"Is that really her?",asked Arthur as he along with Rex arrived at the scene confused how did a sweet girl like her turn into an empress of death .
"I thought I told you to come clean up not stare,",said Natasha
"The cleaning will be done as soon as she's safe ", said Rex
"She barely recognizes anyone in this state ",said Natasha
"So why should we do ",asked Arthur
"Just leave it to me",said Natasha
"Plus ,don't make a sound she might think you are intruders"
Then Natasha slowly approached Gwen
"Hey, Gwen its me Natasha your best friend , we have to go now ok",said Natasha softly
Gwen just looked at Natasha like a lost soul not knowing where to go.
" Come on let's go",said Natasha taking her hand
"Boss, really got a feisty one I wonder how he is gonna handle her",whispered Arthur to Rex
"All he has to do is make sure she doesn't get drunk",said Rex
"Ok ,I will take it from here ",said Natasha taking a lost Gwen to her bike from the abandoned house
"I will drive you home",said Rex
"No need ",said Natasha
" I need to report back that she arrived home safe and sound",said Rex
"Alright and may I ask who sent you to look after her ?",said Natasha as they approached the sports car parked outside the bar in the other side of the street
"Her fiancé", answered Rex as he drove the car at full speed towards Jack's apartment
"Let me get this straight , you work for Ralph Winston",asked Natasha
"Work for him, I would rather die than work for that insolent fool"
"Then what's your relation with all of this , I mean you don't even work for him then what are you exactly?"
"You could say his right hand man"
"But that's the same as working for him.Aaargh , you are impossible to understand",groaned Natasha
"I didn't want you to understand me",said Rex with a smirk
After a while they arrived at the building in which Jack's apartment was at.
"Thanks for the lift",said Natasha
"Sure",said Rex then he left
"Now to get you upstairs, thank goodness the elevator works or else I would have left her in the reception",said Natasha struggling to take her to the elevator.
"May I lend a hand ",said Rex behind Natasha
"I thought you left",she told him
" I did, to park"
"umm ,OK ",they then put her in the elevator the little trip to third floor was silent
After arriving on the third floor the walked straight to Jack's apartment and Natasha knocked on the door.
Later opened a half drunk Jack
"Natasha ....where the hell did you …..take Gwen,…..you know if she is ….. is hurt I might loose …..my….my chance of settling my ….debt",said Jack alcoholic
"Dont worry Jack, she was still on earth ",said Natasha as she and Rex started supporting Gwen inside
"And who's the guy?", asked Jack
"He is ….",Natasha only looked at Rex,because she didn't even know his name.
"I am a friend",said Rex
"Hey,Jack can I crash for the night", said Natasha
"Cant you ever call me more respectfully, I am older than you you know",said Jack
"Sorry Jack, I ain't Gwen",answered Natasha, Jack sighed and went to his room.
"What about your bike ",asked Rex
"I am usually a regular there , they will have it stored for me.Nice to meet you stranger",said Natasha
"Pleasure meeting you Miss Natasha",then Rex left
Natasha turned to look at Gwen who was still in her alcoholic daze
"How much did she drink,she should have been sober by now",said Natasha then she removed Gwen's shoes and then covered her with her blankets.
"Goodnight, killer",said Natasha then she slept beside her.
At the Winston mansion...…
Rex arrived not sonoing ago and was with Ralph in his study.Rex was seated on Rex's office chair spinning around while Ralph was seated on the window sill of the large window sipping his wine from the wine glass facing the crescent moon outside
"There is something odd with that girl of yours",said Rex as he made himself comfortable in his brother's chair. "I don't believe she is just someone ordinary"
"That's how I know it is really her",said Ralph
"The man she beat up, was on the verge of death and not some normal girl can beat someone up that much in such a short while"
"Why did you leave her alone, I thought I told you to keep an eye on her ",said Ralph as he turned to face Rex.
"Next time you ask me to keep an eye on her, make sure her friend isn't there with her. You got that"
"So you focused on her friend instead of her"
"Her friend, came to me and threatened thinking I got nasty thoughts about her, so i wasnt able yo keep an eyenon her"
"Trust me if you had them I would have killed my self and what about Arthur ?"
"He went to follow drinks"
"Also what do you plan to do to get her I mean I get the idea you have waited for long but you need to speed up , to get more support in finding the truth you will need her",said Rex
"It won't take long with her uncle in the game "
"OK",said Rex then he stood up stretched his arms , "I will take my leave back ,the company's accepted employees will be arriving tomorrow"
"I wish I could see your face once you see the girl who insulted you on the phone"
"Ha, ha really funny, I told it was an unlikely mistake. She didn't know it was me"
"Yoy never let people off the hook that easily did she capture your eye or something"
"If you mean my bad side you got that"
"Then why haven't you done anything about it"
"Just waiting for the right time",the Rex left
"I will try to believe that"
Ralph went to his table and pressed the call button on the landline.
"Yes,boss what do you need",asked Arthur's voice on the other end
"Did you feed the blue jay",asked Ralph
"Umm, actually …..not quite yet",said Arthur
"Feed it immediately",said Raplh then he hang up.