Chereads / The Forgotten Slayer / Chapter 4 - Galon

Chapter 4 - Galon

Galon was one of Cieder's many smaller cities. Despite that fact, its popularity was rising steadily due to the guild station recently constructed. With the new found revenue, the city had invested in its infrastructure creating a beautiful sight to see. Clyde could tell that Bell probably hasn't seen something on this scale in her lifetime. The look on her face reminded him of the time that he and his sister visited the city long ago.

"Hey Bell, I'll show you around the city before I leave, so let's get a move toward a clothing store."

An annoyed Bell let out a grunt and followed Clyde's lead.

The numerous amount of people staring at Bell confirmed that Clyde was right that she needed proper clothing to fit in. Eventually reaching the store Clyde handed Bell some coins from his satchel.

"Go in there and pick what ever you want. I'll be waiting outside."

After ten minutes passed Bell came out of the store in an outfit looking much similar to his own. The dark colored leather chest and leggings looked strangely familiar on her. What really stood out was her cloak, it was far to big for someone of her size.

"What are you staring at."

Clyde hadn't realized how silly he probably looked spacing out while glaring at her.

"It seems you've taken your look after me."

"I just picked what looked comfortable."

"Alright then, now that that's taking care of let's go get our reward."

This was the first time Clyde had ever split a bounty. He didn't really think much of it but once they got inside of the Guild Hall many people were suprised to see him accompanied. A tall bulky man ran over to Clyde once they reached the center of the floor.

"Cliff!! Long time no see, why don't you introduce me to the little lady."

"Asshat!! Unfortunately we won't be here long so there is not a need for you to learn her name."

"My name is Assat."

"Yeah and mine is Clyde not Cliff."

Bell interjected in the foolishness

"My name is Bell."

"Well Bell, if you ever need a good time-"

Clyde shot Assat a dirty look warning him not to say anything further. Afterwards Assast excused himself going back to where he came from.

"Sorry about him, he's an idiot."

"So they grow in pairs it seems."

It took a minute for Clyde to register what she meant, but if he brought it up now it would make him seem stupid.

An old man came down to greet Clyde with excitement.

"Is it done, did you kill it?"

"Yes that's why I've came back."

"Marry was a good women… may she rest in peace."

Bell looked a little confused by what he meant. She didn't realize what a wendigo in nature was and Clyde wasn't going to tell her right now.

"Follow me to my desk and I will get your payment."

The three walked upstairs following the man into his room. Opening up a safe he handed Clyde twenty silver coins.

"Here you are."

Clyde thanked the older man and left the room with Bell.

Outside Clyde handed Bell her half.

"Twenty silver coins was what the reward was for a monster like that?"

"To be honest it could've been a little higher but that was an off the books contract."

"Even yet that thing almost killed both of us."

"I know it doesn't seem like it but that wouldn't even be considered a dangerous job to the average hunter."

"I don't mean to be rude but if you are so weak why would you put yourself in danger like this?"

Her words stung more than she could have known. Clyde understood he wasn't capable of producing the same results as other hunters. His magical "awakening" disappointed no one more than himself.

"A commitment I made to myself."

Bell didn't press any further once she realized it was a sensitive subject.

When they left the Guild Hall the sun was already setting.

"Let's go eat."

Clyde took Bell to a food stand and ordered a strange looking kebab. They were so hungry they didn't care what type of food it was.

Once that was taken care of Clyde was mentally preparing to formulate a proper goodbye, but before he had the chance Bell spoke first.

"I haven't gotten the proper chance to thank you yet and I don't believe I ever will. It's also clear to me that you don't talk to a lot of people so I'll make this easy for the both of us."

To shocked to speak Clyde watched as the girl he had grown accustomed to stood up and left waving him goodbye.

'Well I guess that's taken care of.'

Alone with his thoughts Clyde was finally able to get back to the task at hand. With his new found income he could afford a train ticket to the East. If he learned anything from his last hunt it's that he was weaker than he initially thought.

Clyde couldn't help but think back to Bells words regarding his weaknesses.

'One day she will see my name plastered as humanity's savior.'

A foolish thought, Clyde cringed at his child like arrogance.

Both of the kebabs costed him one silver coin leaving nine left over. He could afford the ticket to Avalor with 8 silver coins.

'Not exactly optimal change but I'll have to make due.'

Finding his way through Galon he purchased the ticket for the train that leaves first thing in the morning.

'Cabin B, not too shabby.'

Unfortunately his remaining silver left him without lodging. As much as Clyde wanted a good nights rest he wouldn't be getting one tonight.


Waking up on the damp grass underneath a bridge alongside the outskirts of Galon, one might think Clyde was a troll.

On his way to train station the last call for boarding could be heard. Using what he could of his magical abilities Clyde enhanced his speed rushing to his destination. Just in time, he showed the conducter his ticket and boarded the train.

Eventually arriving to his cabin, Clyde opened the door completely out of breath.

"You're late."

In front of him was none other than Bell herself. Deep inside Clyde was glad to see her.