< Only for this chapter Gojo is a kid! >
A white haired boy walked through a forest on a narrowed path without a care in the world as the earlier chirping of the birds behind him faded into nothing, signaling that it was night.
He wore a light blue kimono with black dragonfly markings on it. He also wore sandals, which he probably shouldn't have if he were to run into something dangerous.
But he wasn't worried.
Because he's the strongest.
The strongest in his whole village, in fact. You see, ever since he was born Gojo shifted the power scale in the demon world. He didn't know it yet, but demons shivered in fear as soon as he went outside, walking around like an everyday thing. He didn't know that the demon king, Kibutsuji Muzan was currently looking for him and trying to get rid of the strong power force that was probably stronger than his.
He didn't know any of this, because he was just a kid, unable to do kid things.
Because in this world, some things come to you as a curse and a blessing.
And he managed to get a little bit of both.
So right now while making his way down the dirt path, Gojo had no worries. Sure, someone could come looking for him or snatch him up, but he could escape easily. He had recently learned a new technique that he hadn't told his clan yet— Teleportation.
But he couldn't go just anywhere yet, he had to perfect it.
So every night he'd sneak out into the forest and walk along this exact path, testing out his ability and seeing if he had anymore.
So far, nothing.
Gojo stopped and turned around. He was at the end of the path.
He huffed and closed his eyes, focusing on one particular spot: a tree branch.
Tree.. think about the tree and imagine yourself there!
Clenching his hands, Gojo could barely hold back a shocked gasp as he felt the wind rush past him and found himself on a rough surface.
By reflex, his arms struck out and wrapped around the rough thing before he could fall. A smile was seen on his face as he opened his eyes, a small giggle coming from his lips.
I did it! I actually did it! I finally teleported to the branch!
Gojo felt like the happiest kid in this world— he'd never experienced this kind of joy in the village because all of the kids he met either ran away from him or just stared at him, and he'd have none of it, just walking off.
He remembered one time when some kids were doing a dare in the village to see who could go in the forest without getting caught by their parents. Gojo had walked up to the group, smiling, and asked, "Can I join?"
All four shook their heads immediately.
"Get away from us!"
"Leave us alone, freak!"
"Go play by yourself!"
"I'll tell my dad!"
"What? Why?!" Gojo backed away, shocked. "But I wanna be friends!"
One boy stepped forward. He had long jet black hair and light brown eyes. He wore a brown kimono.
"Leave us alone! We don't want you here, so go away!"
A little girl stepped forward. "Yeah, you tell him, Kohari!"
"W-well maybe I can go into the forest and prove myself there! If I do and don't get caught, then maybe I can be your friend then!" Gojo suggested, his hopes not completely lost.
"We already said—"
"I think we should let him go."
All eyes turned towards a small girl who stood in the corner, and she froze up slightly as they started muttering under their breath.
"Of course you would want him to join, Haru! You like him!" The girl from earlier shouted, pointing at the blond.
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do!"
Gojo's cheeks felt warm for a second but he shook his head, walked forward, and grabbed her hand, ignoring the looks he got.
"Well we can go together!"
Haru's eyes widened before she stammered, "I-I don't think so… I would just slow you down..!"
"No you won't! We'll just go at your speed!" Gojo said. "And plus, if we run into something I'll protect you!"
"But what if we get caught—"
"Then I'll take the blame! Forget these pests!"
Kohari growled, stepping forward with his minions. "Pests? How dare you—"
But the two were already gone.
Gojo sighed.
To think that was two weeks ago! I really improved!
He smiled to himself. I wonder what Haru would say about this?
Looking up, Gojo caught sight of the moon. It was shining down on him, making him have a slight glow on himself.
"I kinda look like a spirit," Gojo commented out loud to himself.
"You sure do, kid."
And in a second Gojo teleported to the ground, his speed earning a surprised hum from his watcher.
Gojo slowed his breathing, forcing himself to stay calm. He had to watch for anything— any sneaking attacks or whatnot.
"Who are you?" He asked, ignoring his loud, fast beating heart.
"Greetings." A man with short pink hair and weird markings emerged from the shadows, appearing in front of Gojo. "They call me Akaza."
Gojo clenched his teeth, meeting the man's eyes. They held some kind of number.. a kanji in them!
"I'm Uppermoon 3." Akaza said.
"Yeah, I just noticed. And I don't think I asked." Gojo remarked, not breaking the Uppermoon's gaze.
"You have a smart mouth for someone who's about to be dead," Akaza growled, narrowing his eyes and clenching his blue fists. "And what's with your speed? You don't smell like a demon, yet you move fast and have a strong presence." Stronger than Master Muzan's…
"You don't need to know—" Gojo was cut off to a punch aimed towards his face, dodging at the last second. He jumped back, his breathing speeding up uncontrollably.
How did he attack so fast? And why'd that punch look like it was supposed to end me?! I know, he must be one of those demons! I heard about them from the stories!
Gojo's eyes narrowed as the demon laughed.
"I thought the rumors weren't true. I thought those demons were straight up crazy. But they're true."
Akaza looked towards Gojo with a crazed look in his eyes.
"You're strong, aren't you?"
Gojo didn't even have time to run as Akaza appeared before his face. He didn't blink as he saw the blue fist coming towards his head. He wasn't afraid. He knew that he was going to die. But he wasn't scared. He was afraid, yes, but eventually everyone dies.
But right now, he didn't want to die.
Not yet.
Not until he reached his full potential.
So with the same crazed look in his bright blue eyes, Gojo leaned towards the punch. But yet, it seemed so, so-