Soon, they found the WOLF . Ah you found me! LETS FIGHT! Said the WOLF . You have been taking our friends away every year! Let's fight then! Said bev loud and ready. The WOLF leaped at Mike, they fought. But the WOLF won! Bev took a spear out and fought the WOLF with it. Is that all you got? Said the WOLF . You can take my other friends, but when you take my ONLY FRIEND YOU MESS WITH ME! LETS FIGHT! Said Bev. Bev through the spear in the WOLFS
eye, then throat. Then hit him in the heart making him weak. I'll be back soon and I'll take all of you! Said the WOLF . Soon, I'll kill you. I just know it. Said Bev, she wasn't scared anymore. But, she never knew when he would come back, so she never made friends again until the WOLF was dead. Being a Lone Wolf