Dylan couldn't sleep that night, at first someone would think that 'Yes it was a new class for Dylan all adolescents of his age wouldn't even doze for a second' but it was Dylan, those kinds of things wouldn't even make him flinch, he had his own value system and it was ruthless sometimes but as a result of his condition, he had a different approach to life.
Aunt Marla entered about two hours ago, Dylan could tell she was very exhausted. Today was one of the few days she came back early. Dylan looked at the time on his phone "8: 50 pm". He sighed, which was equivalent to the low hum an abused and over used machine would give after being turned on. He calculated his steps nd thought of the greatest scientist theories on energy just to get down from his bed. *Funny though* He walked out of his room more exhausted than he laid down on the bed.
"Hi Aunt Marla, How was work today?" Dylan was the first to ask. He walked down to the fridge to get a glass of water, he grunted a little to open the fridge and poured the water into the glass while trying to catch his breath.
"Fine my love, just that the work never gets done with and you can never have that last smile in that office. They'll always be more." She exclaimed and yawned in the process.
This got Dylan thinking, Aunt Marla always complained about everything with only him as the exception, he didn't know why and didn't want to know he just loved her.
"Uh, uh uh, you don't get to do that, if you wanna sleep just head upstairs i won't let you drool on my favourite couch.. it's all i have" Dylan uttered while putting emphasis on the last statement as he returned the glass cup back to the rack. He watched Aunt Marla laugh hysterically as she approached him, kissed him on his forehead and whispered "Good night" into his ears.
Dylan watched her leave the living room before he climbed back to his room and slumped on his bed that bounced aggressively as if trying to retaliate shaking Dylan's weak and frail body in the process.
He loved it when his heart beated like it was gonna end anytime soon he had gotten used to the melancholic upturns it only brought him peace now.
"NovaGen?" There was something about this company that made his skin crawl deep, although he didn't give two shit about what they did. He was only concerned about the results they produced. About 90% of their patients come out better than they arrived.
The company has managed to overthrow and overcome all other medical firms in thr country and the world.
Nevertheless, no one knew of anything personal about their CEO which is No 1 red flag for Dylan why hide yourself when you've got a very popular company producing insane results.
Yet, something deep down keeps drawing him towards NovaGen, he imagined out of the other beautiful places, cities they could possibly afford Detroit, Maryland. NovaGen came to Claiborne. At this moment, Dylan himself couldn't get what he was driving at, he was stuck in his own theory. He smiled to himself, that rarely happens RARELY. He got his mind of his hypothesis when he heard the chime of his smartphone. He stretched his hands to retrieve it. As he turned it on the bright light forced him to close his eyes cursing in the process.
It was Marcus Dylan knew no other human being would chat him at this time of the night. *Yo Dyl, can't sleep. My Dad's not home, ain't comin home this night. And i feel like doing something stupid.*
Dylan gave a sharp smirk and his fingers got busy tapping the screen repeatedly and almost rhythmic. *Alright get some music bro helps with the boredom or ...read something too.*
*C'mon bro, you're for real, you really don't think anything cool , teenage-like in that head of yours.* He added with a rolling eyes emoji.
*I'm coming over to your place this night, let's go on some adventure that'll get us into some real shit*
Dylan didn't like the idea at all but it wasn't like Marcus had given him any choice. He had been avoiding him of lately and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt his feelings.
It wasn't up to ten minutes, Dylan heard the bang on his room window be already knew who it was, he grabbed his inhaler with shaky hands and put on a casual jacket.
He opened the window and fell Marcus who had been holding his breath." It's sure been a long time you've climbed anyone's roof." Dylan muttered with his voice laced with playful sarcasm.
"You talk too much for some sorry asd nigga" Marcus retorted ruthlessly after scanning the room. "Now let's get of this hell hole before I change my mind." Marcus thought he had won their little banter as he giggled to himself and cleaned the lenses of his glasses.
Dylan dragged Marcus back as he was headed for the window. "Oh, i forgot Grandpa Johnny's got one lung left." Marcus teased while changing his course. "We're taking the stairs then." He chimed in still giggling at himself.
"Say whatever you want we're taking the stairs, and we both know who has the better eyesight." Dylan wasn't gonna loose a banter to Marcus, he grinned wickedly, he could hear Marcus grunt like a hungry piglet behind him. Dylan couldn't understand how Marcus was always able to turn his condition to a laughing matter in a way that he himself doesn't take offense.
They scurried all the way downstairs as quietly as they could do like sacred little kittens. Although Marcus chattering still continued, Dylan shunned him multiple times but he was stubborn so their banter continued.
As they made it to the door, Marcus opened the door and snuck outside, Dylan was about to place his legs outside when he heard a voice calling out his name.