Skill - Extract Lvl1 ( Legendary )-> The Host can extract anything from everything. The Host is only limited by their imagination.
At Lvl1, it only works on non-living things or deceased beings.
The range of the skill at Lvl1 is 10m.
The extracted thing will never be harmful to the Host; instead, it will be beneficial.]
"System, you see all the functions are Lvl1, and my new skill is also Lvl1. How do I level it up?" asked Veer.
[Host! System functions can level up automatically after you reach a certain power level. As for your skills, there are several options: Skill Level-Up Cards, Proficiency, Evolution, Hidden Requirements, etc. There's also another option that might be easier for you, but the skill you have must not be exclusive for that option.]
"Hmmm... But I have only two skills. One is already maxed, and the other is an exclusive skill. Well, whatever. System, what is this 'easy option' you're talking about?" asked Veer, raising an eyebrow.
[Host, if you can obtain two cards of the same skill, then you can level up that skill. However, there's one thing you should remember – the card levels must be the same. And as you know, exclusive skills can only be obtained once and only by one person, so you can't level them up. They can only be obtained once.]
"I see, I see. Got it. Well, then, how should I use the skill 'Extract'?" Veer asked, now eager to try out his new ability.
[You just have to think about it, and the skill will activate. However, the System won't assist you in any creative way. The System will not give any suggestions beyond the skill's restrictions, requirements, and description.]
"Ugggh. Are you really not going to tell me anything else?" said Veer, making a puppy-dog face at the System.
[Don't make that kind of face, Host!! Have some shame. I've already helped you in many ways. Now go and explore yourself. (^_^,)]
Sighhhhhh... Veer sighed deeply, rolling his eyes.
Veer then started checking himself over, adjusting his clothes and making sure everything was in place. His body felt fine, though he could still feel a slight tension in his muscles from his evolution earlier. After a brief stretch, he got off the bed and walked toward the bathroom. His mind was buzzing with excitement about his new skill, and the possibilities it opened up, but right now, there was nothing more important than relieving himself.
As he entered the bathroom, he couldn't help but hum a little tune to himself.
Veer walked out of the bathroom, now feeling lighter after taking care of his needs. The light, almost breezy air of the morning wrapped around him as he went to his wardrobe to grab something comfortable. His mind was buzzing with excitement about his new skill. The thought of extracting things, making use of his imagination to create what he wanted from objects and materials, made his heart race a little faster.
He settled on a simple white t-shirt and some loose shorts. The day was still young, and he had nothing pressing on his schedule. A perfect time to test out his newly acquired ability. After all, what better way to get familiar with a new skill than to try it out immediately? He had nothing to lose, and this was what he had been waiting for.
As Veer stepped out of his room, he stood still for a moment, pondering the possibilities. His room was still relatively plain; a bed, a few bookshelves, a desk with random items scattered across it, and a small potted plant on the windowsill. He couldn't help but grin as he let his gaze linger on his surroundings. 'What should I try first?'
His eyes fell on the small desk near the corner. A stack of books sat on it, along with a pen and an old notebook he had once used for something.
After a moment's thought, he made a decision. He walked over to the desk and stood in front of the books. 'Okay, let's try this.' He closed his eyes for a brief second, focusing intently on his skill. He thought about the book titled Cooking God's Experience and 1000 Recipes. But what did he want from it? He wanted the knowledge, the recipes, maybe even the cooking techniques that the book contained.
"Extract," he whispered under his breath, his fingers flexing slightly as if coaxing the skill to activate. For a moment, nothing happened.
Veer opened his eyes, confused. He had followed the instructions. The book remained in its place on the desk, unmoving.
'Maybe I'm not doing it right. Maybe I have to focus more or think harder.' He decided to try again. This time, he focused his thoughts intently on the book and imagined its pages peeling away from the cover, ready to come out of the book.
"Extract!" he said more firmly this time.
Still, nothing.
Veer clenched his fists in frustration. The skill wasn't doing what he wanted. He couldn't understand it. Each time he activated it, something should have been extracted, but it extracted nothing. This was becoming annoying. He walked away from the desk and paced the room, muttering to himself as his mind raced.
'Maybe I need to adjust my focus. Perhaps I need to be more specific in my request?'
He ran his hand through his hair and sighed heavily, his thoughts racing. The room seemed to close in on him as he tried to make sense of the situation. 'Focus, Veer, focus!' he told himself. He took a deep breath, calming himself, and looked back toward the desk.
'Alright. Let's try this again.' This time, he decided to take a more precise approach. He imagined the words on the first page of the book, the ones that introduced the content and set the tone for the whole thing. Veer closed his eyes and concentrated harder, his mind crafting the words, willing them to emerge from the book.
"Extract," he said one more time.
For a brief moment, there was a slight shimmer in the air, and then… a soft rustling sound.
Veer's eyes shot open. What was that? He looked around in a hurry, his pulse quickening. He expected to see the book's contents floating in the air or manifesting somewhere in the room. But no.
Instead, he saw a small, glowing orb hovering above the desk, pulsing faintly. He reached out cautiously, and as soon as he touched it, his head was flooded with knowledge.
It wasn't like reading a book. It wasn't like seeing the words flash before his eyes. The information rushed into his mind, bypassing his conscious understanding and directly into his memory. It was as if the entire first chapter of the book was suddenly imprinted on his mind.
Veer staggered back slightly, overwhelmed by the sudden influx of knowledge. He couldn't remember the last time he had been so stunned. He had extracted the knowledge of the book, but it hadn't come out in a way he had expected. He couldn't understand whatever was written there. Yes, he could read it or remember it like a memory, but he wasn't able to understand a word of it.
The information was just there, of no use. It was like a new language was imprinted in his mind, but he couldn't make sense of it.
But, he did it. He successfully extracted something. He grinned widely, a sense of accomplishment flooding his veins. That was it.
But just as quickly, his mind began to race again. Now that he understood the skill a little better, he wondered what other things he could extract.
He decided to test it again, but this time with a different object. He turned his attention to a glass of water sitting on the desk. 'What would happen if I tried to extract the water?'
He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should test the skill with something so trivial. But curiosity got the better of him. He cleared his throat and focused his attention on the glass of water.
"Extract," he whispered, but this time, there was no orb, no flood of knowledge, no magic.
Veer opened his eyes. The glass was still sitting there, filled with water. He narrowed his eyes. 'What did I do wrong this time?'
He thought about it again. This time, he decided to focus on the idea of extracting the glass itself, imagining it shrinking into his hand or somehow being drawn out of existence.
"Extract," he said again, a little louder.
Veer clenched his teeth. 'Why isn't this working now?!' He was beginning to lose patience with the process.
Frustrated, he turned away from the desk and stomped toward the window. He needed to clear his head, to take a break from this mental grind. He needed perspective.
The cool breeze outside made him feel slightly better. He breathed deeply, taking in the fresh air and clearing his mind. Maybe he was rushing it. Maybe there was a deeper layer to the skill that he hadn't unlocked yet.
As he turned back to face his room, he saw the desk again, with the book he had attempted to extract from earlier. He walked over, picked it up, and flipped through the pages absentmindedly. His eyes caught a few words here and there, and he felt the same sense of wonder.
'I've got it now', he thought to himself. 'I've figured it out.'
With new understanding, he decided to test one last experiment. He placed the book back on the desk and focused his mind. 'The words, the techniques, and the essence of the book didn't have to be in the way it was in book. They could exist as pure knowledge, floating in his mind.' He focused his intent on extracting that knowledge directly into his brain, bypassing the need for words to imprint in his mind.
This time, when he whispered "Extract," the familiar glowing orb appeared, but this time it dissolved into a gentle mist, evaporating into the air. Instead of being overwhelmed, Veer felt a sudden surge of clarity. The information flooded his mind again, but this time it didn't feel overwhelming. It wasn't like the previous imprinted words that he couldn't understand. It was just understanding— the understanding of the words and knowledge inside the book. It was as if his mind had adjusted to the experience.
He had successfully extracted the knowledge. No pages, no words. Just the understanding.
Veer chuckled to himself, the excitement returning. 'I'm getting the hang of this!'
With a satisfied grin, he stood tall and stretched. There was no telling what other incredible things he could do with this skill, but for now, he had unlocked the potential. And that was more than enough to get started.