After hearing Lili's plea, Art had immediately taken her back into his arms and placed her upon his lap. Taking notice of the girl's tiers he hugged her close, and gently stroked her head. While Lili kept on sobbing quietly with her head now pressed against his firm chest.
Gone were Lilis concern's about appearing weak. She simply had lost the will to keep on pretending anymore. She was weak and she knew it.
And after a few minutes of sobbing, Lili became quiet and only the sounds of her little snores could then be heard. To Art's relief Lili had managed to cry herself a sleep within his arm's.
Art could hardly believe it, she actually trusted him enough to sleep within his arm's. For Art this was a huge win that made him want to jump for joy, though he stayed still and held Lili gently enjoying her softness and sweet scent as he did so.
With Lili's consciousness fading deeper and deeper into her dreams, the last thing she could slightly recall was the feeling of a gentle kiss being placed on her head, followed by the Art wishing her sweet dreams.
In her make-believe dream world Lili found herself back in the modern world. She was still the same little Lili but now she was an astronaut sitting in a rocket headed for the moon. But this was no ordinary moon but a moon pie.
Yes, the whole entire moon was nothing more than a gigantic pie and its sweet smell was so strong that it floated through outer space and straight inside the rocket ship.
Lili couldn't help but sniff its delicious mouth-watering smell in excitement as she knew that soon she would have the privilege of being the first girl on earth to have a bite of it. Unable to wait any longer Lili attempted to reach out to the moon pie as if she could just fly there on her own without the help of the rocket ship but to her confusion, she couldn't.
Looking around she noticed that there were big muscular arms holding her in place as she was sitting on the lap of a big man. Turning her head up to look at who this man was, she was shocked to see that it was Frank. Her old partner in the fight against crime was right there holding her on his lap as if he were her father. Just like she, he was also dressed in a spacesuit with only the helmet missing.
In disbelief she looked at his appearance that now at a closer look seemed kind of familiar to that arrogant boy, expect that Frank seemed a lot older. Seeing him her heart skipped for joy as she cautiously asked.
"Frank? What are you doing here? I thought you died?"
Hearing this Frank merely smiled as he said.
"Didn't I tell you, Lili, I'm not leaving you? We are in this together till the end. We are partners for life."
Lili could not help but feel touched by his words as she fell deeper into his gentle embrace as she then said.
"Thank you, Frank. That means a lot to me."
Finally Lili had someone truly reliable on her side, she actually had her bestest of human friends here again and it felt so good. Honestly Lili felt like she could stay here with his embrace for an eternity, but then the spaceships AI spoke in its robotic voice saying.
"Initiating landing sequence."
As the ship landed and its doors opened Frank and Lili stood there hand in hand, like father and daughter. They looked at the pie moon before them with drool running down their helmet-covered faces.
And as if they were of one mind they both turned towards one another at the same time and Frank said.
"You ready Partner?"
In great excitement, Lili nodded her head and then felt Frank suddenly tighten his grip on her small hand. Lilis face turned into confusion as she was then suddenly tossed out of the spaceship by Frank who yelled at her saying.
"It's time to wake up Lili! There is food waiting to be consumed."
Flying down towards the pie moon Lili reached her hand towards Frank and desperately yelled.
"No, I don't want to wake up without you! Please I need you! Don't leave me again! I can't do this without you!"
Through the ever-growing distance between them, she could see a smile form on Frank's face as he said.
"Don't worry partner, your much stronger than you think. I believe in you, you can do this. And no matter what, I will always be there beside you if you need me. You'll just have to look a little bit closer and you'll find me waiting there for you."
Hearing this Lili shook her head fiercely in denial as she flew further and further away while yelling.
"No Frank! Don't go! Please!"
Then with a squishy splat, she finally made contact with the pie moon and sank into it and was completely consumed by darkness and the smell of the sweet pie.
In the darkness, Lili then heard a gentle manly voice call out to her.
"Wake up sleepy head. Wake up. It's time to eat, I have pie nam nam."
Then something soft like freshly baked dough with the small taste of butter mixed in with it came in contact with her full lips. Its aroma was good, it smelled like a meat pie.
Carefully her little button nose sniffed it and took in all its sweet drool-inducing sweet aromas. With her lips touching it and her nose identifying its target she then opened her mouth wide and bit down.
Immediately she felt her teeth catch a hold of something meaty, muscular and hard, but also the taste of meat pie was there as well. Although strangely enough her bite was quickly followed up by slight pained grunts of a man.
"AHH. God damnit Lili that's not something meant for eating."
Confused by this Lili moved her tongue through the soft meat pie and around the hard object that felt like a thick well trained finger.
Now feeling even more confused than before. Lili opened her eyes lazily and noticed that she had taken hold of Arts index finger which had been holding a small piece of meat pie. What was even worse was that she had been licking the finger unknowingly.
Realizing her mistake Lilis eyes widened and quickly pulled back and hit her head against something solid. Turning her head upwards to look at what she had just hit she noticed Art looking down at her questioningly. Seeing him Lili hurriedly squeaked out an apology.
"Iikh! I, I, I'm sorry Art I didn't realize it was you."
Hearing this Arts expression quickly turned to a playful one as he brought his index finger in front of her lips and said.
"Don't worry about it, Lili. Feel free to bite it again, I don't mind. What is mine is yours."
Then his finger came into contact with Lili's lips once more. In response, Lili pulled back and yelled.
"Iu no! That's disgusting. Noo!"
But Art didn't stop as he just continued poking his finger at Lili as she attempted to dodge it to the best of her abilities while being trapped on his lap.
For a good minute, they went at this and Lili kept on protesting until they were both brought to a halt by the sound of an old man's laughter.
Looking around Lili could see that she was no longer in the Inns bar area. Instead, she seemed to be in a sizable room with a single king-sized bed, a window with red curtains blocking the view to the outside, a fireplace and a round table with lots of food on it and two finely crafted wooden chairs and there on one of the chairs facing the door she was sitting in Art's lap.
And there next to the door, she could see a huge old man leaning against the wall. His hood was pulled back and she could see his shaved face and gray short hair. The man also had 5 long scars on the right side of his face, three of the scars went over his eye but seemed as if they had left it undamaged. Also she was quick to notice that both of his eyes were a deep shade of ocean-blue just like hers were.
Looking at this fearsome-looking old man Lili couldn't help but feel that the man had an air of familiarity in him. Somehow she felt that there was a certain kind of an unspoken bond between her and him which she couldn't quite explain. It was like the feeling of meeting your grandpa for the first time.
Though the old man didn't seem to feel the same way as he merely kept on laughing happily as he then said.
"Hahaha, young love. What else can I say? Hahaha! Though I warn you boy, don't go creating any unwanted bastard's with whoever. Remember who you are and act accordingly."
And with those words said, the man opened the door and left, leaving only the slight echoes of his laughter behind.
The room stood silent and then the two of their eyes met. Lili's face turned into a questioning frown as Art seemed confused as he said.
Crossing her arms Lili tried to act tough but inwardly she felt a bit scared as she said.
"Don't get any funny ideas or I'll kick you in the balls again."
Hearing this Arts left hand immediately rose up in surrender, though his right still held her waist gently as he spoke as if he was shocked by her words.
"What? No, newer. I would never force you to do something like that."
Placing his left hand on her shoulder he tried to reassure her as he said.
"Don't say things like that Lili. I'm not that type of a man. The things I spoke of at the lakeside were meant in the context of later. Obviously, I'm not going to make you my concubine now. I meant to do it later when you're more grown up."
As Art said this Lili could feel his large member bulge slightly which sent chills through her body and made her shiver in disgust. The boy was clearly thinking of something dirty as he talked about making her his concubine.
Holy shit, this dude was not joking. Wasn't he basically just admitting to wanting to pin her to a bed and having his way with her once she grew up? Oh, where was Frank when she really needed him? Right about now she would have very much needed some back up just in case this boy tried something funny here.
After all this boy was clearly a well developed teenager with raging hormones and a large package, and while she didn't want to admit it, she did look quite feminine and cute. And to add to it all they were alone, within a hotel room basically with a single bed. Now this just felt way too dangerous, could she really trust this boy to not do anything bad to her?
Noticing Lili's look of disgust slowly turning into distress, Art quickly grabbed a wooden plate with a meat pie and brought it in front of Lili's face while saying.
"Oh look, Lili. It's a meat pie. Why don't you try and take a bite out of it? It's really delicious I'm sure you'll love it."
With the sweet scent of the pie rising to her nose, Lili could not help but have her expression soften and her eyebrows race instead as she thought.
Ooh, trying to bribe me with food now, are you? Well, that's not gonna, oh, wait that does smell really good. Let me have a bite of that.
Smelling the pie and feeling hungry with her stomach growling Lili couldn't help but have her opinion of him be swayed thanks to the food.
And Like that Lili and Art spent the next half an hour or so happily stuffing their faces with food. Lili seemed to have forgotten their talk almost immediately as she happily continued to sit in Arts lap while he kept on handing her food while he also ate.
Both of them even ended up drinking some medieval ale and sharing a few drunk moments together which they soon forgot as they then found themselves sound asleep in the king-sized bed.