Chereads / The road tripp family / Chapter 4 - The Road Trip Family – Episode 1: "The Haunted Motel Disaster"

Chapter 4 - The Road Trip Family – Episode 1: "The Haunted Motel Disaster"


Chapter 4: "The Great Escape (And the Really Terrible Gas Station)"

The family awoke the next morning to the harsh reality that they hadn't escaped their bizarre, almost supernatural adventure the night before. They had just experienced what they thought was an ordinary motel stay, until a series of strange events turned it into their new "Haunted Motel Disaster." It was clear now that they'd never be able to look at a motel the same way again.

Linda was already up and packed, having secretly decided that it was time to get out of Sleepy Pines Motel before the ghosts decided to follow them. Greg, on the other hand, was still blissfully unaware of the looming danger. He had passed out after hearing one too many ghost stories and was now dragging himself out of bed with his signature morning grumpiness.

GREG (groggily): "I swear, I don't understand how you guys do this early morning nonsense. It's like my brain is... in a fog of bad decisions."

TESSA (sarcastically): "That's because it is in a fog of bad decisions, Dad. Like staying in this place."

MAXIE (hopping around with his shoes half-on): "I can't wait to get out of here! But—what if the ghosts are following us?!"

Linda rolled her eyes, clearly trying to tune out Maxie's latest panic.

LINDA (grabbing her suitcase): "Maxie, I've had enough of the ghosts. I'm pretty sure they're too busy haunting the motel's plumbing to worry about us."

Greg trudged to the bathroom, groaning the entire way.

GREG (from the bathroom): "I'll tell you what's haunting me—this shower! It's like a haunted car wash. Feels like I'm being power-washed by the Grim Reaper."

Meanwhile, Maxie, as usual, had a different take on the situation. He had found a random pamphlet in the motel lobby that claimed the Sleepy Pines Motel was known for its "unusual haunted history." Of course, he'd latched onto it with all the enthusiasm of someone who was ready to meet ghosts head-on.

MAXIE (showing the pamphlet to Linda): "See?! It says they've had at least three ghost sightings a month! It's practically famous for its ghosts! We might be famous ghost hunters now!"

LINDA (sighing): "Yeah, and if you keep acting like this, I'll be famous for losing my mind before we even get to the Grand Canyon."


As the family piled into the car, they couldn't shake the unease from their "Haunted Motel Disaster." Maxie, of course, was convinced they needed to stop at a "haunted gas station" to fully complete the experience. His reasoning? "If we're going to be followed by ghosts, we might as well get the whole road trip package."

Linda tried to ignore his antics, focusing instead on the GPS, which seemed to have a personal vendetta against them.

LINDA (reading from the GPS): "And in 200 feet, take the exit for... nowhere? Why does this thing hate me?"

TESSA (mockingly): "It's giving us a head start. It's like, 'You guys are hopeless. Figure it out yourselves.'"

Maxie's eyes lit up when he spotted a sign for a "haunted gas station" just off the highway. Of course, he insisted they make a pit stop.

MAXIE (pointing): "Look! That's the one! The haunted gas station! I bet the ghosts are hanging out there right now, waiting for us!"

GREG (glancing at the sign, unimpressed): "Maxie, it's a gas station, not a haunted mansion. Relax."

But Maxie's enthusiasm was infectious. He immediately started unbuckling his seatbelt as if he was preparing for battle.

MAXIE (yelling as he opened the door): "I'll get the ghosts to give us free gas! They must have spiritual fuel!"


As the family pulled up to the gas station, the place looked as eerie as Maxie had imagined—complete with a rundown neon sign flickering in the wind and an old, rusted gas pump that had seen better days.

GREG (raising an eyebrow): "I feel like we're about to be part of some true crime documentary."

LINDA (eyeing the building): "It's way too early for this nonsense."

Maxie, already out of the car, marched up to the old gas station attendant—a man who looked like he had been working the night shift since the '90s. He was standing behind the counter with a mug of coffee in his hands and a bored expression on his face.

MAXIE (enthusiastically): "Hey! I'm looking for ghosts! Can you point me in the right direction?"

The attendant, without missing a beat, glanced over the counter at Maxie, then at his coffee, and shrugged.

ATTENDANT (flatly): "They're usually around here after midnight, kid. But they're really picky about gas stations. I wouldn't try it unless you've got a spirit-friendly card."

MAXIE (confused): "A... spirit-friendly card?"

ATTENDANT: "Yeah, you know. Special rewards program. Ghosts love loyalty points. Haven't you read the pamphlet?"

Maxie, now more confused than ever, turned to his family for backup. But they were all busy doing what they did best: avoiding all things Maxie-related.

TESSA (already back in the car, rolling her eyes): "I'm done with this. I'm not buying into your ghost hunt, Maxie. I swear, next time I'm just staying in the car."

LINDA (muttering as she followed Tessa): "Let's just get gas and leave before the ghosts start charging us for everything."


As the family begrudgingly filled up the gas tank, Maxie stood outside, staring at the darkening sky and muttering about missed opportunities for ghost encounters.

MAXIE (to himself): "I bet I could've gotten a selfie with a ghost if I just had the right filter..."

Suddenly, a loud whoosh echoed through the gas station, followed by the sound of a car alarm going off in the distance. Maxie's eyes went wide, convinced it was the ghosts finally coming for him.


GREG (sighing deeply): "Maxie, that's just the wind... or the guy down the road who really hates his car."

But Maxie was already back in the car, clutching his seatbelt like it was a life raft.


As the family pulled away from the gas station, their trip continued on—no ghosts in sight, but the day's chaos was far from over. Maxie, still convinced that the ghosts had been closely watching them, kept a watchful eye on the rearview mirror.

MAXIE (quietly): "They're out there. I can feel it."

LINDA (exasperated): "Maxie, the only thing following us is your imagination."
