The morning started out fine for Deborah as she got to school. She met her best friend and everything went well until she went home. As normally she went to pray by her mother's picture, all of a sudden her father came home with a girl the age of 15 to 16 and said she was her half sister.
She was really surprised but still she was happy to see her then realised that she was 18 and her mother died 3years ago. Then she became angry at the fact that her father was cheating on her mom bofore she died.
But still the girl "Monica" did not have a choice to come in this world like that but she taught wrong a few days after Monica came to the house her mother's heirloom got missing and 3 hours later it was on the auction market and Monica blamed h e r that she saw me stealing it from my father's drawer I did not talk but bye back the earring and my father blamed me for doing it and trying to buy it to keep it back he did not even investigate it they were literally CTV cameras in the room.
What made her angry was that it was my mother's earring so later I warned her not to mess with me but she did not listen so me and my friends thought her a little lesson.