Despite Bernard's wealth, Zoe remained resolute in her desire to maintain her independence and career.
Bernard's gaze remained fixed on Zoe, as she spoke with unbridled passion.
Bernard snorted and took another sip from the glass of wine before he gazed at Zoe and said. "Zoe, won't it be too stressful for you…being pregnant and working at the same time?"
"With your support, I will be fine." Zoe responded.
Bernard admired Zoe's unwavering commitment to her goals, respecting her needs for independence.
Zoe's unique blend of confidence, intelligence, and self-sufficiency made her stand out.
With a tender gaze, Bernard inquired, "Will you come home with me tonight?"
Zoe politely declined, "I'd love to, but I have to prepare for work tomorrow."
"Alright, when should I expect your visit?" Bernard inquired. "And you can actually move in with me, my domestic staff are there to run errands for you."
"I will think about it, you don't have to worry yourself, Bernard." Zoe replied with a smile.
Bernard's thoughtful gesture and kind words convinced Zoe that he was going to be the loving and caring partner she could ever have.
Not only was Bernard wealthy, but he was also blessed with a heart full of generosity and love.
"I will be taking my leave now, Zoe." Bernard said, his eyes lingering on hers. "Do you need anything?"
Zoe's lips curled into a gentle smile, "I don't need anything."
With a gentle smile, Bernard rose from the couch and Zoe stood along with him. Bernard wrapped Zoe in a warm hug, his voice filled with gratitude, "Thank you for the good news you just gave me this evening, Zoe."
Zoe snorted, "thank you for accepting to be a supporting partner.
Zoe's eyes fluttered closed as Bernard's soft kiss landed on her forehead. She felt a deep sense of comfort.
She walked Bernard to the door, the goodbye echoed softly.
Bernard's departure left Zoe lost in thought.
Despite her strong desire to be with Bernard, Zoe hesitated, fearing it might give the wrong impression or be misjudged as too available and simple.
Zoe sighed, recognizing her vulnerability, she steeled herself to manage her emotions and keep her feelings in check.
Zoe refused to let any man see her weakness, not after what she had faced from Stanley, her ex-husband.
Her eyes sparkled with delight as she gaze lovingly at her growing baby bump, her hands gently cradling it, she felt a surge of happiness and anticipation.
"My source of joy…my reason to smile." with a contented sigh, Zoe grinned softly as she drifted off to sleep.
The morning sunlight invigorated Zoe as she got ready for work.
After a quick commute, Zoe exchanged greetings with her colleagues as she walked into her office, feeling focused and prepared to tackle the day's challenge.
Zoe had barely settled into her office when Bernard's call came through, changing her focus.
Zoe and Bernard's conversation flowed effortlessly. He called to know how her night was, if she misses him throughout the night.
She enjoyed Bernard's witty banter and valued his daily checks-ins.
They both exchanged warm goodbyes before disconnecting. Zoe felt grateful for meeting Bernard.
After wrapping up her call with Bernard, Zoe rapidly cleared the file on her table, signaling the start of a fresh task. Her efficiency impressed her colleagues.
As Zoe relaxed into her office couch, her colleague, Rachel, whom she had met at the hospital, suddenly appeared at her desk.
Zoe looked up and flashed a bright, genuine smile at Rachel. saying "Hi, Rachel! Great to see you!"
Zoe suspected Rachel's visit was motivated by curiosity about her pregnancy, sparked by their chance encounter at the hospital.
Rachel responded to Zoe's warm greetings with a bright smile, "Hello, how are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you."
Rachel leaned in and asked Zoe, "How was your hospital appointment? Is everything alright?"
Her probing questions confirmed Zoe's suspicions.
"Everything is alright, Rachel, thank you for showing concern." Zoe responded.
Rachel had been Zoe's colleague for nine months, she was aware that Zoe was married to Stanley, having occasionally overheard their phone conversation.
Rachel, who always desired to know more about people's business, was unaware that Zoe's marriage to Stanley had ended in divorce, a fact Zoe had kept private.
For some time, Rachel had wanted to break through Zoe's reserve and become close friends, but Zoe's love for peace and quiet hindered their connection.
"Can we be friends, Zoe," she asked.
Zoe sighed as she weighed the idea of giving Rachel a chance to prove herself as a trustworthy and loyal friend.
With a nod of agreement, "Our friendship would only be on work-related matters, No meddling in our private lives." Zoe declared.
Zoe knew Rachel likes gossip and likes meddling with people's business, but she gave her a chance to become her friend.
As Rachel's senior colleague, Rachel should maintain professional boundaries and refrain from meddling in Zoe's private life.
"I agree to your terms and conditions." Rachel said as she grinned.
"We're officially friends." Zoe declared.
Zoe extended her hands, sealing their newfound friendship.
Zoe was an introspective person who prioritized her solitude, rarely seeking new friendship, she felt ready to connect with Rachel.
To celebrate their newfound friendship, Zoe and Rachel went out for lunch together at a nearby cafe.
Zoe treasured Rachel's jovial spirit, which created a sense of comfort and belonging.
After stepping back into her office from the cafe, Bernard's call popped up on her phone screen.
With a smile, Zoe answered the call, "Hello, Bernard, how are you?"
Bernard had called to check in on Zoe, specifically asking if she'd had a chance to grab lunch.
"I actually just returned from lunch at the cafe," Zoe said with a smile.
Zoe's heart whispered that Bernard might just be the soulmate she had been searching for in Stanley that she didn't see, until their marriage ended. She believed Bernard could be the one to provide the love, care and security she desired.
"Have you had yours?" Zoe inquired.