In the beginning, He created heaven.
Heaven was the domain of angels, and it reflected the splendour of the most beautiful and powerful beings in the once formless and void world. It shone with brilliance and purity for it was the gem of the universe.
The home of the angels was made of jasper, and the cities where they resided were made of pure gold, which was as magnificent as the most flawless glass. Their foundations were lined with precious gems, and the gates were hewn from pearls.
There was no night or darkness.
There was nothing impure in the holy domain.
Everything was perfect.
Then, he created earth.
The earth was formless and empty, filled with a heavy darkness covering it in the beginning. The angels looked at it with disdain for it was the antithesis of heaven. But they did not know He had a plan for it.
Until they saw Him spend day after day bringing life into earth…
The angels were stunned when they saw how different Earth was from heaven. It was not perfect like their home, but it was beautiful in how it was alive. It was not static in its brilliance like their home.
It was art come alive.
There was night and day, light and darkness, sun and moon, land and sea, plants and animals… The contrast was not only beautiful because of the juxtaposition of the creation. It was also about the continuous change.
In the morning, birds would take flight and sing their melodies, and in the night, soft growls would fill the world as nocturnal predators roamed the land. The sun would shine bright in the day, and the moon would smile in the dark.
The sea ebbed and flowed as the tide fell and rose, and the seasons changed with heat, snow, rain and wind. With these seasons came changes in the plant life, colouring the world in an ephemeral beauty.
The angels watched in fascination as the once formless and void earth became beautiful and glorious, a reflection of His heart. They were in awe of Him, believing that He was giving them a wonderful gift.
But how wrong they were…
For He had a different plan.
This new world was not meant for the angels. The earth in its variable nature could not be given to perfect creatures. It could only be a home of beings that could change with their world.
He created sentient creatures and placed them on the new earth.
Human beings…
The angels looked at this new creation and were puzzled, for the human being was unremarkable. Its form was weak, and its mind was feeble. Its functions were messy, needing food for nourishment and intimate relations for reproduction.
It had no special powers or even ordinary ones.
The angels did not think human beings deserved to inherit the world created as a reflection of His artistic mind and heart. As angels who had been with Him for aeons before time and space, they deserved this new world.
Before they could bring their request before Him, He spoke, His voice echoing through the heavens.
'I have made humans in my image. You will serve them as you have served me.'
The angels thought they had heard it wrong, but He meant it, assigning them to be guardians of the feeble humans. They were supposed to stand beside humans in their spiritual form to guide humans after they were cast out of paradise.
The humans who disobeyed his one order and tried to hide their sin as soon as they had a chance….
The humans who rejected paradise…
It did not take long before the First Rebellion of the angels against Him.
The angels were made perfect, and their hearts submitted to Him for he was the most perfect one. When forced to bow their heads and fold their wings for inherently flawed beings, their loyalty to Him was shaken.
The angel called Morning Star, Son of the Dawn, led the First Rebellion, believing He had succumbed to ennui. Morning Star wanted to bring the angels back to their perfection and eliminate the scourge of humankind.
A third of the angels joined Morning Star in the rebellion, but they lost to Him. They were all cast down to the earth that they both coveted and disdained. Their residence in the perfect heaven was revoked for their divine light was stripped away.
Their wings darkened, and their identity changed into that of monsters. The humans called them demons. However, true to their flawed nature, humans hated them, but they still bowed before the fallen angels.
It was empowering to angels, but it proved the inherent ugliness of humanity.
Not long after, another rebellion occurred.
This new rebellion was not motivated by lofty ideals like the First Rebellion but rather by self-gratification. As creatures of perfection, angels did not need anything. They were complete in their existence, made flawless.
However, when this group of angels watched the humans, they learned about want and desire. The concept was foreign for they lived in service of Him, obeying His orders. Yet, they envied the humans who could act for their pleasure just for the sake of it.
In this rebellion, the angels did not confront him but quietly descended to the earth to live among humans and experience the pleasure of wanting and fulfilling the desires of their hearts.
These angels married the humans and lived among them, teaching them the knowledge of the heavens. Yet, the perversion of the natural order angered Him, and He brought disaster to the world in the form of The Great Flood.
The threat of the destruction of the artistic earth they still coveted made the angels put aside their thoughts of rebellion. However, they did not intend to give up to humans forever.
They were biding their time until they had a foolproof plan.
They had learned from the mistakes of those who were too anxious and acted against Him, leading to exclusion from paradise. After all, even though they wanted earth for themselves, they did not want to lose their place in their perfect home in heaven.
They wanted dual citizenship in the domains.
They did not want to lose their light or have their wings darkened with impurity. They wanted true freedom where they could enjoy the beauty of the ever-changing earth and yet, return to their lofty homes in golden cities.
There was only one way to achieve their goal once and for all.
They had to kill Him.