Chapter Text
A wide underground space opened up before her like a gaping jaw of some ancient beast.
Juny felt a chill as her Space Awareness activated, painting the whole place clearly.
The place was vast and cathedral-like, the vaulted ceiling was supported by tall towering columns made of black stone.
The pillars seemed to pulse faintly with crimson, as if alive.
The walls were carved with corrosive symbols, their deep grooves glowing with a sickly, blood-red light that cast flickering shadows across the hall.
The air was heavy and oppressive, thick with the stench of rotting flesh and the metallic tang of blood.
Pools of dark, stagnant liquid formed in uneven recesses of the cracked stone floor, reflecting the crimson glow above like ponds of blood.
The sound of dripping water, or maybe blood, sounded endlessly.
Juny could hear echoing, distant chanting that seemed to come from the walls themselves.
At the center of the cavern was a massive circular altar of obsidian color.
Its surface clearly covered with fresh blood that trickled down the sides in streams.
Around it, crude, spiked cages hung from iron chains.
Juny could see the remnants of sacrificial victims, now just skulls and stacks of bloody meat, contained within.
Above the altar, a gaping hole in the space itself emitted a faint, swirling vortex of crimson energy.
Juny felt her heart drop.
Just by staring at it, she knew.
That thing was connecting the ritual to the Evil God, the Primordial Moon.
The space radiated with an overwhelming sense of dread.
The surrounding walls whispered threats and incomprehensible ravings which stabbed deep into Juny's skin.
Despite its unreasonable amount of symbolic details and ancient decorations, the space was wide enough to handle dozens of cultists and still allow room for battle or a large ball.
The crimson glow painted everything in shades of blood.
It reminded Juny of her very first memory.
A bloody scene with crimson highlights.
And right in the middle of this cruel hall, stood a tall man.
Juny took a step forward, her footsteps resonated through the entire chamber.
Slowly, the man looked back.
He wore black robe with red branches spreading all over it.
Juny came to a stop not too far, she didn't immediately attack.
The man, who seemed to be over 2 meter in height turned to her with a smile.
His face was older and filled with gentle wrinkles.
On his lips, he wore a benevolent smile.
His eyes were gentle, greeting Juny with open eyes.
From looks alone, one would never even dare to suspect such a kind elder.
But Juny knew better.
This man did terrible things, probably with the very same smile.
Not to mention.
'That smile doesn't look too nice with a third bloody eye staring at me...'
The man had a large crimson eye stuck in the middle of his forehead.
It seemed to have been forcefully pushed inside as blood kept leaking from the sides.
The man, Deaflau, parted his lips.
"Welcome to The Moon's Holy chamber. I must say, this is not what I expected my nemesis to look like."
Juny didn't flinch as she tilted her head down.
The shadow that should be shielding her body was moving disorderly in and out, revealing her real looks in the process.
She noticed it right as she entered.
'My spirituality is too chaotic, I can't use my abilities properly.'
Juny held back a sigh as she dispersed the useless shadowy cover.
She looked Deaflau.
"Yes, I am aware that I'm quite unusual."
Deaflau hummed, still smiling benevolently.
"What's your age, little one?"
Juny's eyebrow twitched.
"I didn't come here to chat. I hope you didn't expect that."
Deaflau gently closed his eyes, hist third bloody eye still staring at Juny terrifyingly.
"Why waste your potential fighting a losing battle? My God rewards those who are strong enough to seize destiny."
Juny's head throbbed, she couldn't see through this man's intentions at all.
Violet-black flames appeared and floated in the air around her.
Deaflau's kind eyes widened with surprise.
Being able to use one's Beyonder abilities in such frenzied environment was almost impossible.
Yet the flames floating around this little child were steady.
But Deaflau's smile didn't fade, he only smiled wider.
"Hoh, so you're not just a little girl playing leader? But please do tell, are you sure you can lead men and women twice your age? To me, it seems like you'll only lead them straight to ruin."
The flames flickered and twisted, blending into a perfectly fitted long sword.
Even through the opponents words, Juny's gaze was unmoved.
"If me leading others unsettles you this much, then I must be doing something right."
Juny's hand firmly grasped the sword, making Deaflau's eyes turn into a shape of crescent moon.
"What wishful thinking. A child fighting against a divine plan, it's laughable."
Juny tilted her head, the corner of her lips rising.
"If your God's plan included being outsmarted by a child, I'd say it's laughable too."
Deaflau's eyebrow twitched.
"A clever tongue for someone so young. But it matters not. Outsmarting me? You've been a minor inconvenience at best. You've failed to even delay the glorious future my God has promised."
Juny kept her smile on as she took a step forward, her sword hanging down by the side of her body.
She already figured that fully opening her Pocket Dimension would be unbelievably risky and Space Transportation would be impossible.
Although she had activated Appraisal, she couldn't see anything.
It was like thick fog was shielding everything inside of this large hall.
And she wouldn't eve dare to try Mind Space Manipulation on a being whom borrowed power from a God.
Juny felt her palms turn sweaty.
She could see her own reflection in Deaflau's eyes.
Juny felt her heart beating wildly, but she was not afraid.
That man would not be able to use the Gaze of Darkness against her, as she was protected with many layers of Enchantments and Rune Engravings.
Deaflau narrowed his eyes as if trying to see through the young girl in front of him.
He continued showing a merciful smile.
"How unfortunate, to think you're throwing your life away... It truly is a shame."
Juny's features relaxed.
Her entire figure turning cold and detached.
"I'll manage."
Her body immediately turned hazy, creating afterimages.
She appeared right before Deaflau, her hand moved faster than sound.
A wave of pure force burst forth from her slash, but it cut nothing.
A Swarm of Bats appeared instead of the Shaman King, dispersing in all directions.
They then grouped back together, creating an elderly man with black robe.
The man's shoes made light clicking sound.
It was a quiet sound, accompanied by a bright crimson light shining from underneath Deaflau's feet.
The blood around him responded to the call of the Moon's ritual.
It flew and changed, many scarlet blades appeared in midair, flying straight at Juny.
But before they could even get close, the bloody blades stopped as if they've hit an indestructible wall.
Immediately, they flared up with Violet-black flames and dissipated.
Juny's eyes flashed with purely Violet glow.
Sharp four and eight pointed stars appeared in the air around her.
They surrounded and shot straight for the Shaman King.
His body turned hazy and a flock of illusory bats parted.
Juny carefully watched these bats flying away.
The stars sprung forth, slashing through the surreal bats and turning them to dust.
But the bats were too numerous.
Soon, the remaining ones flocked back together, creating a male figure.
Blood sometimes still flew her way, but that was the least of Juny's worries.
Juny concentrated her Space Manipulation on the chaotic spirituality surrounding Deaflau.
She tried to make it disappear or move away.
Even a Demigod will make mistakes while using their abilities if the conditions are right.
Deaflau's hands turned black and his nails grew long.
Much longer when compared to Daimira or Ellone.
Corrosive symbols covered the entire length of his Claws of Corrosion.
He effortlessly sliced through the bright Violet stars.
Soon, one of the walls shook and a duo of bright paper figures, which seemed to be filled with pure moonlight, appeared.
They emerged from nowhere.
Deaflau grasped them.
His eyes reflected Juny.
She felt her Spiritual Intuition screaming.
Juny frowned before opening a small hole into her Pocket Dimension next to her.
A pair of Spell Scrolls appeared in her hand before burning up into nothingness.
Juny's spirituality immediately spread as her body turned incorporeal.
Just then, the Shaman King clenched his fist.
The figurines shone bright red before tearing itself apart.
Juny felt her insides tingling, but she managed to get away without being wounded.
The second Spell Scroll finally took effect.
The underground domain became covered and Isolated.
Juny couldn't use two separate Space Isolations at once.
Not to mention making smaller Space Isolations inside of a different larger one.
So she had to borrow the power of a Spell Scroll.
Although her spirituality would drain twice as fast.
Juny's disordered spirituality whirred.
Bright, Violet Runes and symbols appeared in the air around her and around the entire Isolated Space.
Then, they disappeared.
As if the Runes have became one with the surrounding area.
It was a set of rules.
1) No living creature under the level of an angel may use any kind of ritualistic magic.
2) No living creature, Beyonder or not, may enter the Isolation of this hall.
3) No living creature, Beyonder or not, may exit the Isolation of this hall.
4) All spirituality in this Isolated space is to become calm and unaffected.
As the new laws clicked into place, all crimson which was present became dimmer.
Deaflau's expression changed.
Seeing that his rituals became hard, if not impossible to complete, he couldn't help but stare at Juny with confusion.
Juny smiled, she could feel the surrounding spirituality move according to her will.
There was a reason why she had to mention that the rules only apply for Beyonders under the level of an Angel.
The thing was, if a being the level of an Angel or above really tried to intervene, but had to go against Juny's rules, Juny would not be able to handle the consequences.
But, these rules applied to Juny as well.
This meant that she, too, couldn't exit this place.
Juny inwardly sighed as many more sharp stars appeared all around her.
The number was incomparable to before the rules were placed.
Juny wasn't planning on prolonging this fight.
Juny's insides trembled.
'Hey! I'm pretty sure this guy's cheating!'
It's been more than thirty minutes, yet the fight hasn't moved forward much.
Juny throws stars and slashes, but Deaflau always finds a way to dodge or block.
It was annoying.
And tiresome.
Juny didn't show it, but her spirituality was running dangerously low.
But that wasn't the only issue.
'I swear... the pressure is growing stronger. Could it have something to do with that red eye? Is the crimson portal growing bigger?'
Juny frowned, stabbing through the wall of bats.
Her body shone fiery red before pure flames rushed forward.
They enveloped the bats, burning many to a crisp.
But that didn't stop Deaflau from reappearing nearby.
It would be a lie to say that nothing happened during the half an hour.
Deaflau's black robe was torn and rugged.
Many, already regenerated, wounds could be seen.
His face was slightly too pale and no smile could be seen anywhere on his expression.
He seemed angry and irritated, but Juny noticed the slight hint of excitement.
This only made her more anxious.
'It's not just my imagination, the ritual is really happening. And it's happening even through my rules...'
Juny gulped down her distaste.
It's not like she didn't try destroying the circular ritual site, but she just couldn't.
She barely had the time to attack it.
And even if she did so, her sword or assaults would either be deflected by mysterious crimson highlights, or just fall on empty space.
The air in the chamber grew heavier with every passing second.
Suddenly, Deaflau stopped.
He stood still, looking at Juny with a mocking smile.
Juny froze, feeling something amiss.
"You can't seriously think you'll win, do you?"
Juny's eyes narrowed, but she stayed silent.
Deaflea, not expecting a response, continued.
His grin grew wider with each word.
"You should've realized it by now. I am just a Vessel. You cannot kill me. Not before 'She' descends."
'Huh? What is he...?'
Juny's expression stopped changing, filled with hesitation.
Her eyebrows rose before her eyes flashed with panic.
She looked down, her eyes reflecting the blood-filled ritualistic circle she's been trying so hard to destroy.
Deaflau was standing in the middle, leisurely.
Until now, he never came closer than two meters to the circle, but now, he was standing right in the middle.
The red eyeball which was thrusted into his forehead glowed.The air stilled, and pure tranquil silence filled the space.
Scarlet arose from every corner, gathering around the ritual.
Juny's eyes widened, feeling the pressure.
She gritted her teeth, hissing.
Her frozen body moved forward, slashing at the walls of transparent crimson light.
But like all the times before, her attacks bounced back.
Deaflau watched her with amused eyes, and a truly evil grin.
As red light covered every small inch of the space, Juny felt as if her heart was being squeezed.
It was her danger sense.
A sense so overwhelmed that no scene flashed in her mind.
She bit her lip, dispersing the Space Isolation around the grand underground hall.
The world was covered in crimson.
Immediately, the chamber trembled and quaked.
The ceiling crumbled, but no stones fell.
They all dissipated as soon as they came close.
Large ball made out of bones, blood and lumps of meat gathered above Deaflau.
It was grand and overwhelming.
The tremors spread.
The large moon-like object warped and twisted.
Thick branches sprouted from within and black intestines lined up.
Juny's insides boiled as a thin cat-like pupil appeared on the surface.
Deaflau's laughter filled her ears.
It sounded truly maniacal.
"Haha! Do you see it? Do you see my God's power? Bow! Bow before 'Her'! 'She' might still show you mercy, you utterly unfortunate soul!"
Juny's teeth gritted further.
Juny's thoughts were bitter, filled with rage.
'I should be the one giving mercy! How dare-!'
She couldn't continue.
She saw the 'Moon' rising.
It moved up, creeping above the ground and over the chamber.
Juny's eyes widened.
'No! You can't!'
Juny felt her insides clenching and changing.
Her body temperature rose, but that was all.
Juny's desperation grew.
If her companions were to face that, then...
Juny's eyes wavered.
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
Juny frowned, her hand reaching underneath her coat.
The surrounding spirituality was more lawless than ever before.
It was close to impossible to do anything, but Juny couldn't hesitate.
Four seconds.
Five seconds.
Six seconds.
Juny opened her Pocket Dimension.
The opened gate was messy.
It kept whirring and changing shape.
It didn't stay in one form and putting one's body inside could very well make one lose that exact body part.
Juny stuck her hand inside.
She felt the pain of her hand contorting.
Something was forcefully changing its shape.
But Juny shut her eyes.
She accepted the painful tearing of her meat and the crushing of her bones.
She finally pulled an extremely long scroll out.
Seven seconds.
Eight seconds.
Nine seconds.
She unrolled it.
The Runes engraved on it were swirling and changing.
Just looking at it made Juny, a Demigod, hear illusory sounds and seeing black, empty spots across her vision.
Her blood ran cold at the thought of this Spell Scroll.
Unlike what one might think, it was not something Juny made.
And it's also not something she could use because she was a Saint.
It was all because she was the holder of the Lapis necklace.
The necklace wasn't something given to just anyone.
It was because she was the bloodline's scribe.
The last member of the Lapis bloodline.
The necklace was a key to the Dimensional Space.
It had bigger authority than one might imagine.
And the scroll she just took out was a Spell Scroll made by an Angel.
A Spell Scroll which was made using the blood of a Sequence 0 Void.
Of course, a Spell Scroll could barely contain the power of a God.
This was nothing but a small fracture.
But what else could battle the fracture of an Evil God's power than a fracture of a different God's power?
Juny breathed in deeply.
Her eyes instantly closed shut as she tore the Spell Scroll with full force.
Ten seconds.
The world trembled.
It was a shake incomparable to the moon-like eye.
The clouds parted and deep fractures appeared in the ground.
From the cracks, down and above, thick colossal shackles emerged.
Galaxies and the emptiness of the abyss shimmered, as if locked inside of the chains.
On the entirety of their surface, Violet-black flames flickered.
It was the trace of Juny's own spirituality in this majestic spectacle.
The shackles slithered up, engulfing the moon-like eye.
The thin, cat-like pupil dilated as its light thinned.
Wood, however strong, couldn't overwhelm the power strong enough to lock up entire galaxies.
Amidst Deaflau's extreme cries filled with despair and anger, Juny's mind blurred.
Her body trembled.
She could feel her insides twisting and shifting.
Her heart was beating, but the sound came from her right chest not the left.
Her fingers twitched before snapping in the wrong direction.
Juny couldn't even scream as blood gushed out of every facial feature possible.
Nose, eyes, ears, mouth and even her pores spilled blood instead of sweat.
Her nails first elevated before falling off.
As they tore, blood filled with black chunks of meat flowed out.
Juny's ears buzzed, oblivious to her surroundings.
But she didn't panic.
Her eyes stayed closed.
She didn't strain them, she calmly kept them shut, as if preparing to go to sleep.
She lifted her bloody hands, placing her palm on her left chest.
Her chaotic mind turned straight.
Her insides began moving, correcting.
She forced her heart through her broken ribs.
She forced her lungs to move, allowing her to take a breath.
She used Space Manipulation to help her organs function as intended.
Slowly, she opened her eyes.
The blood stopped flowing, but her vision was stained red.
Juny didn't worry.
She took slow but steady steps, slowing the flow of blood and readjusting its movement.
As the blood returned to its original course, Juny's organs continued moving, trying to shift locations.
Juny's mind was too busy to mind the pain.
Her senses slowly returned.She cleared out the blood which blocked her hearing and pushed back the blood trying to enter her mouth.
Juny's eyes soon registered an old man.
He was looking up in utter horror.
He had pleasant wrinkles but no smile.
His eyes were filled with bloody tears.
The red stone with the looks of an eye was cracked.
Black blood flowed from its cracked surface.
Slowly, the cracks spread.
Before finally, it shattered.
The disgusting eyeball shattered into millions pieces before turning to pure dust.
Juny's expression was still.
She didn't even bother looking up.
Those chains had a singular purpose.
They were made and predetermined to erase all traces of corruption.
In this case, they were made to attack the greatest source of corruption, which was unmistakably the moon-like eye.
Juny breathed out a sigh of relief.
Seeing the crystal shattering, her mind was filled with peace.
Although, this was not the case for the Shaman King.
His rage burned brighter than even the crimson moon.
Scarlet energy surged forward, flowing around him.
His face was contorted to an unbelievable degree as he glared at Juny.
His nails were long, light fur growing on his skin.
"How dare you?!"
His voice cracked, spreading and echoing through the broken hall.
Black corrosive symbols appeared on his claws.
His teeth were large and sharp with clear points.
His eyes have chanced beyond recognition.
His red irises spread, covering the entirety of his eye sockets.
His pupil was thin and sharply pointed.
His body grew taller and rougher with his hair flared up, ignoring gravity.
One didn't need to be a genius to realize he was losing control.
Juny's eyelids slid down, letting her watch the man through her eyelashes.
Partial Space Distortion allowed her to see his movement while not seeing his Mythical form.
Without any hesitation, Deaflau lunged forward, screeching sounds leaving his throat.
"I will end you myself!"
Juny watched the blurred figure flying forward with unbelievable speed, but she didn't move.
Her thoughts were quite different from what one might expect.
'Tsk. You couldn't stop gloating about your God and now you've fully lost your smug mind. Are you really so foolishly arrogant to just charge at me so recklessly? Did you even consider that I might have a different trump card? Seriously...'
Juny inwardly mocked the half-crazy cultist before her.
As he moved closer, Juny's eyes were seeing his revolting expression emotionlessly.
'What's up with men like you and letting your guard down at the last moment? I wouldn't say much if this was the first time, but... Well, it isn't. That stupid Viscount was the same. I thought it was just some absurd cliche used in books...'
With that mentality, Juny watched the creature before her raise its black claw.
Then, the claw slashed down on her.
But it didn't hit anything.
Juny's figure, which was just numbly standing there, vanished upon contact.
Like a mirage.
The Shaman King flinched, looking around.
The space around him has changed without his realization.
He looked back.
He saw a strange door, a portal.
The portal's entrance was large, painting the whole place on the other side clearly.
Vast and cathedral-like, the vaulted ceiling was ruptured and crumbling but still in places supported by tall towering columns made of black stone.
The pillars had deep cracks across their surface, unmoving, as if dead.
The walls were carved with corrosive symbols which have long stopped spreading spirituality, their deep grooves empty, no light glowed from the crevices, only shadows remained.
The place was silent, with all previously spread blood either burned or erased.
In the middle was a circular ritualistic site.
It was empty.
No red light could be seen emitting from it and no crimson liquid could be seen anywhere nearby.
Before he could even react, the portal wavered before closing completely.
His surroundings blended into one.
He found himself standing in utter darkness.
Around him spread the deep wonders of space.
A wide, never ending galaxy with black shadows and pure Violet sub-color.
His enemy has disappeared, becoming one with the surroundings.
His hoarse voice faltered, his pupils lightly dilating.
The place was peaceful, mesmerizing and tranquil.
He heard a voice.
It was coming from nowhere, but also everywhere.
"Welcome to my Dimension. I wonder if your God will save you now?"
The voice was chilling but carried a hint of amusement.
In this nothingness, a steps were heard.
Deaflau, filled with immense alarm, felt his mind turning still.
The fur vanished, his irises returned to normal and his teeth shrunk.
He felt his spirituality coming to a still, complete still.
His spirituality was no longer under his control.
He felt the air in his lungs slowly disappearing.
His prolonged Claw of Corrosion receded.
Leaving him defenseless.
In this nothingness, a light, childlike voice echoed.
A voice filled with contempt.
"You think you're untouchable? Look around? Do you see your god? Your subordinates? There's noone to help you here. It's just me."
Deaflau's body shook.
He turned around.
He saw a short girl.
She couldn't be over 11 years old.
She had pitch black hair with Violet highlights.
Her eyes shone brightly in the darkness with Violet glow.
She wore strange but aesthetically pleasing clothes.
She looked as if the previous fight never took place.
The dried blood which covered her skin and face was gone, leaving only cold expression behind.
For a reason completely unknown to him, cold sweat poured from his pores.
Every part of his body was drenched.
He gritted his teeth.
"You think this is victory?! My God will see your end! 'She' will destroy you and your little friends! You're nothing!"
He roared, his voice tainted with clear fear even through his will to mask it with rage.
Juny looked at him, her gaze unmoved,
"All that anger, yet here I stand. I wonder what that says about you and your God? You were so eager to prove your dominance, approaching me carelessly. Had you kept your distance, kept a sound mind, I would've never pulled you in. But now..."
Juny sighed deeply, pure disdain in every action.
"How pathetic."
Deaflau flinched back, his gaze wavering.
He stammered, but words came out nonetheless.
"Y- You dare mock the will of G- God? You will fall into ruin before you know it!"
Juny stared on.
Too uninterested to even blink.
Suddenly, the space changed.
The stars in the scattered galaxy flew, they began moving closer and closer.
Thousands, millions on them.
They moved together with the surrounding abyss.
Deaflau froze.
His body stuck together, as if being squeezed.
His bones cracked and shattered, his meat mushed, turning into nothing but goo.
But, even through all this, his important organs stayed untouched.
He screamed, tears filled with pain stained his face.
His body was crushed further with every breath, but he was painfully conscious.
Juny's voice pierced his ears like pure needles.
Too thin to cause damage, but still painfully stabbing into his nerves.
"Your God couldn't save you, and you were never enough on your own."
Deaflau choked on his own tears, his ability of speech nonexistent.
Juny's eyes were indifferent, as if she was doing something beneath her.
Something bothersome.
But, her lips moved into a very pleased smirk.
"You're just like a child playing a leader. Tell me, do your allies laugh behind your back? Because I certainly would."
Deaflau's throat was torn, he was filled with regret.
But he couldn't speak.
He couldn't retaliate.
All he could do was scream in agony.
Juny's lips continued to move, her gaze still fully unmoved.
"For all your arrogance, your boasting, you forgot the one and most important rule of the Beyonder world."
Juny extended her arm.
Squeezing gently the air in front of her.
Deaflau's organs shifted, contracted and exploded.
Another painful scream rang out, but Juny's calm voice was stronger, louder.
"Never underestimate your enemy."
Large pool of blood gathered on the emptiness which served as the floor.
The crimson floated above the abyss.
Juny looked on, nonchalantly.
"This is the price for your arrogance."