Chereads / The Dragonslayer's Awakening / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

The light was blinding Evan's closed eyes. What is this? He thought. What is this light? He slowly opened his eyes and saw a clear sunny sky above him. Huh? Wasn't it cloudy and supposed to be cloudy for days to come? He thought. His head was spinning a little as he looked up at the sky. Several birds flew by at a leisurely pace. Evan noticed that he was lying down so he sat up. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he stared before him.

He was in a grassy field with the grass moving constantly from the slight warm breeze. The field went on for many yards in each direction and he could see cows grazing in them. In the distance to the right of his vision, he saw wooden houses and people walking about. He could see that they were wearing strange clothing. Their clothes looked like Medieval clothing! He saw women in long dresses and men walking around in tunics and long trousers.

"What is this?" Evan said out loud as he looked at the people in the distance. "Where the hell am I?" He moved to stand up and that was when his right hand brushed against something hard. He turned and looked at it and he saw that there was a bronze oval shield next to him. It had many dents and seemed like it had seen lots of use. Next to the shield was a longsword in a scabbard.

"What?!" Evan said as he looked at the sword and shield in surprise. When he turned to look at himself, he saw that he had on similar trousers and a tunic like the people in the distance! His trousers were brown and his shirt was a light grey color. On his feet were black boots that were dirty and well-worn. "What is going on?!" He said out loud.

He tried to make sense of where he was. His mind raced to make sense of everything. The last thing he remembered was leaving work and walking toward the bus stop. I was hit by a car! His eyes widened and his heart started to pound in his chest. He remembered the feeling of the car slamming into him and his body flying through the air. He also remembered hitting the ground hard and people screaming in the distance.

Am I dead?! He thought. It sure did not feel like it at all. He could feel the breeze against him as well as the hard ground beneath him. Maybe this is a dream? Or maybe I am in a coma?! He sat there for a moment trying to make sense of it all but he knew that the best way to find out was to get up and head toward that strange village to figure out where he was.

Evan slowly got to his feet. His head spun for a moment but then everything centered. He looked down at the shield and sword. Do I take these? He thought. Evan looked around him to see if maybe there was someone out here in this expansive field with him but there was no one else except for him and the cows. He shrugged his shoulders and picked them up. He saw that inside of the shield was a strap and he put it on his back with the strap across his chest. It fit perfectly and felt surprisingly light. He then picked up the sword and with the strap on the scabbard, he put it around his waist and it stayed put.

Evan then began to walk to the village. The sun was beaming down from above and it felt so good on his skin. The sun had not shone in months in Sedona Ridge and this was a cherished sight. He stopped walking for a moment and frowned. He knew that this place was not Sedona Ridge and that there was no nearby town that looked anything like this. Surely, the car did not hit me so hard that I flew into another part of the country! He laughed out loud at that dark thought but then he felt a chill run down his spine at the thought of possibly being dead or in some sort of purgatory. This couldn't be hell, right? He began to quicken his pace toward the village as he needed answers!

As he got closer to the village, Evan noticed something strange about the people who were walking about. Several of them had long pointy ears! His eyes widened in shock and he stared openly at the ears of these people. When he entered the village, a woman who was tending to a small sheep looked at him with the most beautiful green eyes that made his eyes widen with awe. She was dressed in a long green dress. She was dark-skinned as the color of her skin was bronze and also smooth. Her black hair was tied into a single braid that went down her back. She was tall and slim in figure. Her lips were full and looked so soft from where he was standing. Her nose was small and those green eyes were a wonder to behold! She was gorgeous!

At first, she gave Evan a warm welcoming smile that melted his heart and then her face became one of complete shock. Evan froze in fear from her reaction. She got to her feet and her jaw dropped as she looked at him. Evan wondered if his face was strange or misshapen. He also wondered if I had done something wrong.

"" She fumbled as she tried to find the words. Evan started to notice that it was not fear she was showing toward him but excitement. "'re the dragonslayer!"

Evan did not know what to say and thought maybe that he had heard her wrong. "What?" He asked her in a confused voice.

"You're Evan Pearson, the dragonslayer!" She shouted in excitement. There was now a big smile on her face and her green eyes got wider as she stared at him. Evan was shocked that she knew his name even though he had noticed that she had pronounced it as "E-von Peersan". But what was this about a dragonslayer?!

"I...I..." He was not able to ask her how she knew his name or about this dragonslayer business as many people suddenly ran up to him in excitement.

"It's the dragonslayer!" An excited man shouted. He had gray hair and did not have long ears like several of the other people. "He has come to our village!"

"Oh, gods!!!! It's E-von Peersan!" A chubby woman with long ears who was holding the hands of two small children shouted in glee. The two children were looking at him with astonishment.

"The dragonslayer!!!!" Someone seemed to bark from right beside Evan. It made him jump and when he looked down he saw that it was a dwarf! The dwarf had a very long beard that was braided. He had a pudgy nose with a small stud in the right nostril. His eyes were brown and looked at Evan with so much excitement.

So many people were calling Evan this dragonslayer and saying his name in that weird way. He did not know what to say as he was surrounded by these strange people who somehow knew him!