Chereads / Demon hunt / Chapter 21 - THE LORD OF THE SNOWY MOUNTAINS


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Chapter 20: He Arrives

The atmosphere becomes tense as Mundo stares down the blade pointed at him. Mario's palm is covered in Humberto's blood, which continues to flow. Mundo is only a step away from them, his expression unreadable. He seems to be weighing his options. Meanwhile, Jolie doesn't seem to care about what is going on.

Mundo (thought): This guy is definitely no pushover, no matter how you look at it. But is he fast enough to reach me before I get to those guys? That sword was already a problem in that kid's hands. Now, this guy brings a whole new threat to the picture. Am I suddenly outnumbered? No! Never! Numbers never mattered to me. They won't now.

That guy killed Talon. I don't care about anything else. I'll make him pay! I'll make him—

Lisandro interrupts once again.

Lisandro: It's a cruel thing, what you did to that kid.

Mundo: Huh? Giving me a moral lecture now, after killing my brother?

Lisandro: Asking him to choose between his comrades, making him bear the guilt for their loss… That's cruel… even for a demon.

Mundo: If it irritated you so much, why didn't you try to stop me then?

Lisandro: I couldn't. I was at Tora.

Mundo's eyes widen in surprise.

Mundo: You mean to tell me that you were at Tora when that was happening? You jerk!

Lisandro mutters to himself again.

Lisandro: Left hook, right jab, and left kick.

Mundo charges at Lisandro, but Lisandro dodges his attacks almost effortlessly, leaving Mundo in confusion.

Mundo: What just happened?

Lisandro suddenly appears beside Mario.

Lisandro: I'm afraid he won't make it. Please, spend his last moments with him as best as you can. No one deserves to die alone.

Before Mario could respond, Lisandro was gone. Mario whispers to Humberto.

Mario: Anything you want to say?

Humberto: Hmm?

Mario: Anything you want to say?

Humberto chuckles weakly.

Humberto: I'm gonna die, aren't I?

Mario doesn't reply. Humberto smiles.

Humberto: You can tell me. Dying doesn't seem so bad after all. My back hurts. I bet I'm all covered in blood. Make a joke about it, Mario.

Mario replies in a low tone.

Mario: No. I can't.

Humberto's smile fades.

Humberto: I'm really going to die…

He clutches Mario's shirt with both hands, making it difficult for Mario to apply pressure to his wound. Tears run down Humberto's cheeks as he loses his composure.

Humberto: I don't want to die. Please help me, Mario! Please! I really don't want to die. Please…

Then, as if his strength had drained away, Humberto lets go of Mario's shirt, his sobs growing quieter.

Mario: I had the chance to save at least one of you. I was asked to choose between you and Yash… but I didn't. I couldn't do it. I couldn't make the hard choice. And now… now, you're both paying the price for my indecisiveness.

Humberto: What if you had picked Yash? What if you had picked me? Someone would have had to die either way. Maybe… maybe that would've been better than bleeding out. I can almost feel my blood cells depleting.

Mario: I'm sorry…

Humberto: Don't be. It's what we all signed up for. No sacrifice is too great for peace.

Mario: Peace, huh…

Humberto reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pendant. He places it in Mario's hand.

Humberto: My confidential details are with Captain Omero. Go to the address listed there and deliver this pendant to my younger sister. Tell her that big brother always loved her and that he would give anything to have spent more time with her. Promise me. Promise me you'll do this.

Mario: I promise.

Humberto: Thank you. You're a good lad.

Mario: I'm sure your sister loves you, too. Is there anything else you want me to do?


Mario looks down at Humberto and realizes he is already dead. Taking a deep breath, he reaches out and gently shuts Humberto's lifeless eyes. Then, he tucks the pendant into his pocket and turns towards Yash's corner, sensing that Jolie is still there.

Mario: I'm sorry about your brother. I'm not strong enough… I couldn't beat him. If Mari were here instead of me, then… then I'm sure… I'm sure Yash would still be alive.

No response.

Mario: Won't you at least talk to me? Say something… anything at all. Please…

Still, nothing.

Mario glances at Lisandro and Mundo, who are still fighting.

Mario: Is there any way I can make you feel better?

Jolie suddenly appears, standing right in front of Mario, her eyes burning with resentment.

Jolie: The choice. You could have picked Yash, but you didn't. If I had the chance… if I had the chance to pick between Yash and the rest of the world…

She tightens her fists.

Jolie: Who are you, huh? I bet you're the son of some fancy lord from a glorious house, with principles and moral ethics and a conscience cleaner and whiter than snow!

Mario doesn't respond. He just stares into space.

Jolie: I have no concrete reason to be mad at you… I was there too, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I couldn't save him…

Slowly, she lowers herself to the ground, sitting on the soil.

Jolie: Everyone who ever took something away from me… from us… I made them pay. Each and every time, I took something more precious from them. But now… I can't take anything back. I feel empty…

Mario watches her. The resentment in her eyes fades, replaced by pure pain and sadness.

Mario: I know how you feel…

Jolie: I'm glad you do… because someone has to take the blame. Someone has to be at fault. That's the only way I can live with myself. Which is why… which is why…

She fixes her gaze on Mario again, renewed anger flickering in her expression.

Jolie: Which is why I hate you. I despise you. I hate you so much.

Mario: That's okay. If it makes you feel better.

Jolie: That attitude. It disgusts me!

Mario: You're bitter. I can see it. You can hate me if you want, but let's focus on getting Yash and Humberto's corpses out of here. Let's see them off properly.

Jolie: Just Yash. I couldn't care less about anyone else.

Mario: Okay. You focus on that.

Mundo and Lisandro's battle is still ongoing. Despite multiple attacks, Mundo has been unable to land a hit on Lisandro, who has been dodging effortlessly but hasn't made an attempt to attack. Mundo creates some distance to catch his breath and strategize. Mundo begins to stare at Lisandro from afar, deep in thought.

Mundo: What's his deal? It's almost as if he can see my moves before I execute them. Can he hear my thoughts?

Mundo's eyes then fall upon the inscription on Lisandro's uniform which takes him some time to see vividly. Lisandro seems to be comfortable with letting Mundo have time to think.

Mundo: (thought) The Lord of the snowy mountains? (To Lisandro) I've heard about you.

Lisandro: It is to be expected.

Mundo: Ah...a captain. I've never killed a captain before. Today might just be my day after all.

Lisandro: You lost your brother. Maybe it isn't.

Mundo: For a captain, you have a very low kill rate.

Lisandro: I am not eager to 'improve' my record.

Mundo: (thought) I've been attacking him all the while. Perhaps he's a defensive fighter. Ah...yes. (To Lisandro) Why don't you attack first this time.

Lisandro: This is not a game. If I attack first...I'll go for your neck and your head will roll down.

Mundo: I'll simply regenerate it. No one said beheading will kill a demon.

Lisandro: No, you won't.

Mundo: You've been dodging quite excellently. Even though you're obviously not the quickest with your feet. Do you read minds?

Lisandro: I don't read minds. You're right however, I am not particularly the best with my feet. It is something I've worked hard to improve but to no avail.

Mundo: (thought) This guy is really blunt. He's been answering all my questions with honesty and seriousness. I could use it to my advantage. (To Lisandro) I turned this forest into a maze and you defied my power by reaching here through a different route. What power do you possess?

Lisandro: I never knew until today that demons could use special abilities and I must admit that you did quite well but you have used your power to do despicable things.

Mundo: Tell me what power you possess. Are you afraid it'd put you at a disadvantage?

Lisandro: It is of no consequence. My attribute is one that allows nature speak to me.

Mundo: That's rather stupid. You should be a botanist or something and advocate for the trees and all of wildlife. (thought) if what he says is true, then deliberately damaging nature should draw him to attack me and leave him open.

Mundo begins to trample on flowers and bring down trees deliberately.

Mundo: What is nature saying to you now?

Lisandro: I find your actions provocative.

Mundo: (thought) This might actually be better than attempting to attack the weaklings over there.

Mundo continues his rampage.

Mundo: Won't you defend nature? Come on. Try and stop me!

Lisandro holds his position and doesn't lose his composure at all. He continues to talk in a cool manner.

Lisandro: Be careful. There are eggs of an almost extinct specie of birds on a nest on the tree to your right.

Mundo: Is that so?

Mundo leaps to the tree branch, carrying the eggs. He drops the first one. The egg falls to the ground, breaking to pieces. Mundo looks at Lisandro as he makes his way down, holding the remaining three eggs.

Mundo: Oops. Looks like that one won't make it.

Mundo raises another one and flips it from side to side, apparently looking at it.

Mundo: This one is rather pretty. I think it's a female. Too bad it might not make it. The world is a cruel place.

Lisandro: If I attack now, it will be my first and my last.

Mundo: What's that? I can't hear you. Too busy dropping eggs.

Lisandro mutters to himself.

Lisandro: He'll throw the eggs at me and then move to take my heart. Hmm...that should do it. (To Mundo) Here I come.

Lisandro rushes towards Mundo and then pauses sharply. Mundo throws the eggs towards Lisandro and Lisandro catches them relatively conveniently, putting them on the floor carefully.

Mundo: (thought) He feigned an attack so I'd throw the eggs? (To Lisandro, yelling) You're too weak to attack first?!

Lisandro: You just lost your cool again.

Lisandro appears behind Mundo, shocking Mundo who couldn't as much as move a finger. Lisandro whispers to his ear.

Lisandro: That was the wrong time to blink.

Mundo's head rolls down his shoulders.

Lisandro: My first attack is my last.

Mundo couldn't speak but his eyes displays sadness, anger and disappointment as his body begins to fade away. Lisandro puts the eggs back on the nest and returns it to the tree branch. He makes his way to an exhausted Mario and a bitter Jolie.

Lisandro: It's been a long night and you have my deepest sympathy.

The forest consequently returns to normal but the electronics didn't come back on. Soon after, Sinister, Mari and Renard reach the scene. Lisandro returns the blade to Mario.

Lisandro: Thank you. You're a good lad.

Mario: You should keep it. It's more useful in your hands.

Lisandro: Indeed, it is, but it's yours, grow in it.

Lisandro fixes his gaze on Humberto.

Lisandro: How many regrets did he have?

Mario: Maybe a few. Possibly higher.

Lisandro: 'Tis a sad thing...

Lisandro's statement is brought to a halt by a slap to Mari from Jolie.