I helped Mary get ready, since she took an eternity only choosing if she wanted her hair up or not. We settled for half up, and curled it. She put on a pink and silver dress, with an open back. I wish I was comfortable with an open back, but all the scarring were catching the eyes and invited people to ask questions I didn't want to answer. She was so tiny, she looked like a doll with her blonde hair and her petite figure. I helped her put on the butterflies and she borrowed some jewelry I had on hands. She opted for a small ballerina, not sure if she wanted to go with or without shoes.
We finally got out of the apartment, joining the mass of the crowd. We went by foot, taking in the slightly cool air. We talked of anything and everything along the way. It felt odd, being this careless. I always cared too much, for everything. It was a good break.
Arriving at the edge of the forest, we crossed path with Maxwell, that was only in some washed up jeans. His chiseled chest was in full display. What a douche. Mary didn't seems to mind one bit, and almost drooled all over the floor.
« Hey Aleena! How are you? I missed you Friday! Hi Mary, how are you? »
« I am VERY good, thanks to you »
He laughed. He knew that Mary had a huge crush on him since she met him.
« Yeah I know I'm sorry. I had a job Friday and I wanted to be focused on it. I will come for the next class I promise. »
He pat me on the back, entering the forest with us while Mary eyed his ass as if it was the most delicious chocolate cake. I rolled my eyes in the air with exaggeration.
« What?! I can at least watch. A man like that shouldn't have a cold bed, it's what I think. What a shame. »
I heard him chuckle, knowing full well he heard Mary, even if she used the smallest voice she was able to. We walked almost a mile before arriving to the lake area. A big part was clear of trees, letting plenty of space for meddling. Over the years, people brought tables and chairs of all sorts, creating a special place to eat, drink, laugh and talk. We had some BBQs too to grill the meat that the older wolves still alive hunted. This year, someone added some string with light bulbs, probably connected to a generator of some sort. It created a magical ambiance, added to the stars that seemed brighter than the days before. The moon was full and round, reflecting on the calm water of the lake. Some music played in the background, some people already talking.
« I'll go say hi! I'll come by I promise! »
And off she went. Leaving me alone, but I didn't mind. I wandered, pleased to feel like I was being a part of something. Some people stopped and looked at me, either looking at my scars a bit visible on my back or maybe my dress, I wasn't sure. I heard some people talk about the wolves joining us from the North. They said that one of them was heard to be an new alpha back in the days, but fell with the rest of us when the Big Change occurred. One of the lasts still alive. I hope it was true. I wanted to meet an alpha.
The males with the deers started to decapitate the carcasses and some females were seasoning it for the grill. Some brought dessert, chips, beers, fruits, veggies and a myriad of things, I went to the table and put down our share, which was big fat chocolate chunks cookies with pecans and caramel. I took one before it was too late, not ashamed to start with dessert. I also grabbed a beer and I went to dip my feet in the water. I found a nice rock to sit comfortably, being careful not to ruin my dress. I ate my cookie in peace, looking at the moon. It just started and I was sulking, dressing that it will be over as soon as in a few hours. I wanted things to change so badly. Not to the way they were, but to an harmony, an equilibrium with humans and werewolves.
I sighed, drinking my deliciously bitter beer. I splashed my feet in the water a little. Max came, sitting in the sand without any care for his clothes.
« People are starting to arrive more and more. I recognized some females from the class. »
I saw them and I felt so proud. It wasn't easy to come out in the world after a tragedy. I missed at least two years of my own not coming to the Gathering. I was in fact avoiding it, feeling like it was too much.
« They are brave. »
« Yep, that they are indeed. »
He sat in silence for a few moment. Looking at the water and the moon.
« I miss them so much. »
I was surprised he opened up, it was so rare. I didn't answer because nothing would make it right. It was devastating. So I just put my hand on his back, brushing my thumb on him. His gaze was away, on nothing in particular. I wondered what they were like, how he was as a father. I bet he was a great one. And that his house was filled with laughter. We sat for a few more moments, until the crowd started to be a lot bigger.
And then I smelled it. Coffee. Sunlight. Dark chocolate.