Chereads / sonic the hedgehog: the lost king. / Chapter 27 - the plan and the players, ambushed.

Chapter 27 - the plan and the players, ambushed.

Mephiles: You are saying that we will kill her here? How do you know that?

Silver: remember that fox? I had him hack some into the ship's security.* Taps on his wristband* He even gave me this, have a look.

A holographic recording of Sonic jumping out with Sonic° and eggman ordering to reroute the fortress before the video ends.

Mephiles: brilliant, Now we shall end him before he releases the flames of disaster.

Silver: Yes we will. *Inwardly mocks mephiles and wonders* 'How does he even speak without a mouth? Telepathy?'.

Before he could clench his curiosity a engine sound rings around the rocky terrain, the flying fortress breezes towards the center high among the clouds, far away they see a small person running after the fortress unable to reach it but fast enough to match or surpass it in speed.

Silver: He has come... Let's move to somewhere we get a good ambush spot.

Mephiles: True.. with his speed, a ambush is a must to prevent any incidents.

Mephiles uses the two emeralds he has to make way towards the desert like area in the center of island alongside silver.

Somewhere in 300 km away from barren islands, a decent sized ship is making its way towards the island.

Victor°: So you called us to this place to fight someone?

Charmy°: it's been months since something big happened, victory has basically adapted to finding stray animal pets at this point.

Victory°: like you are doing any better? Only espio has found some decent paying work by uh... What was it again by that mr. Whatever to go find a bunch of explorers, you even meet that female scorpion.

Espio°: you better stop* brings out a bunch of shiny shurikens* or you won't have a tongue anymore.

Charmy°:*flies and hover behind espio, patting his head* Now now, getting nervous is nothing big.

Before the trio could dig deeper into their talk tails interrupts.

Tails°: can you be serious for once? We are going to fight something much bigger and stronger than neo metal.

Victor°: then tell us already.

The ship hanger opens to reveal tornado entering, inside are cream and Amy with Big being carried by straps. Amy leaps out and removes the straps on Big while cream goes to meet the trio and tails.

Cream: Helo big brother tails, big brother espio, brother charmy and*turns to victory with a bright smile on her face* Uncle victor.

Victor loses all his colour while charmy bursts out laughing, espio also gives a light chuckle.

Victor°: Cream I am not that old.

Cream°: but brother charmy told me you were over 35.*tilts her head cutely along with her chao*

Charmy was about to run for his life when the ship module screen changed to a voice call.

???: hello, it's sally we have reached the boundary of eggman empire.

Tails°: Good timing sally.. Who are with you?

Sally°: I am with Nicole and shard, honey also tagged along after Amy told her too. We also have whisper and tangle.

Tails°: Good, reroute for barren islands and don't engage eggman, i repeat don't engage eggman.

Whisper°: an ambush? That's rare from the sonic squad.

Amy°: We are not fighting eggman... Have you heard about Solaris?

Tangle°: you mean that rumoured spirit of god of sun? I heard the news say that eggman kidnapped a girl from soleanna to release something called the flames of disaster... What does this sun god have to do with us?

Tails°: He.. is the our target.

Victor°: You expect us to fight something that will toast us before we touch it?

A ring portal appears and knuckles° and blaze jumps out.

Blaze: We are not facing it directly that's someone else's job, we have to destroy it's clones.

Honey°: *pushes sally aside as she stares at blaze* Who is she? She looks like a good model for my clothes.

Knuckles°: enough *claps* We don't have time for this nonsense, tails start the briefing on the mission.

Tails foretold what they were supposed to do and sally was the first one to oppose.

Sally°: You want sonic to die? No way.

Tails°: listen sally, he is not dying we got everything planned and sonic agreed, it's fake death.

Sally°: what if there was a accident? Can you say it with a guarantee?

Tails°: I can, we have a ally much more powerful than anything we have seen, even shadow commend his strength. Also we can revive anybody if they die with the ruby he has.

Knuckles°: you are saying he got the Phantom ruby?

Blaze: it's not just Phantom ruby from the stories, its better,stronger I have seen him turn air to building sized metal structures, open cracks in space.. apparently he refined the ruby with chaos and now it can bend even the real reality as long as he has enough energy.

Charmy°: *excited* That's just overpowered at this point.

Blaze: it comes with a price tho *inwardly blushes while remembering * He will get his personality bended as well if he goes low on energy. And it's random, so one time moment he may become a general of war and next a bard, even a playboy ain't far off.

Espio°: figures, a power like that is absurd but the lack of control of yourself may led to problems, if he becomes a coward during a fight or a berserker during a spar or gathering That's just..

Amy°: unnerving. I say we -

The wristband of tails blinks before a hologram shows up,

Silver: Where are you? Sonic and that dr. Are already here, mephiles is getting ready to strike as well.

Tails°: move on with the plan, we will be there in 4 mins and 22 seconds.

Eggman: Why do you make this so difficult for me? That hedgehog is already dead, you should just co-operate and avoid unnecessary pain.

Elise: I would rather die than destroy the world for your greed.

Eggman: you have forced my hand. Seperate the guest room, enter defensive mode.

The guest room detached before hovering down towards the ground, the fortress enters defence mode as all its external turrets emerge. A floating mechanical extension to Eggman's pod with two giant arms also arrives near the ground.

Eggman: *attaches his pod to the extension mech* This place shall suffice as a testing ground. Now shal-

Fortress ai: high level intruder detected, begining fire.

The fortress begins unloading a rain of bullets straight at Sonic°.

Elise: SONIC.

Eggman: that peaky hedgehog, I will deal with you myself. * Charges towards Sonic°* Come at me you stupid jinx of my fortune.

Sonic°: *circles around eggman and carries on* Nah I'm good, princess first.

Eggman looks like he just ate a lemon for first time, sour and shocked. He silently activates the fortress's defences again.

Eggman: HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME!!*chases after sonic°*

Sonic° grabs elise in a princess carry while avoiding attacks like a expert.

Elise: You seriously are a reckless moron.

Sonic°: most good people are, let's get ou-

Sonic suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, he looks down to see a purple spike piercing his chest, he falls sliding across the ground and elise rolls around as well after falling. After coming to a stop, she moves towards Sonic ignoring her injuries.