Chereads / Klas / Chapter 2 - 2

Chapter 2 - 2

**Theme: The Quest for Glory, Honor, and Wisdom in a Crumbling World**

Ah, the life of a Garou, the perfect combination of "adult switching" and "what to do when you feel powerless to even open a jar of jam." Here we are, in the middle of a snowy field, on a dead horse and a pile of broken dreams, while the poor flies throw themselves on the ground as if they've been at a rave and realized the party really isn't over.

"Ah, yes," you think, "I am now the embodiment of a 'Destroy everything and then look at what's left' attitude." Clay, the auctor vitae of this circus, has sent you to eradicate a Bane, and you, in all your ex-cub glory, manage to do it with the same dexterity you'd use to pop a birthday balloon. Now, under the glow of abandoned oil pipes that echo your failure like microphones, you ask yourself: "What do I really want from life? To spoof a disaster, or to start a rehabilitation program for creatures who love the apocalypse?"

That's the question: Do you join Clay and his pack of grumpy grandparents, or do you go on a solo road trip to the soundtrack of Gaia, crying over what's left? A dilemma that could have Plato weeping in the fetal position while reading his own work, surrounded by a bunch of philosophers who have lost the battle against despair.

Glory! Ah yes, the glory of a true Garou, which is basically the same thing as receiving a participation trophy while your mother sits in the front row applauding you, bursting with pride that you finally got your first cat. The mission to "stop humanity from destroying the planet" could be like convincing a teenager not to turn his bedroom into a battlefield of pizza and soda. But hey, if you can destroy a Bane, maybe you can also put a stop to humanity's destructive behavior?

And what about honor? Ah, the honor of integrating with the remaining tribes of the Garou Nation. It's like being invited to a gala where everyone dances the waltz and you show up in a sweatshirt. But why bother? In a world that's spinning at a crawl toward disaster, honor is like a tinfoil cap worn by people who truly believe that pop songs are messages from aliens warning you not to fry your brain. The dignity of the Garou Nation needs a cleansing, but who has the energy for that with a freshly killed Bane at your feet?

And, of course, wisdom! Because true knowledge is knowing that while you're praying to Gaia in a circle dance, she's probably just waiting for contingency plans for the next great catastrophe. You want to learn about what happened to Gaia and the spirit world, but that might include taking a "Golden Compass"-style trip and getting lost in a vortex of information that would make even a librarian hyperventilate. After all, between glory, honor, and wisdom, what do you really want? Oh, my apologies, it's just you trying to decide which poison tastes best, while trying to figure out whether you're the hero or just a tragic figure in an epic that's barely begun. Now, if anyone has a hot cup of tea and a duvet, I'm all ears to discussing the existential impact of being a Garou in a world on fire!