Toby could forget about working out at least until the holidays are over. He was working from sunup to sundown and then some. He was impressed with the homes he worked in and bought more lottery tickets with the hopes of hitting one of them. He knew it was a waste of money, but there was no other way for him to make that kind of money. His becoming a doctor was out of the realm of possibilities. He was enjoying the work and several of the trophy wives paid way too much attention to him. He would smile at the attention, finish his work and leave. He hoped the husbands appreciated his work ethic. A few have given him a run for his money getting out of their homes. But they were all way too skinny for him so no real temptation.
Speaking of skinny Regina was worrying him. Her depression seems to be wearing her down. He hasn't dropped by much because of the hours at work, but he has noticed she seems to be withdrawn. It was hard to get her to smile. A few times he had stopped by her place, he noticed she had swollen eyes. It appeared to him that she had been crying. He knows her father died at Christmas last year, maybe that was the trigger. He hopes she makes it through the holidays.
Suicides are always up during this season. He has started hugging her and kissing the top of her head as of late. She seems to enjoy that and has smiled a few times as he leaves. He hated that she was sad, but his job kept him busy, he could only spend so much time with her, and try to get enough sleep and he was not going to sleep with her. She was way too screwed up to add him to her mix of problems.
Louise reminded him she was not his wife or girlfriend, but did invite them both to her house for Christmas dinner. After hearing her sad tale Louise felt she had to. One of her sons, an attorney and a high-priced corporate one, is taking his family to Turks and Caicos' for the holidays. Her other son has a good job but is recently separated and his kid will be with his mother. She expects him to be a crab all day and would love to have a diversion from him. She had both sons for Thanksgiving, so she would love to have Toby come, it will be a distraction for her son at Christmas. Maybe he would be better behaved with strangers around.
Regina was welcome and she wanted to meet her. She is the only woman Toby has ever talked about. Except for Candace, they have heard about that one. He moaned and groaned about her for weeks. She knows Regina isn't a romantic interest, but she sounds like she could use some distractions too. He has voiced his concerns for her often, which is strange for Toby; he doesn't normally show concern for anything but his muscles. She would hate for her to hurt herself. God forbid she did something and she could have given her a distraction for the day.
Toby entered the back room looking over the list of installs they had two more days until Christmas, and he was exhausted. He couldn't wait to go to Louise's to eat and relax. They went over her menu and his mouth hadn't stopped watering. Of course, she was not cooking it all. She was having some brought in, many of the side dishes, her words; she plans to cook a small turkey and a ham. He is to be there at three.
He had his list of installs for today and tomorrow, the true surprise Christmas gifts for the wealthy families in the area. One customer ordered a system almost a month ago, but wanted it installed Christmas Eve as late as possible for some reason. Probably to just give the installer a hard time. We will prove we are in charge of your underlings. Whatever, that was fine, it was left for the end of the day and it was close to the store.
Loading the installs for the day he headed out. Liz had done a horrible job of scheduling the stops. It was like first come first serve as he was crisscrossing the downtown and northern part of the city all day. His only saving grace was the customers staying close to home thank God. They at least weren't dominos, and he had a three-hour leeway. As he worked, he kept repeating one more day, then it went to one more install and then he gotta eat.
The lights were shining bright in Regina's apartment when Toby got home. She had packages and wrapping paper ribbon on the table. She must have Ubered to Wal-Mart today. She didn't drive, she never learned. Toby figures the world might be better off without her on the road.
She wasn't at her perch, so Toby tried the door. "Hey sweetie, you in," Toby called out, shocked to find the door unlocked late at night. He made a quick note of the three gifts on the table. He was glad he picked up things for her in the last few weeks. He enjoyed having someone to buy for. He was informed they didn't exchange gifts at work, which was one less worry.
She was in a surprisingly good mood when she came out of her room. Maybe the invite Toby told her about last week has lifted her spirits.
"Oh, look at your nice haircut," Toby said, hoping she couldn't hear the shock in his voice. She had the most beautiful long reddish-brown hair and she had cut it off to above her shoulders. Why! That was her best part. He had enjoyed hugging her because of the feel of her long silky hair. Now all he was going to feel were her ribs and he hated feeling ribs.
Aha, it hits him, now he knows why he likes chubby girls. His mother was so thin living on Jack Daniels it didn't add much weight. He had lifted her onto her bed for years until she died and felt nothing but bones. My God, he just figured his life out because she cut her hair. Now he must backtrack because she has been talking non-stop and he has no idea what she is talking about. Raising his hands, palms out, she took the clue and stopped talking.
"Ok, I'm sorry I was thinking about your hair and heard nothing else. What were you saying?"
"Actually, I have been just rambling. Are we still on for Saturday?" Regina asked, running her hands over her hair. She loved it short. It had held her down for so long. She had no idea how freeing it was to cut your hair. She watched a girl walk out of the salon at Wal-Mart so happy with her haircut, and she wanted to be happy. After all, it was Christmas, and she was free now.
"Well, you look very pretty. I'm going to bed; I have one more crazy day and then I'm free. Louise says after Christmas it is quiet, that is the time we regroup. We'll start getting in the new systems and I'll be replacing the old with the new in the store," Toby told her, sounding exhausted from the day.
"Go to bed sweetie and come by tomorrow when you're done I'll have a cold beer for you," Regina suggested with a smile.
"That sounds perfect, I'll see you tomorrow," he told her, extending his arms and she stepped into his embrace. He cupped the back of her head and felt the silky softness of her hair. Kissed the top of her head as if she was a child and backed away. "I'll see you tomorrow, and yes, we are still going to my boss', she is excited to meet you," Toby told her and walked to the door. He was so happy to see her in a good mood. He had been concerned that she would ruin Christmas with her depressed mood, but she seemed fine today.
The first house was filled with kids, and they were watching his every move. Once he attached the PlayStation 4 their attention went to the game on the huge screen. The mothers stood back, grateful for the distraction for the kids. It looked like they had family from all overspending the holiday and the mothers could use the reprieve from the out-of-control kids.
This was the theme of the day. Family needs to be entertained by the big screen. Before he picked up all his tools and loaded his rig the TV mesmerized the kids and fighting over what to watch or to play had started. He felt they waited until the families were in town to show off what they bought. He heard one complaining that this was the first opening they could find to install the system. He kept his mouth shut and let her run her scam.
He installed three more; the last one was on Candace's street, he noted as he pulled out the paperwork. He installed a system on the same street last week. He was a doctor too. They even had the DR on the sales receipt. Toby thought that was a little pretentious, but he rationalized if he paid that much to be a doctor, he would want to flaunt it too. He drove up her street looking for the address. His breath caught when he stopped in front of Candace's house. "Oh, this is the topper," he complained. He hoped she was at the hospital and the maid would answer the door as so many of the other places have. He grabbed the invoice and headed for the door. He was a grown man and could face this woman who made him feel like shit for months now. It was already dark when he knocked, he could see through the distorted glass on the front door a tall, thin, dark-haired woman was approaching. He knew immediately she was Candace's mother. She had her mother's looks with the added weight. "Hello, I'm here to install an entertainment system."
"Oh yes please come in and I'll show you where my husband wants it. I'm Maureen Masters," she told him and extended her hand to shake. He watched her eyes taking him in and blushed, she was a bold one. He could see where Candace got her forwardness. Hearing people talking in the kitchen area he followed her up the stairs. She had taken his arm and pulled him close, so her breast was pressed against his arm. He has learned from the past eight months to be nice but not tempted. As if he would be with a skinny older woman.
"I have to apologize, my husband was called away for emergency surgery, he told me where he wanted the thing set up," she told him as they entered an upstairs room. The chairs they ordered were already sitting facing the wall. She pointed at the spot on the wall where he wanted the screen hung.
"Perfect, let me go and get my tools and start bringing the components up. This won't take long," he told her, hoping that would make her let his arm go. He moved to walk away and felt her reluctance to let go, but she did release him. They had purchased a low table and ten theater chairs that were already set up. Another company brought them and set them up a few days ago. Louise just sold them and took a cut. They had a pool table that was pushed against the back wall, but they had plenty of room for the chairs. Toby brought his tool bag and the soundbar and bass up for his first trip. The woman followed him back down the stairs and held the door for him.
Her husband had purchased one of the largest TVs they offer. Which was a little too big for the room. He wondered what he was compensating for. Toby was lucky it was not that heavy, but it was difficult to hang on to alone. It has small hand holes in the box so the manufacturer must have realized they had to give the installer a break. He brought the screen up and now he needs his helping handstand to help mount it. He only had to install a Blu-ray, Direct TV, and the sound bar with this one he should be done quickly. Running his stud finder along the wall, he found a stud luckily in the middle of the wall and set to screw in the bracket. He swallowed wrong and began to cough as the woman bore a hole in his back watching his every move.
"Oh, let me go get you a drink of water," Maureen said and scurried from the room as he hacked up a lung. Thinking thank God she left he felt like she was sucking his soul out of his body staring so hard. He worked quickly; this was his last install and then he was free. Apparently, Candace was not home, and he may leave without humiliation.
He had the rest of the weekend so he could rest. Louise knows he has worked his butt off, and everyone was pleased with his work. He heard the phone ring and hoped it would keep her busy a while longer. He may be done before she comes back. He lined the brackets up, slid the L pin in place, and removed the holder. He plugged the TV in and found the direct TV box hooked up next to the Blu-ray and the soundbar. Waiting for the direct TV box to run their system check he noticed someone by the door. Taking a second look he plopped down on his bottom and stared.
"What are you doing here," Candace demanded.
"Installing, I assume a Christmas present," Toby smarted back, thinking what the hell happened to her. She is huge, he liked them thick, but she has gotten carried away with the weight deal. Her face looked like a basketball big and round. Toby righted himself and stood. The TV was working sitting on the information channel drawing his attention. He needed to finish this and leave. Before he knew what he was doing, he asked "What happened to you?"
"I could ask the same of you, I have been looking for you for months."
"Well, if you had asked for my name or my phone number, I would have gladly given it to you. I liked you Candace and you treated me like a piece of meat. I was here to serve you and nothing more," Toby told her, but was not looking at her, he was still so hurt. Plus, the reality of how she looked now, kind of upset him.
"Well, you got your revenge, I got pregnant."
That got his attention and answered why she was so big. "How? We used protection... Didn't we?" He asked and she could hear he didn't believe her in his voice.
"Yeah, I know those condoms were my brothers and he had poked holes in them."
"Why the hell did he do that," Toby asked, his mind spinning, what dumb reason would he have to do that?
"So, when are you due," he asked, thinking of all the fricken places he had to install a system.
"Oh, thanks, I had it five days ago," Candace told him, and he began to look around as if he would see the baby.
"It is not here dumbass. It came early and they kept it. I need you to sign papers so I can put it up for adoption. I don't want it."
Those words hit him between the eyes like a two-by-four. "What do you mean?" His immediate thoughts had been child support and visitation, not adoption.
"I had a life before this and had no plans to have a baby. I planned to put it up for adoption, but I need your signature. I looked for you every Friday and Saturday at Red River for months."
"So, is it a boy or girl?" he asked because all he was hearing was blab, blab.
"I don't know and don't care. I'm not keeping it. If you sign the papers it can be placed in a good home. Otherwise, CPS will take it within a few days and put it in foster care. I figured I'd let them take it from the hospital. That would be better than dropping it off at a Fire Station," she told him with contempt.
Toby was seething as she spoke. He hadn't pegged her as such a cold heartless bitch. "Where is it," he asked, wanting to punch his fist into her smug fat face. He was damn sure he could accomplish some pretty devastating damage as mad as he was. He pined for this bitch for months. This sure shows him he has no taste in women.
"I had it at Baylor. They said they would keep it about a week to make sure I don't change my mind and then they will call Child Services."
He knew they wouldn't let him see the baby without something from her claiming he was the father, which was the only thing that would work. One of the men he worked with at Fields complained about not being able to see his son without permission from his wife. Ok, yes, it was not an ideal situation. He and his wife were separated at the time, but it was still his kid. This was not an ideal situation either, but he would see his child before he signed anything.
"Ok write me a letter of introduction so they know I'm the father. I want to see the baby before I sign anything," Toby told her loudly with a lot of anger in his voice as Maureen returned with his water.
"What the hell is going on here?" She asked angrily, she was concerned Candace had been coming on to this guy as disgustingly fat as she is. What a fool she is.
"What the hell is right, Mom. This is the baby's father," Candace said, swinging her hand at him as if he were a disgusting person.
Looking between them, she was shocked that, that man had sex with her fat daughter even before she gained all this weight having that baby
"He wants to see the baby before he signs the papers. When he is done up here, bring him down. I have to write something to give him permission to see it," Candace told her mother and asked, "Your name is what?"
"Toby McBride," he said, his disdain sounding out loudly. She left him to her mother. Hers and his disdain was too much. She had had enough from her mother and didn't want him. She was doing what was best for her. She can't raise a baby and be an intern for the next three years. She has only had a glimpse of the years ahead and knew they would be difficult and impossible with a baby to care for.
Toby told Maureen the short story and how she treated him as she escorted him from the house just to let her know he was not to blame for the one-night stand situation.
Candace had the paper ready by the time he packed his stuff into the van, and she met him at the door. "Come back Sunday and my father should be here, and he will have the papers for you to sign."
He took the paper and read it over. She named him as the father and to let him have access to the Master's baby then turned his attention to her. "Wow, Candace I didn't realize you were so cold. I liked you Candace, and I would have been here for you."
"Oh, thanks Toby, all I need is a TV repairman hanging around. No thanks, leave Toby," she told him rudely as if saying his name for the first time was bitter in her mouth. She sure had no problem with saying it when he made her body surge.
He sat at a red light leaving her neighborhood and had no idea how he got there. Christmas lights were lining the streets looking so festive and all he could think about was that bitches face and how he wanted to smash it in. The store sat dark and empty as he drove up to the garage door to return the van.
He jumped out, punched in the code waiting impatiently for the door to rise. He pulled in, dropped his invoices in the box, and exited his truck. The sun had been down for a couple of hours, yet he still worked on Christmas Eve. Regina will be wondering where he is, but he has a baby to see.
He could never live with himself if he didn't go and at least see what she had. He is not about to drag Regina into this mess he has found himself in. Thank God this was the first time for this kind of mess. He has a son or daughter, and she was going to give it away like an unwanted puppy and he wouldn't have known. His entire life he wouldn't know he had a child. That wound his soul.
Toby stood outside the entrance to the nursery he could see tray after tray of babies and somewhere in there was his child. He got over being angry on the drive over and was just excited now. All the homes with Christmas lights had put him in the Christmas spirit. Even the crap neighborhoods were lit up.
"Yes, can I help you," a woman in scrubs asked, answering his knock.
"I'm Toby McBride, the father of the Master's baby, I want to see it," He told the woman who answered the door, handing the letter to her.
"It is a boy, sir, and I'm glad you showed up. We were feeling so sorry for him being Christmas and all. He looks like you, so handsome just like his daddy," the woman said, looping her arm around his arm and leading him into the nursery. He washed his hands forever as she told him all about his tiny son. He slipped on a blue gown while she collected him up. She had him sit in a rocker and moments later she brought out a tiny bundle with a blue stocking cap tucked over his head. He must have been startled out of his sleep as he worked himself into a fuss.
"Thanks," Toby said as she placed him in his hands. His heart went out to him the moment he saw him, and he knew in that instant he couldn't let him go. No way could he leave him here for the state. This was his child, and he couldn't let go.
He made a little fuss and then settled into his arms. He was so tiny and weighed nothing. The strange thing was it felt right to hold him; he was not afraid he was going to hurt him. He knew he could never hurt or abandon him. This was his son; he would protect and care for his son as Toby's father had never done for him.
"I didn't know anything about him until an hour ago," he told the nurse who stood over them. He could hear babies crying all around him and said. "I just happened to come across his mother, and she informed me of his existence. I was willing to have a relationship, but she wasn't. To her, I was a one-night stand and that is it. Kind of a reverse hump-and-dump thing. So, this little one is a shocker to me. She told me she doesn't want him."
"Oh yes, we have been informed. What about you?"
"Me? Oh yes," he said as his son's mouth bowed to a pucker so sweetly. "I want him, but I don't have a thing for a baby."
"Oh, we can set you up with everything you need until the stores open Sunday. Do you have anyone to help you?"
Faces flashed before his eyes, and all were smiling. "Yes, I have plenty of help, they just don't know about him, but they will help gladly." He visualized the girls fawning all over him.
"Well, it will be a big Christmas surprise for them. I will go and collect up supplies for him. We have all kinds of things here. You would be amazed how many people have babies and have nothing for them. This little guy was a little premature, but he is doing well. His breathing is good now and he isn't fussy. He is a good baby. Some cry all the time," she said as a baby screamed his head off in the background.
"That little guy was born a few minutes ago and is being cleaned up, they aren't pinching him, or anything of that sort," she teased with a flirty smile. The nurse turned quickly and asked, "You are taking him tonight right," She asked and quickly added to show the urgency, "Our director said she was calling CPS soon and if they get involved it will be difficult for both of you. The director said Monday morning first thing, she is mad at Doctor Masters. She thinks he gave his daughter Pitocin to make her go into labor and have him earlier. She would have missed the new session for internships," the nurse offered, sounding disgusted at the thought of putting a baby's life in peril like that. That seemed to be the theme of this family. He was disgusted with them too, Toby thought.
"Yes, I'll take him," came out of his mouth before he gave it a second thought. He knew he had plenty of money to buy whatever he needed. He will have to find a sitter and where to put a crib was another thought. But for some reason, he was not concerned about taking care of him. This was his son, and he was raising him, and he will know he is loved. His son will never know hunger, and pain or feel unwanted or unloved or how abuse felt he vowed.
She came back with a nice blue diaper bag that looked overstuffed.
"You're just going to let me take him?" Toby asked this nurse who was rushing around him.
"You're the father, right?"
"Yes, as far as I know. She claims I am. And you're right he looks like me in a way."
She went over, stood behind him, and looked at the baby again and back at him. "In a court of law, I would swear he is yours. Look at those lips, those are your daddy's," she cooed to the baby. "He was as early as six weeks if you're concerned with the timing. But I do have paperwork for you to fill out first. He needs a name, and they will need an address to send the birth certificate.
"We filled out as much as we could and thought we would have Dr. Masters sign for his daughter, but you will do," she said as she was filling another diaper bag with bottles and nipples. On top of that, she stuffed caps, tiny shirts, and baby blankets. Two other nurses came in with the screamer who had calmed down to see what was going on.
"Baby Master's father," she announced with a sweep of her hand.
They smiled and were so happy to see him. "Oh, this is wonderful," one of them said and looked him over.
"Yeah, he didn't know she was pregnant. She did send this paper for him to have the baby," her tag reads Angie Fletcher RN.
"Yeah, I just found out about him. She was treating him like an unwanted puppy. She would have given him away and I would have never known about him," Toby said, looking at his son's face not believing he could have never known him. Tears came to his eyes as the reality hit. He tried to hold back the emotions that had seized him with that statement.
Never again will he have a one-night stand, set deep in his soul. This little guy will change his life forever. He spent two hours learning how to feed him, change him, swaddle him, and why. As he was learning to feel comfortable with caring for him, he bonded with him.
Shift change for the nurses was coming and they wanted to send him on his way before more people became involved. They were pressing their luck giving him to Toby who only had a piece of paper claiming he was the father. But they all knew it was the boy's best chance for a good life before he was caught in the foster care system. By the way he looked at him he would protect him with his life, the nurses knew.
"His name is Travis Alan McBride," he announced after bouncing names around with the nurses for close to an hour as he learned to be a good father. He changed two diapers in that two-hour timeframe and was impressed with the boy's package. He was definitely his son, he pointed out to Angie. Marveled over his toes and did a quick count. He was perfect just like the nurses told him. "Why had his mother rejected him?" Toby questioned as he swaddled his son in preparation to go.
"So, you could have him and make a good life for him. I would hate to be a Master's child, way too much pressure. Plus, everyone knows she abandoned her son. She will be treated with contempt. She just doesn't realize how people feel about her," Lisa, one of the other nurses, told him as Angie pushed another baby to the window so the adoring family could look at it. It hurt Toby to know his son hadn't had that, but he will know love from now on.
As all three of the nurses stood looking at him, he realized he needed to go before someone came along and stopped him. They loaded Travis in a donated car seat, and they lectured him about never taking him in the car without it. She wrapped him in three blankets, locked him in tightly and Angie followed him out to the front door and waited for him to drive up. She placed the car seat in the passenger seat and buckled him in. She turned to Toby, and he hugged her and thanked her for her help. With a pat on his back, she sent him on his way praying she had done the right thing.
When he got home it was almost eleven o'clock, he could see Regina's TV flickering. She may be up, but he didn't know what to say to her. The responsibility was overwhelming him as he walked weighted down with all the stuff. What has he done to himself?
He walked by her apartment at first, she was mad he hadn't stopped like he said he would. Next, she saw he had bags hanging over his shoulders and thought of presents, and then she realized he was carrying what looked like a baby carrier and jumped up and ran to the door. "Toby," she called out excitement, shock, and concern all sounding in his name. What was going on was all she could think.
"Put on your shoes, lock up, and come down," he told her as his door swung open, and sure enough it was a baby carrier in his hand. She could see better when he turned the light on in his apartment. She scurried to do as she was told and walked into his place, realizing she had never been there before. She noted it was clean and furnished well for a man as she walked in. He had put the two matching bags on his counter and raised the carrier placing it next to the bags.
"Ok, I know this looks crazy, but I just found out," he said and looked at his clock. "About four hours ago, a woman I had a one-night stand with told me she had given birth to my son and planned to give him away. I had to go and collect him from the hospital," he said as Regina stood stock still in shock.
"No way was she giving away my son." Toby lifted tiny Travis from the carrier, walked over to his couch and sat placing him on his legs. Patting the couch and encouraging Regina to sit next to him and see the baby. She looked around a little like, this is a dream. She walked into a fantasy as she walked towards him.
"And they just gave him to you?" She wondered if they were crazy because this man knew nothing about babies. As they sat looking at him as Toby told her the story. The answer was an apparent yep they gave him a tiny baby.
"So anyways, this is Travis Alan McBride my son and my Merry Christmas present," Toby said looking at his sleeping child.
"What are you going to do?"
"I have no idea, but I'm hoping Louise will have some suggestions. She has been around a while. I'm just glad we will be slowing down after the holidays. If she will let me have him at the store I can still work and still take care of him. If you go wash your hands, I'll let you hold him."
He watched as she made the decision between the kitchen and the bathroom. He was thankful the place was clean. He hadn't spent enough time here lately to mess it up. A quick burger and then home had been his life lately. He needs to do laundry, but otherwise, he is good.
The reality of what he has taken on hit him as Regina held the baby. He made little grunting sounds as she moved him around to get a better look. She made him nervous with the way she held him so he suggested, "Let me put him to bed, he should sleep two more hours than he will need to be fed. He eats every three to four hours. That is going to be my biggest problem with loss of sleep. But new mothers do it so I can." Toby stood and went to his room, found his second set of sheets, changed them, and placed his softest pillow in the middle of his bed. That will be Travis's throne for right now. Taking him from Regina, she followed him to his room. He placed the baby in the middle of the pillow and covered him with the other baby blankets.
"I'll open my blinds when I'm awake so you can come over. We'll go to Louise's around three. She has to help me," Toby said and led her to the door. He watched her until she closed her door. Stepping back in, he closed his door locked up and he was alone with this huge responsibility. He jacked up his heater, stripped down to his boxers, grabbed a sheet, carefully laid down, and listened to the baby breathe. He couldn't believe he now had a son.
He slept, he knew he did because time went by too quickly, but it was one of those light sleeps. He was afraid he would roll over on him. Travis was moving and grunting; he knew he was hungry. If he hurries, he can feed him before he wakes up too much. That was another tip from the nurses. Slipping from the bed, he grabbed a pre-made bottle and placed it in the microwave for ten seconds. The nurse told him to make sure to shake it well to break up the hot spots.
Cupping his hands around the bottle it felt perfect. She gave him twenty-four bottles and three dozen tiny diapers. Travis had worked himself awake and let out a high-pitched squeal before Toby made it back to him. Lifting him gently, he held him as he was shown, he took the bottle well. Looking at the time he counted the hours and he had slept four hours all toll, not bad.
Regina came over within ten minutes of him opening his shades. He knew she would have to walk down to his place or walk to the other side of the parking lot to see his window.
He was happy to see her, he needed to shower and was reluctant to leave Travis even for that long. With the baby and his bottle in hand, Toby left Regina with him for the few minutes it would take to clean up. When he came out, she had taken the blankets off and was lifting his gown to look at his body. That nasty little black stub was still hanging on. Travis was reaching out his little arms shaking as if he was scared, giving her high-pitched screams.
"Regina, he needs to be wrapped up tight. Babies don't do well like that." Toby came to get him dressed only in his boxers.
"I'm sorry I have only seen his face and he wouldn't eat anymore," she said as an excuse as he took him away.
"It is not a problem; he just isn't used to being unwrapped is all." Toby took him to his room and called out, "I'll be dressed in a few minutes. Oh, by the way, Merry Christmas," he told her.
"Oh my, I forgot, Merry Christmas too," Regina said, a little flustered. Should she bring the things she bought him here or have him come to her apartment?
"I know, me too, this has been the craziest holiday season for me ever. I have never worked in retail during the holidays. But I did make some good money. And now I have Travis, and this is my most memorable Christmas ever," Toby told her, standing at his doorway to his room, he was pulling on his shirt and didn't seem to remember Regina was there. Or he didn't care that he had been running around in his boxers the last twenty minutes and now he was dressing in front of her.
Travis was working up a pretty good fuss from his room and Toby was ignoring him as they spoke. Regina was looking from him to his room and beginning to panic. Toby saw the concern on her face and laughed.
"He is fine, the nurses told me to let him cry for a while each day it helps his lungs open up. With him being a preemie, he is susceptible to lung problems. So, crying expands his lungs and clears out the gunk," Toby explained, "I thought it would be better here than at Louise's."
He brought out three gifts and tossed one across the room. "Here these are for you."
Regina watched the one go sailing by. "I bought that before you cut your hair," Toby told her.
He bought her all kinds of clips and clamps. She seemed to be trying to hold that thick mane back all the time.
"No, let me have it, my hair grows fast, it will be long again quickly," Regina told him and went to retrieve the package. She wanted to see what he would like to see in her hair. He seems to be very comfortable with her now. Travis's fit escalated and his bottle sitting on the end table caught Toby's attention. He hadn't eaten much, Regina lied, he hadn't drunk his bottle. He popped it in the microwave for six seconds and collected his son. He was back out by the time it beeped. Giving it a good bubbly shake he put the bottle to his mouth and he instantly quieted.
By the time he was ready to go to Louise's, he had three more bottles down and six diaper changes, only two nasty. He had been circumcised; the nurses decided to have it done for whoever got him. He was almost healed already Toby was thankful for that and felt so sorry for his little wee, wee.