As I finished showering I walked out to see Lila passed out. I went and changed clothes as I picked her up and tucked her into bed. "Sleep well doll face." I closed the door to her bedroom and began to watch TV when something seemed off I could feel heat in the entire apartment drop to negative 0. "So you've been watching over her for how long now?" "You can sense me?" "I can actually see you with these silver eyes of mine." "Amazing you have the power to be able to see into the spirit realm." "Not by choice but it has its uses. So who are you exactly?"
"I'm actually the first Jane Doe I have no memories of who I was or what I am I wasn't allowed into heaven or hell and so I'm stuck in-between Purgatory and Earth." "Any way or sense of finding a way to free you of being the first Jane Doe?" "Actually there's a poem of the potential but those who've tried to help me have always died before the first clue was solved." "Let me hear the poem."
"Cherry Blossoms twist and swirl in the wind. The waters rush down the fall as gold gleams. However the truth of the first Jane Doe is hidden in the first city of the Aztecs and in its temple is the box of the lost she will be found once more during winter's brightest blue moon." "I'll help you. As long as you help me and continue to protect her after we solve your poem." "You have my word. "By the way, The moment you decide you want to betray me or her I'll personally make it so you can never come back and are banished."
The extreme heat began to affect Jane as she screeched out in agony. Begging for it to stop. "Do we understand each other?" "Ye-Yes just please stop." "Forgive me. Sweet lady my temper got the best of me. I hope you can forgive me." (Why is he so hard to read? He'll threaten you but quickly make you feel like there's much more to you. He's handsome too. Which makes it worse. Ugh.) "Hey Sweet Lady Jane can you watch over the apartment? I'm starting to get sleepy." "Sure I've got you uh...?" "Just call me Mr. Rain." "I've got ya Mister Rain."
Meanwhile back at Lycan Corps... "Any news on its retrieval?" "I'm sorry Captain Sakura but the twins didn't retrieve their target or the Doctor." Captain Sakura slammed her fist on the desk as she gritted her teeth. "Any news of what it took?" "They took the classified data of the black site of where we're keeping his friends shall I alert the BlackSite in question to scrub all procedures and have them go to BlackSite Q?" "Move the girl to BlackSite Zero we'll leave the boy as bait." "I'll notify them immediately sir."