Matt looked back, he was staring at a woman, she looked to be in her late forties, a hint of grey was in her blonde hair and the wrinkles around her cheek was there but not to visible, which meant she wasn't too old. She seemed to be wearing a green vest, he wasn't sure, it was still dark, but he did know that she was holding a crossbow with a quiver positioned at her back with the end of the arrows showing behind her head. She looked calm and collected, she gestured to the sleeping Emma, who was bleeding. "You need help with her?" She asked him, looking at the soaked clothe that was around Emma's neck, he was using it to slow the bleeding, but it could risk an infection of some sorts and he wasn't ready for that. "How can you help her?" He asked her, he was cautious but grateful for her help, yet very cautious of her.
People didn't go around helping others, they didn't do before either, but they had to gain favor and blend in with others. He had nothing to offer her, so he wasn't going to blindly just hope she was a good Samaritan either. He watched as she removed her jacket, revealing a surgical kit, filled with all sorts of equipment, he looked at the circular needles with caution, as she carefully placed thread in them, bringing out a syringe and filled it with anesthetics, he wasn't sure, but he knew it was some sort of chemical as the smell was potent in the air. The woman slowly squatted down, placing some alcohol on Emma's wrist with some cotton, looking for a vein, after a few seconds, she found the vein and placed the needle carefully into it, as she pushed the end of the syringe, administering it into her body.
The woman removed the needle and discarded it, bringing the surgical needle and thread, ignoring the stare from Matt, and started stitching Emma's shoulder. 'Poor kid.' The woman thought, watching her struggle with the pain, before the anesthetics took effect, making the little girl relax and allow her to continue the stitching. She cut the thread after she was done and looked at Matt, who finally decided to speak to her. "Name." It was a demand not a question, but nothing to surprising she always did find teenagers to be a bit challenging and he seemed no different.
"Aisha Larkin." She replied, Matt nodded before mumbling "Thank you" to her and carefully carried Emma and placed her back in her blanket over the log. "What about yours? It's only fair, young one. Considering I told you, my name." She asked him, receiving a glare from the teenager, she raised her hands in the air as a form of surrender, she knew better than to pester children, even if she wanted to teased just a bit, as he reminded her of her own son.
He looked at the meat that had been burned completely, he realised that during his life or death battle with the demon, he forgot about the food. No use complaining, he thought. He put the fire out with some sand, when he realised it was starting to get bright, meaning it would soon be morning and time for him to sleep. Humans slept in the morning now, since the monsters and demons couldn't survive during daytime, they were grateful for having a break from the horrors, even if they spent that time sleeping and eating. He ignored Aisha and slept off, finally allowing himself to be at peace with all the scratches and wounds the demon had given him, were healing exceptionally fast, which seemed to intrigue the blonde woman. 'A fellow monster eater.' She thought but as much as she wanted to question him, she needed to sleep as well. She laid on the grass, moving her quiver from her back but made sure to hold it, to allow her attack anyone who tried to hurt her.
The three humans all slept peacefully like the rest of the human were sleeping, while the monsters and demons hide from the light. It was something they could live with, even if it took time for them to adjust to it but they were grateful no matter the less. The rays from the sun shined across the green life, the sun was directly in their eyes, but it didn't seem to disturb them much.
A few hours later
The sky was turning dark blue, which showed it was turning dark, Matt and Aisha had woken up. The latter tried to engage in a conversation with the former, but Matt was too stubborn to try to talk to her, he glanced back at a sleeping Emma and focused his gaze on Aisha. "How long will it take for her to wake up? She has been sleeping for a very long time." He said in a concerned tone, despite keeping his face stern.
"Anesthetics remain a person's body for up to 24 hours and since it's currently six o'clock and I administered it to her by six in the morning. It's been twelve hours, so she might wake up by tomorrow." Aisha answered him, her brown eyes looked at him with sympathy, he ignored it. He quickly stood up from the ground, dusting himself and started to walk from both females. "Take care of her." He told her.
"Where are you going?" Aisha asked him. "Hunting." He said vaguely, that was all he told her before heading towards the forest, before disappearing into the forest as he continued to move ahead, he made sure to not step on branches that had fallen to the ground, he didn't any sort of attention drawn to him. Aisha watched him walk away before glancing at the sleeping Emma before also standing up, but she didn't leave her alone, grabbing her quiver from the ground, tightly securing it to her back and loaded her crossbow, quietly observing the forest, waiting for monsters or demons to try to attack them.