tries but that is not her job, and the house is big.
Following her around like a puppy dog he didn't want her to get away before he could ask her out. The opportunity hadn't come along yet. He had hoped they could sit and talk as the party went on but no such luck.
"Girls come on let's go," she called up the stairs. Megan startled her, "Oh Mom." As Lisa called out again for them to come on.
Lisa filled the treasure bags as Toby handed her different toys he found lying around. "Any chance we could go out this weekend?"
"I would love the girls to go with their dad this weekend if he shows up."
"Is he not dependable?"
"No, he uses every excuse he used when we were married. Sometimes he doesn't pick them up until the next day and then brings them back early."
"Ok, so when is a good time?" Toby asked, he was not giving up.
"We can try on Friday night. He should get them on time. His mother expects them to celebrate Christmas with them."
"If not, we could bring them here and Liana will watch them. I have plenty of bedrooms so they can sleep here easily," Toby offered looking up at the top of the stairs as the girls stood looking down at them.
"Do I get to spend the night too," she teased,
"Sure, but we have to share my room and I promise you won't be sleeping."
"Well I hope he doesn't show," she said and then called out, "Come on girls let's go," she was embarrassed that she said that, but Lord she had thought of nothing else since she saw him at the haircut place. When he asked if she went out, she passed out. Now that is not true it was when he walked in even before she realized she had met him before. That man had an ass you could bounce a quarter off and a face that would stop traffic. Plus, she knows he is sweet and good-natured, great with kids and women love him. It was apparent by the number of women who worked for him, and they were all happy, but none seemed to be interested in him beyond a quick hug.
"Ok," Toby said smiling like heck yeah, "you have my number so call me if Friday is not going to work, otherwise I'll be there at 8:00."
"Girls come on," she called out. Liana had gone up as they flirted and was escorting the girls to the stairs. "No, you clean it up you let them pull your room apart," Liana scolded as Travis argued his point that he needed help with his room extending the girls' visit.
"Clean your room and get ready for bed. It is late, be glad we let you stay up so late," Toby called out to him as the girls made their way reluctantly down the stairs.
"When you come to my house you can make a mess in their room, is that a deal Travis," Lisa called out.
"Tomorrow?" Travis asked.
"Sure, have your daddy bring you at lunchtime and I'll make you a peanut butter sandwich." She offered with a smile.
"No, Daddy can buy tacos, right Daddy?" Travis said standing at the top of the stairs calling out orders.
"Sure, what is your address," he asked leaning in closer to her.
"You're sure that is way out of your way?" Lisa complained.
"I'll bring anything that will make you happy," Toby offered he was thrilled to spend time with her. Thanks, Travis.
"I'm assuming Taco Bell," Lisa asked. That is the best place for tacos around there.
"Ok, then beans and rice," and she went on with her list she knew the girls would eat. She knew he was lost and then laughed at his expression. Toby went for another piece of paper as she told him her address and quick directions. Then told him her order again.
Hugs and kisses on the cheek later and they were gone.
"Ok, so what do y'all think?" Toby asked.
"I think she is beautiful and sweet. Are you looking for an instant family?" Alli asked, sticking her two cents in first.
"I like kids, and no one said I was going to marry her."
"Then don't play with her, she has it bad for you. We could see it in her eyes," Liz told him, "don't play around with the girl."
"We haven't even gone out yet. What do you mean, don't play around with her."
"That she has her heart on her sleeve so don't break it. Slow and steady, not a rush job," Louise told him.
"I'm aware she is still working past the divorce, and he is a jerk."
"But he is not your jerk," Liz snapped back. "You have to let her handle him or you could cause a war."
"I just want to get to know her, not marry her or create a problem."
"Good then just take it slow and don't break her heart," Louise chastised.
"Sorry I asked," Toby said and walked away. He can't win with these women. They think he is a heart-breaking whore.