Close the door! Close the door!!
Nope...I don't close the door...I just stood there...staring at him. Did he get even hotter or what?! It's like I'm seeing him in a different light..maybe cause I'm high as fuck or- SHIT!!!! I'm naked!!
I immediately slam the door, and wrap myself with the hotel duvet. What is he doing here?! How did he know I came here?! Fuck! 'godfather' of course. Who else?
I open the door again.. and no...he's not gone...still standing.
SOFIA: What the hell are you doing here?
CREED: Wow! Just so you know, this is the best blind date I have ever been on.
SOFIA: What do you fucking want?! Why did you leave your twinkie behind? Or guys are gonna lodge here too?
CREED: Uhh..I just-
Great. Gary finally comes now. NOW?!
GARY: Uh..hey..
CREED: Mr summers.
GARY: Mr Griffin.
Yes..okay, I'm ready for the ground to swallow me now. Please?!
I wonder why this is happening to this some kind of sign or some shit?
CREED: You're meeting someone here?
GARY: Uh...yeah...I. I..
SOFIA: How is that your damn business? He is not a kid and he can do whatever he wants.
Creed looks at Gary, then at me...and somehow he connects the dots and felt uncomfortable. This is a nightmare.
GARY: Are you okay sofia? And why is he here? Is he bothering you?
CREED: Do I look like I'm bothering her?
GARY: Well, it doesn't look like you're not.
CREED: Oh my...this is it huh? This is Why you acted all strange at the football game. I knew something was up.
GARY: I really don't see any problem with the situation right now. We're both adults here.
CREED: Aren't you married?
GARY: Divorced actually.
CREED: Ahhh, the divorce is final no
SOFIA: Shut up! Shut up!!!
I happen to still be in shock right now. Did Preston's coach just see me naked?!! I realise I cannot deal with this drama anymore, I close and lock the door. Leaving both of them outside cause I happen not to be in a sexy mood anymore. I walk to the bathroom to finish my high.
GARY: Sofia??
°Creed's Pov°
My blind date turns out to be a student's rude outspoken Aunt and I couldn't be happier somehow..well..only because I actually liked her and I still don't know why that is though. I'm not Into rich rude girls..but I am into pretty ones. And 'Sofia Ives'? WOW.
She has been in the bathroom for a while I thought as I glance at my Rolex wrist watch. Is she trying to make a run for it? Should I go check? All these thoughts come at once I didn't notice a pretty petite brunette walk to me, smiling so much that I found it weird and wait- that's not some strange brunette...that's 'Cousin Janice'! Ohh no..she's a lot chatty.
JANICE: Creed?! I knew it was you!!! This restaurant light couldn't be dimmer but I know my cousin when I see him!!
She laughs...nothing was funny. A smile would do but no...she had to make a scene. She had always liked to be noticed. Ohh she is so loud too.
CREED: Heyyy..Janice.. what are you do-
JANICE: Do not complete that statement cousin. What else would I be doing here if I wasn't on a date? I'm not that lonely all the time Janice anymore you know.
She laughs again...kind of like a dolphin.
CREED:'s great.
JANICE: And she is so nice for bringing me here.
CREED: Wait- 'she'? You're not a lesbian.
JANICE: Right now I am. Do you see this place?! I really love it. I'm really excited she brought me here.
CREED: Did she bring you here though?
JANICE: I might have brought it up or something. But still! Sit! I haven't seen you in months! I text and call, you don't return them. I mean I get that you're busy but you could have replied rather than snub me.
CREED: Yeah..I'm sorry about that...I actually haven't been around. I just got back recently.
I lied. I had to. I couldn't let her know I didn't want to hangout. I love her but she is just too much talk and talk and way. She is just a broken record and would talk you till your ears bleed out- and she still wouldn't stop talking.
JANICE:Oh, that's understandable. I know how strict my uncle can be when it comes to his company. Wait! Are you on a date? Ohh...and with a rich girl too...a birkin bag? Nice touch.
CREED: Uhh..yeah..
JANICE: I would love to meet her! And we should catch up..I really miss you!
Janice engulfs me in a tight hug and that's when Sofia walks in with a frown on her face. Said things that should not be said and walked out not noticing her ATM card fell out. Or she did and was too busy making a dramatic exit to turn and pick it up.
JANICE: What a bitch!!
CREED: Janice?!
JANICE: What...she was rude. Please tell me she is not your serious girlfriend creed.
CREED: It doesn't matter.
I pick the card from the ground. An unlimited card too. Okay.
JANICE: that a black card?! Oh creed please tell me she's your serious girlfriend!!
CREED: What...why?
JANICE: Cause now I have someone to go shopping with!! And I know she won't get bored like you get. Well...go after her! She's driving away!
And immediately, I do. I keep a safe distance but I follow Sofia to a hotel. Wondering what she was actually doing here...I decide no to guess as she pays the receptionist and heads for her room. I wait a while before walking in. Told the receptionist I wanted to see Sofia and she smiled like she was expecting me or something. I didn't mind. She told me the room number and I make my way to the room. I knock twice, thinking I got the wrong room cause she wasn't answering..I'm about to knock again as the door flings open revealing a beautiful naked Sofia. Wait- Naked?!!!!?! Why the hell is she naked?! She cannot be that drunk. She looks at me like I'm 'Michael Myers'. She took a second before realising she's still naked and she shuts the door. Wow! Okay! That!
Still taking in what I just saw, she opens the door again with the hotel duvet wrapped around her perfect body, I felt disappointed but the image is not something I can forget in a hurry. It only made me even more horny she covered up. She was mad...really mad. And it turned me on..I mean I was already turned on when I saw her body and now she's yelling at me...I could only smile which apparently made her even mad. Then 'Gary Summers' the principal at 'Eastwood' approach us and I didn't quite understand what was doing here but- I connected the dots pretty fast and boy was I mad. She got mad at both of us bickering and slammed the door in our faces. Yeah..I don't think he's getting some anymore. I give him a death stare as she slams the door in our face. He doesn't seem fazed and instead calls out to her again.
GARY: Sofia?
CREED: Are you fucking kidding me?! What are you doing here Gary?!
GARY: What? Are you really blind?
CREED: isn't she a student's aunt?
GARY: And where is the law that says I can't go out with a student's Aunt?
He's right. And why was I getting all worked up about this? She actually left me to be with him. This is not something I'm fixing, it's not my fault. I ignore Gary and walk back to my car. I still have the ATM card, and I decide to hold on to it for a little while longer.
Boy, is my Dad gonna hear it from me!