In Sun Site City, far north at the streets of Eldrida, a man with white hair mixed with small black hair stood out. His face was burnt, with scars closely touching his left eye. From big to small, his body size was that of a 14-year-old, but his bones and skin were no different than those of a 100-year-old elderly. He was 97 years old.
A man full of belief, but also fouled by suspicion, Marcus trusted those he deemed worthy in his eyes, while abandoning those he deemed not. His age was not known by many, but many knew his tales of a heroic war savior who ran a famous bar in the slums of Eldrida Street.
"Marcus Jacobs."
"I told you not to come in this place anymore!" As old as he was, Marcus was still full of energy. "This is my property, and this is not a place where fools like you are welcome!" He spoke angrily, as if he could live another 90 years. "I should think about closing the bar; I'm too old for this!" Cracking his neck, old man Marcus looked at his customers with his single sly left eye.
They all opposed, laughing it out with a sign of joy, their smiles brighter than those of renowned cities. The Drunken Beer Bar was their only hope of self-enjoyment in the slums of Eldrida Street.
"Come on, Old Man Marcus, don't say that."
Marcus looked at the speaker, his expression stern. "If you call me Old Man, I might actually close the bar!" Laughing with a heart filled with a small sight of joy, Marcus's response cheered the crowd.
"But how could I when it's so lively here?" said Marcus, looking around. "I might be old, but don't ever call me old again, got it?"
The crowd simultaneously agreed, "LOUD AND CLEAR, CHIEF!!" Everyone in Eldrida called him Chief instead of Old Man Marcus because they all knew he never enjoyed being called old, despite his age. They respected him, idolized him, even praised him till this day. The trust he had over the people of Eldrida was also one of the reasons no one dared to face against Marcus Jacobs. He was protected by the people, and he also did the same for the people.