He's father do her best to contribute the country he serve he always positive to he's goal but the greed of other noble hes father was accused as a curse noble to there country the royal family taken there belongings and even he's father was executed in front of people many noble smiles and happy about the death of he's father her mother taken a suicide to herself to meet her father. And cano was the only person who survived he meet cane a shy type person they always together working and Even eating. but one day they discovered a forest that no one can ever enter for there curiosity they go and meet there end to be captive to the group of goblins. and he meet mark a kind person. And mark knew how cano feel right now he see a raging of anger in he's heart. cano tell him do you want to become my servant.and cano was laughing to him no one ever tell him about that but he knew mark have special of him he say yes to mark and mark give him a new alias your name from now was joker the knights who laughs to the battle field mark summon a twenty spectre to him he was become leader of the new battalion.