After being thrown out the hole. Luci finds himself on a road laid down on his back. He sits up and looks around to see where he is. He sees an American Flag between the clean buildings and smaller houses illuminated by the low light of a rising sun.
Luci takes this as an indication that he would be fighting a lot of the Crossed due to the number of the people living in America..
He quickly goes towards a trash bin to find cover. Because even if he is hopeful that right now he might be in a low populated area, he doesn't want to push his luck and get killed so early.
After getting cover from a can. He immediately tries to call out a hologram like the one Zhong showed him.
Fortunately for him it appeared to him again but unfortunately another bad news came with it.
He saw that he has another class Warlock but it came with message:
"I am sorry for that violent transfer. All I needed was your approval and the gifts can come later, like right now. However this will be the last time we will have any connection. I am barely able to send this message together with your gifts but I managed to be on time.
Do not worry though, I would have destroyed the world and taken you if that ever happened. I hope you will thrive.
You have 1 day before the Americans are Infiltrated."
Luci calms himself down but doesn't lower his guard as the message might be late. Though he feels that the signs of clean areas instead of desecrated ones similar to those depicted in the comic indicate that he still has time to prepare and learn from his abilities. He wants to take it slow and make sure he is left trapped by his own decision.
Luci sees that most shops are still closed from his point. He looks after himself and sees if there is anything else he should know about it or is it just the normal D&D.
After looking at it. He is glad that it is homebrew and stronger than the normal one.
Proficiency equal to half the Level and Expertise equal to the Level. Modifiers are half the Attributes.
There are no advantages and disadvantages, all saving throws are always added with Proficiency,
Damage dealt is multiplied by 2 after every 10 levels, damage received is divided by 2 after every 10 levels
Spell slots are even bigger:
Full Casters get 10 spell slots of Level 1 spells as a level 1 character 2, 10 spell slots for Level 2 as a Level 2,...
Half Casters get 5 spell slots every 2 levels. 5 spell slots for Level 1 spells at Level 2, another 5 spell slots for Level 1 spells at level 4, 5 Spell slots for Level 2 spells at level 6,...
Third Casters have permanent effects at greater levels.
Always get the maximum value of the die for hit points and attack damage dealt against enemies.
Fall damage for Player starts ar 10 meter for 10 bludgeon Damage.
Metric system as standard with Imperial Conversion.
Normal AC for Character is Level+Half Dex Attribute or other conditions placed by features.
Battle Stamina = Constitution/2 Hours
All ranges of rest stops the exhaustion weather the character achieved any type of rest or not.
Short rest equals 1 hour inactivity resulting in hp recovery of 1 die, all level 1 spells slots recovered and half exhaustion held back returning in an hour.
Half-full Rest equals to 4 hours of inactivity resulting in hp recovery of Half of all your hp die, all levels until 5 spell slots are recovered and 1 level of exhaustion is removed.
Full Rest results in full hp recovery and all spell slots recovered with 2 levels of exhaustion removed and 1 condition removed.
After every increase of Level, Attribute is increased by 1 and a feat.
All spells are known.
It wasn't all but this is more than enough to make a lot of difference in his favour.
Luci then takes a look at his Class and subclass.
From his Ranger he picks Hunter as his subclass and Stealth, Nature and Survival for his Skill Expertise and Archery for his fighting style.
From his Fighter he picks Eldritch Knight for his subclass and Athletics and Insight for his Skill Expertise and Great Weapon Fighting for his Fighting Class.
From his Monk he picks Warrior of the Element for his Subclass and Acrobatics and Perception for his Skill Expertise.
From his Warlock he picks Celestial as his Patron and Arcana and Religion for his Skill Expertise.
For his Feats he chose Speedy, Durable, Sharpshooter, Great Weapon Master and Skulker.
After Luci finalises his build, his capabilities increase for the better as now he has 15 in all Attributes and is equivalent to a well rounded superhuman. He is even given a long sword plus one in damage and strength attribute which manifested shortly after confirming his status.
He tested his physical capabilities in a nearby alley. Moving at 12.5 meters per second and easily carrying a residential air-conditioner with his 600 kg carrying capacity before tackling the tree. He received no damage.
Gladened of his new capabilities he waits for a Shop to open.
As Luci waits for an hour before the sun truly shined on his location. He moves towards a boutique where a beautiful lady is flirting towards a man. Luci approaches to borrow a phone.
Luci: Can I borrow a phone please. I need to call someone.
Luci caught their attention. The man sees him with a longsword hanging on his hips; he looks at the lady which Luci notices before he imposes himself with bravery.
Man: No weapons allowed here. Get ou-!
He doesn't manage to finish his sentences as Luci slaps him to skip his attempts to impress the girl. However, he forgot how stronger he is now as the man he hit is now unconscious due to having no hit points.
Luci is shocked by the outcome but is grateful to know that he needs to double tap enemies for sure kills.
The Lady on the counter is horrified of Luci, with his display of violence and her last defence being knocked out, she's afraid of what he will do to her and the shop.
Luci: Give me a phone, now.
The lady fearfully leans on to the glass casings to give him the phone. Luci immediately calls the American government as an American from overseas specifically in England, where the Crossed started in the book. Telling them that there is an infection that makes everyone violent and he survived because he managed to get on an airplane early.
Luci then tries to warn them even more by telling them to call the England Government specifically just to know their situation and verify his claim.
He knows that it wouldn't make much more difference if they even heed the call of a man acting like a Lunatic but he wants to try something to slow the growth of his enemies.
Out of curiosity, he then inputs his phone number into the phone, the phone responed that his number does not exist. This made him glad.
Luci returns the phone to her and asked her number so that he has contact in this world then he tells her to go towards a safe area and stockpile food. He then uses a 2nd level spell: Cordon of Arrows towards the basket of Jewelleries that aims to the infecteds' head and center of their chest, 2 times just to give her a greater chance at surviving before tossing it towards her.
Luci: Carry it always with you, it will shoot out and kill the infected, they have cross like rashes on their face and they are violent and malevolent.
Lady: Bullshit! You're the one who's-
Luci uses Eldritch Blast Cantrip and makes a Humaniod size hole behind her. He then gives her a hearty farewell before going on his way to the exit, aiming his way to the city.