He opened his eyes to see a wall in front of him. In his peripheral vision was Sol and Seres. He didn't know where he was, they slept like babies, though.
He walked over to them, and was going to slap them awake for giggles. Though, he was tied down. Wait, why was he tied to a chair? Where was he?
His last memory was going to the cultist barn and then. . .behind me. . .oh. Nathaniel had been kidnapped.
He screamed, he didn't know what else to do. His screaming woke Sol and Ceres up. They seemed frightened after a few seconds of cocniousness. They caught on rather quickly.
When his voice got hoarse, a door behind them opened. He knew this how? He couldn't see it but he could hear it.
The sound of cutting and a feeling of freedom took him. His restraints were cut and he was forced to the floor on his knees. Same with his friends.
The three captors were in black robes and had cut out eye holes in a black bag over their head. An eye decorated the top of said black bag. Nathaniel spoke to these men.
" Who are you?"
They smiled, or their eyes showed it. It seemed as though they were one being. Sharing the same expressions. A muffled voice behind Nathaniel spoke.
When he said nightmare, the one behind Sol stabbed him in the eye with his long nails, and then spoke.
Sol and Nathaniel screamed, Seres cried. The men then spoke, though it was incoherent babble about nightmares. They then set down devices in front of the victims.
Each device said, say nightmare to activate. When none of the three did so, they were hit in the back of the head with a hard hand. Nathaniel decided to suck up his fear and say it.
" N-nightmare, please let me go. "
When he said nightmare, he felt as if he was going to throw up like when he was at the barn earlier. The device then told him to say it again.
" Nightmare."
His friends began to say it, the device told him again.
" Nightmare."
He spat out blood, his throw up then littering the floor. Again, the device said. Speaking of it, before continuing the young boy examined the device. It was a small black phone with a cracked screen. On the back of it was a circular ring, prompting holders to use it like a ring, except with a phone on top.
Would've been neat if not for the situation he was in, he could've used it like an Apple Watch. The cultist then hit him again, prompting him to say it.
" Nightmare, now quit your whining"
He was then punched in the gut, what moody cultists. This caused him to throw up again.
His vision was filled with blood, blood was coming out from his eyes. How? The guy hit him in the gut, or it was from this chanting.
He looked at his friends, they were in a similar situation, eyes bleeding, throwing up, blood leaking from their ears. The last symptom he hadn't contracted.
By a chance of luck they chanted Nightmare all three at the same time.
" Nightmare."
He then looked up, the pain was gone. He was in a desolate desert of black sands. Sol and Seres were with him.
The cracked small phone was latched to his arm, when did the circular ring get so big he could fit it around his arm.
" Where are we"