Well, it's the nicest ambush Eirian has ever been a part of.
But it is still an ambush. Chenzhou, Marian, and Anna look nervous in their own ways. As does the butler standing politely at Chenzhou's shoulder.
Eirian could almost admire their courage if she wasn't running on so little sleep and starving.
Dishes lined a nearby table, and the smell of roast bacon and spices filled the air.
Eirian's stomach grumbled as Chenzhou stood.
He was going to escort her to her seat, she realized. Proper etiquette for a husband.
It's clear this morning is meant to establish boundaries. They wouldn't waste their time ambushing her if they weren't trying to make a point or gauge her willingness to go alone with things.
But that also means it's a good time for Eirian to draw a few of her own lines.
She hasn't missed that this is whole situation is, at heart, a business transaction. Chenzhou is attempting to ensure the survival of what he cares about when he's gone and trying to maintain some control over the gamble he made with Eirian.
But Eirian's the one who's going to have to live with all of this whenever he's gone -she really needs to figure out this miasma- and he's already said he wants Anna protected.
Eirian's not a terrible person; she wouldn't toss the woman out to starve.
For fuck's sake, she's not even in love with Chenzhou to be jealous.
She's not a fool either. Anna can have his heart so long as he does his job as Lord of the Camelia. They don't need to be friends; they just need to be polite.
In public.
Eirian strides to her seat before Chenzhou can even fully leave his, waving him off and the kitchen maid over to dish up breakfast and pour a cup of strong black tea.
Eirian's never needed a man to pull out her chair for her and giving that much ground to someone who only wants her for one thing. For one single part of her instead of all of them seems like a waste.
Especially because it seems more like a business arrangement than a marriage.
As soon as she's rested and has figured out what's going on with the miasma, she'll find herself a pretty bedwarmer.
Hell, maybe she'll find herself two.
Fuck Philip.
Chenzhou sits awkwardly, shifting to reset his chair so he can eat comfortably. Next to him, Anna stares down at her plate like she was willing it to take her anywhere else.
Eirian studies her over her tea, willing to let the awkward silence drag out until one of them is forced to break it.
Anna last name currently unknown.
Bloodline unknown.
House affiliation unknown.
Position mistress?
Personality unknown.
History unknown.
Anna of the shiny brown hair and, when she finally glances up, the big doe eyes. Her skin is fair, annoyingly blemish-free, and finished with a perfect pout.
Eirian's own lips were a tad thinner, her features sharper in contrast to Anna's soft, feminine appearance.
Chenzhou's love wore a simple but elegant gown in warm neutrals. It stuck out from the dark and gloomy setting of the Camelia, whose jeweled tones were all muted by the miasma hanging over them.
To Eirian's eyes at least. She was beginning to doubt that anyone else could see it, despite its strength.
Magic remained invisible to most, especially to those who didn't have it. Visible magic was magic of incredible power, a force so strong that is crossed the plains of existence and became visible to everything living and dead and in-between.
This miasma was powerful enough to smother life in the Camelia, but it wasn't yet as powerful as it could be. Until it was stopped, it would just continue to grow, infecting and consuming everything in its path.
Which also severely limited who could be responsible. A slow-release poison could be managed by any fool that could read and find a book, but a miasma meant there was magical assistance.
Which needed a wizard. Or a mage, or a witch, or a sorcerer, or a magi. Whatever it was, you happened to call someone with magic.
Anna stood out against the shadow.
Well, her clothing did. Since everyone else Eirian had seen so far was in dark tones or straight shades of black.
It was odd. There were windows lining the room, but the only light seemed to come from weakly burning torch lamps on every surface.
Eirian made it through an entire plate of eggs and bacon and a deliciously tart sweet roll before someone spoke.
Anna kept flashing hesitant looks at Chenzhou, who's own gaze flitted from her to Eirian to Marian to the butler waiting at his shoulder, but Marian and the butler seemed content to stare off into some distance and ignore the glances imploring them to break the silence.
To his credit, it was Chenzhou himself who finally broke it. He only took a few bites before sitting back with his coffee and finally looking straight at Eirian. However, their views of one another were blocked by the dried flowers decorating the center of the table.
Dried flowers had their place, adding to the already moody atmosphere, though Eirian had always preferred fresh, and the pale, muted colors lining half of Chenzhou's face were rather striking.
Especially against his dark, depthless eyes.
So unique, Eirian mused. So expressive despite the care he took not to reveal anything through his expression.
Even now, his face was a blank mask, though he had to be at least a bit annoyed by her attitude.
She'd prefer it if he was straight pissed off but he didn't seem the type.
"Good morning."
Eirian blinked, surprised. "Good morning."
"Did you sleep well?" His tone was bland, almost pleasant.
"Yes." She had to fight down the urge to laugh. What was he doing? "Yourself?"
"Very well." His eyes flickered to Anna, but he caught himself almost instantly, and they were back on Eirian.
Ah, he was worried, Eirian realized. Worried about offending her and putting Anna at risk.
She smiled.
It was rather flattering that he was so scared of her.
~ tbc