"Shakhai is coming here," Koka said.
"Vikoka informed?" President asked. "He is the one who can see everything. Even predict things. Because of him, I agreed with that officer of Huijin."
It was a bright room. Only one wall was decorated with gold tiles. And from the corner of each tile, there came a small pinch of yellowish light. Together these all pinches of light built the golden wall gorgeous.
In the middle, there was an entity sitting like an idol. One cannot figure out if it was a human or a robot. It had four hands, two of mechanical and two human's, a small robotic head upon another bigger human head. A luminescent wire was upon its back neck and the middle of the back. The human face was like an old man's face, but its body was telling another thing. It had a bulky body and strong arms. It was as large as an elephant. It was Koka-Vikoka.
"Vikoka is omniscient, I am omnipotent. Together we are the Gods of this universe, the Gods of yours. Respect us!" Koka shouted. With his voice, the President kneeled down with no time. "Called us Uam Koka and Uam Vikoka."
"Ye... yes, Uam Koka," the President said with his trembling voice. His whole body was feeling an earthquake.
The entity stood up. He went near to the president. "Zorvan Ahura."
No one throughout the Laniakea could call the President by his name, but Koka-Vikoka was the exception.
"Zorvan Ahura, listen carefully. If it weren't us, Ahuras could never come to power, other elite houses would still rule the Laniakea."
"Don't be so rageful, Koka." A voice came from that robotic head. "Warth blinds our mind. And we cannot think clearly. We become stupid. He is just a mere human, self-surrounded, and ignorant. He can never understand us. But we still have to do our purpose. Leave him. It was our duty to inform him about Shakhai's arrival, and we did it. He will reach Masad tomorrow."
"Only because you're saying, I am letting him." Koka was like an angry little child, only Vikoka's words were the lollipop to calm him. They were two souls in one body. One is all-mighty, the other is all-knowing, the almost perfect combination throughout all heavens and hells. But still, it lacked one thing, omnipresence.
Koka-Vikoka went to the other side of the room, near a large table. He pressed a button, and a three-dimensional virtual model of a board game appeared. He started to play Zhondousi, a four-player game.
Four colours to separate pieces and the squares on boards, red, blue, yellow, green. Thirteen columns and thirteen rows, in total one hundred and sixty-nine squares built the board. At each of all four corners, sixteen squares were in different colours according to the players' colour, creating a larger square for the domain of each player.
At the centre, the square was white, the final destiny. From that white square, four four-squared paths were separated with gold colour between two domains. Diagonal to each domain, there was a safe zone in silver colour with a black four-headed star. The rest squares on the board were light brown.
There were options for two sets of three cards, one was purple, other was orange.
And two cuboid dices were there to decide the fate. The highest number a dice could produce was four. The combination of numbers would decide the piece to be played.
Sixteen pieces for each player. All pieces were in round small tile size. They had symbols over them to represent their role. Seven pawns with spear symbol, horse for three knights, eagle for three avians, one king with the crown symbol, one guardian with the symbol of the sword and one oracle with spiral.