The clock ticked slowly. It didn't help that Kal couldn't keep her eyes off the second hand as it inched its way around. She'd finished her assignment a good fifteen minutes ago, but everyone was stuck here until the hour hand worked its way to the big nine. If forever existed, it was right here, in this classroom. Waiting to be set free. Even the professor looked bored as he pulled out his phone for the millionth time.Â
Kal shifted her gaze from the clock to the athletic girl in the yoga pants a few rows in front of her. Fixated as she started packing up her things. Laptop, phone, notebook, textbook, other notebook, coffee cup, and several different writing instruments. This ritual always took around ten minutes and was insanely distracting. The other students all sat watching her, entranced. Even the ones that still had work to do. The professor let out an audible sigh as he put his phone down and stood to address the class.
"Don't forget your final is next Friday. Have a good weekend, and don't be late." He announced before sitting back down and picking up his phone.Â
Kal was already halfway to the door as the rest of the class began packing up. Half-walking, half-running, she rushed into the hall before shoving her notebook into her bag. There was no way she was going to get stuck behind Ms. Yoga-pants. Moments later, she broke out of the frigid building into the humid night air. Pausing for a second, she stretched her fingers. Enjoying the feeling as the warmth and color returned to her previously purple fingertips.Â
How is anyone supposed to concentrate with the air turned down so low? Even in December, it was warmer outside than inside. She pulled out her phone and sent Cherry a quick text, letting her know she'd be home soon. She was looking forward to spending the rest of the night eating pizza and watching a movie with her best friend.
>>omw home
< >>k see u soon With finals coming up next week, movie night was the last ray of light in an endless tunnel of textbooks and studying. Tonight's movie had come in the mail yesterday, so she didn't even need to stop at the rental place. She was on autopilot as she climbed the stairs to the dimly lit parking garageâexactly the same as she'd done every week for the past three and a half months. There was no time to scream when she noticed the shadow following her to her car. The long fingers reached out to her from the darkness, wrapping around her mouth. She kicked and clawed, but it made no difference. No! There was a security guard downstairs. If I can just click the panic button. I can't breathe. I can't . . . Cher . . . Her body went limp as she passed out. Her phone slipped from her hands, landing just underneath her car. Both she and the shadow vanished into the darkness of the deserted garage. --- Kal stood frozen in front of the door to her apartment. It didn't bother her that it was raining. It felt kind of nice. No, what concerned her most was what would happen when the door opened. Would Cherry be happy to see her? Would everything be okay? There's no way it could be, not after everything that happened.  She thought about leaving. Tried to convince herself no one was home, but she knew that wasn't true. Sure, the lights were out, but that wasn't surprising. Not at this time of night. Plus, she passed Cherry's jeep on the way to the door. Kal raised her hand to knock, then paused. Should I even have come here? She shook her head. It was her home too. After everything she'd been through, she only wanted to sleep in her own bed. If she needed to, she could just grab a few things and disappear. At least a change of clothes. I can control myself for one day, can't I? In the distance, she heard howling, low and urgent. Her hand fell, crashing into the solid surface with a dull thud. She hadn't meant to knock, but she might as well commit. If they find me. No, I won't go back there. She knocked two or three more times and waited. There was shuffling inside, slippered feet dragging on the ground. The door's bolt slid back before opening a crack. "Wha'chu wan'?" A sleepy voice asked. Kal didn't speak. She stood motionless, staring through the crack in the door. What should she say? What could she say? I should have thought this through better. Tell her what happened? No, she wouldn't believe that. Pretend everything is normal? Probably the better option. But what about when she asks where I've been? Alien abduction? Maybe. "Kal! Where have you, what are you doiâ? Never mind, just get in here." Cherry grabbed the other girl's arm. Warm hands burned into Kal's cool, rain-soaked skin. Pulled into the small apartment with an unexpected force, Kal stumbled three steps forward and stopped. She stood frozen in the center of the small living room. Afraid if she made the first move, reality would crumble, and she'd be back in that horrible place. She refused to take her eyes off her best friend. Cherry's strawberry blond hair was set in curlers and tied up with a skull pattern bandana that almost matched her PJs. Her brown eyes peered through half-open lids, trying to fight back sleep. Then, all at once, the situation caught up with her. "I'm not dreaming, am I? You're really here?" Cherry shouted, now completely awake. "You're not dreaming," Kal shook her head before looking at the floor. She found it hard to meet her friend's eyes. "You look terrible. Are you injured? Doctor? Hospital?" "Cher...I'm not hurt. I can take care of myself." "I know, but you're so pale. And dirty. Is that mud? Please tell me that's mud." "What else would it be?" Kal deflected. She knew it wasn't just mud that clung to her clothes. "Shower first. Let me get you settled, at least." "Fine." Kal knew this was a fight she couldn't win. It was easier to give in and let it happen. Cherry both pulled and pushed her friend into the small bathroom. Kal's bathroom. They'd picked this apartment because it was a two-bed, two-bath, so they'd each have their own space. That first semester in the dorms was a nightmare. As Cherry closed the door on her way out, Kal was glad they'd made that decision. Less anxious that two full rooms now separated them. Maybe I can't behave myself for a whole day. Kal ran her hands under the hot water and tried to forget the warmth of her best friend's touch. Instead, she concentrated on the smell of her favorite shampoo, soft citrus, and something unfamiliar, chemicals maybe. She was mesmerized as the mixture of mud, blood, and soap bubbles ran down the drain. Staring intently at the colors dancing on their surface. Now that she was free, she felt determined to experience all these new things that had been kept from her. Kal stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around her chest, and wiped the fog from the mirror. A stranger looked back at her. There had been no mirror in her tiny cell. It was the first time since she changed that she'd been able to look at herself. Cherry must have been seriously asleep to have invited me in. Or not to have thrown me back out. Her already pale skin lacked any hint of warmth, making her blue eyes appear even icier. The dark circles under her eyes weren't helping either. She looked exhausted. Maybe a little rest would be good. First, she picked up a brush and pulled it through her damp hair. She still hadn't gotten used to the way it had changed color. She didn't understand why it was no longer dark auburn and instead this colorless, titanium white. She set the brush down and turned out the bathroom light before entering the bedroom. "Yes, dad," Cherry whispered in the other room. It was frustrating how much she could hear, even when she wasn't trying. "She doesn't seem like herself," Cherry whispered, "âwrong somehow." She did notice. Kal took a deep breath. What am I going to tell her about where I've been? There's no way Cherry would believe her. Maybe the part about being kidnapped, but definitely none of the other stuff. She was there, and she barely accepted it. There was a soft knock on the bedroom door. "Just checking to make sure you didn't fall or anything," Cherry called. "I'm okay. Gonna get some sleep, I think." Kal replied. "Sounds good. I have to work in the morning, but I expect you'll still be here when I get home?" She asked. "Yeah. Don't worry. I won't disappear again." "You'd better not," Cherry said. "G'night." "Nite." Kal flopped back onto her bed, happy to be home again. Finally.