Zhang Li and Emily went inside the room and saw the king of Neutrals and a very divine being, the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was surprised to see them becauss he never expected to see a human in this world.
The Pharaoh was wearing the ancient clothes of Pharaohs and was atleast 7 feet tall. The Pharaoh had the body structure of that of a human.
The king of the Neutrals said to it's commander, " Go, devour those filthy creatures. ", but before the commander could go and hunt them down, the Pharaoh said, " Stop, let me fight them. I want to see their capability. ".
The Pharaoh showed interest in them because the Pharaoh thought that it could create more creatures from their DNA.
Without wasting a second, Zhang Li rushed on the Pharaoh. Emily tried to stop him but he didn't listen to her. He unleashed the Guardian Breath but all million strikes were dodged by the Pharaoh without any difficulty. The Pharaoh was not attacking on Zhang Li instead it was just dodging.
Zhang Li unleashed his new attack, Alchemy Dragon.
Alchemy Dragon is a upgraded version of, 'Burning Hydra: Conqueror's Tempest. '. In Alchemy Dragon, Zhang Li unleashed three dragons in three strikes through his Guardian Blade and each dragon have different spirit energy. The one he used on the Pharaoh unleashed a burning dragon in the first strike, the green dragon formed by the nature of the Guardian Blade and the silver dragon formed by his natural spirit energy nature. All the dragons have the body structure of eastern dragons.
The Pharaoh dodged every attack but because of this attack, the whole castle collapse. The ceiling was going to fall on Emily but before it could, Zhang Li cut the whole ceiling into millions of pieces using Guardian Breath.
He said to Emily, " Run to a safer place, you are coming in my way. I can't fight this Pharaoh while protecting you, woman. ".
She said, " My name is Emily and if you die, i will kill you by myself. ".
He looked at her, gave a smile and then charged at the Pharaoh again. The Pharaoh unleashed it's first attack, Death Arrow and the arrow pierced Zhang Li's heart. He looked back and gave a smile because Emily was not their to see his wound. He stood up, pull the arrow and again charged at the Pharaoh.
The Pharaoh was surprised because it's Death Arrow could kill anyone in one strike, doesn't matter even if it's a scratch or not. The Pharaoh was confused, very much confused.
Zhang Li used his speed to get behind the Pharaoh and Pharaoh couldn't see his movements because the Pharaoh was busy thinking about how he was still alive. The Pharaoh felt the movement of air behind it and grabbed the Guardian Blade but then suddenly something striked the Pharaoh from behind, Radahn has joined the battle too.
The Pharaoh regenrated itself and Radahn and Zhang Li charged at the Pharaoh. Zhang Li and Radahn were giving their all but the Pharaoh was only playing with them.
They launched numerous strikes of their blades on the Pharaoh but the Pharaoh dodged every strike and then the Pharaoh unleashed it's aura and Zhang Li did the same to counter it.
Radahn jumped to slice it's head off but the Pharaoh grabbed his blade and tried to punch him but then Zhang Li again used his move, Alchemy Dragon and cut the Pharaoh's right hand from which it was going to punch Radahn.
It was the first time in years someone has cut a Pharaoh's hand. Pharaoh let go of Radahn and fall back a little. Radahn stood up, picked his sword and both Zhang Li and Radahn started walking towards the Pharaoh.
Zhang Li said, " This battle can be your last Radahn, are you still willing to fight for me? ".
Radahn said, " A death for you, my lord is the biggest honor I can get. ".
Zhang Li gave a smile and then both Zhang Li and Radahn used their speed and charged at the Pharaoh, the king of Neutrals was unable to see their movement but the Pharaoh was.
The Pharaoh again unleashed it's aura and Zhang Li did the same but this time Zhang Li was not able to counter and both Zhang Li and Radahn were pushed back. Radahn was smashed into the ground and Zhang Li was barely able to hold his ground using his Guardian Blade. Radahn was pretty badly wounded, he was not in the condition to fight anymore.
Zhang Li was fine because of his curse but he was barely able to keep himself conscious from the pain he was feeling. He said, " Guess I have no choice but to use it. ".
Right when he finished his words, he chanted, " Blood March: Lucifer. ".
Right when he finished his chanting, Lucifer come out of the blood of the Pharaoh. Lucifer saw the Pharaoh and said, " You really messed up here, Zhang Li. ".
Zhang Li said, " Stop complaining and help me. ".
Lucifer and Zhang Li charged at the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was surprised to see Lucifer and Zhang Li and Lucifer used their strongest attack, Guardian's Fang and Underworld Lord: Hades. But before their attack could touch the Pharaoh, the Pharaoh stopped their blade by it's hand only and said, " We shall meet again in the upcoming future, human. " and right after finishing his sentence, the Pharaoh turned to shadow and disapeared. ".
The king of Neutrals was surprise to see Zhang Li's power and send it's commander to kill him. Lucifer got ready to kill the commander but Zhang Li said, " Lucifer, go and heal Radahn. ".
Lucifer said, " As you command, my lord. ".
Zhang Li walked towards the commander of the Neutrals. The king of the Neutrals looked exactly like rest of the Nuetrals but it was more muscular and menacing and big in size. The king also had the Lucid Blade as it's main weapon.
The commander was smaller than king but bigger than all Neutrals. The commander was also less menacing and muscular than king but more than all the Neutrals.
Both commander and Zhang Li walked towards each other. Zhang Li used his speed and tried to do a sneak attack but the commander blocked it using it's shield and then Zhang Li used his Guardian Blade to jump in the air and kicked the commander on the face. The commander was smashed into the stairs behind it.
The commander stood up and saw Zhang Li infront of it and then Zhang Li unleashed his attack, Alchemy Dragon. First came the Green Dragon and destroyed the commander's shield, then came the Silver Dragon and broke the commander's triden and then came the Fire Dragon which turned the commander into ashes. Radahn was fully healed and saw all that. Radahn was very happy to choose Zhang Li as his new lord. He saw a hope, a hope of avenging his former lord, King Lazahr.
He said, " Lord Zhang Li, please let me fight beside you against the king of the Neutrals. ".
Zhang Li said, " As you wish, Radahn. ".
Lucifer was send to look after Emily. Radahn and Zhang Li climbed the stairs to the throne where the king of Neutrals was sitting and looking on both of them.
The king of Neutrals laughed and said, " You both are really underestimating me. I will devour both of you. ".
The king of Neutrals stood up and using it's speed, appeared infront of them and tried to grab their head to smash them into the ground but it's both hand was cut by both of them. The king fall on the ground and looked at them.
The king realised that if it didn't fight with it's full power, the king will die. The king restored it's hands and draw the Lucid Blade and it's own Blade, Wind Blade. The king charged at them with full power and speed and tried to strike both of them with it's Blades but they both barely dodged it and Radahn jumped and kicked the king's face. The king grabbed Radahn's leg to thrash him on the ground but then Zhang Li grabbed king's face and smashed it into the ground.
The king's fury took over it, the king started radiating immense amount of red aura. It was enough to push Radahn and Zhang back. The king rose up and swinged the Lucid Blade towards Zhang Li. Zhang Li barely able to block it and was smashed into ground. Radahn tried to help Zhang Li but the king grabbed Radahn's neck and kept smashing him into the ground.
Here, Lucifer reached to Emily and Emily was terrified to see him. Emily got ready to use her magic power even though her magic power was never meant for offense. Lucifer said, " Rest assure lady, I am the soldier of your friend Zhang Li. ".
She said, " Oh.. I see... and he's not my friend. ".
Here, the king threw Radahn out of the broken castle and Radahn came flying into the legs of Emily.
Zhang Li stood up and charged at the king and their Blades had numerous clashes. During the clashes they both even came out of the castle and Radahn joined them. The king was easily able to corner them but the clashes didn't stop and then the king unleashed a attack, X-Blade.
X-Blade is a attack in which the king swings both of it's blade to form a "X" and a wave of "X" comes out causing immense damage to the opponent and destroying everything in seventy-five meter radius.
Radahn and Zhang Li knew that if they didn't change the direction of the move X-Blade then many of their soldiers will die. They both jumped towards the move X-Blade and used their blade to change it's direction but the force of the move was so high that they were not able to do what they wanted and then Zhang Li and Radahn unleashed their strongest move, Guardian's Fang and Icicle Dragin's Roar and the direction of the move was changed. The move went towards the never ending sky but because of the impact of that move and their moves, they both were sent flying into different direction. Radahn fall near Emily but Zhang Li fall into the army of Neutrals. The Neutrals surrounded him, he looked at the Nuetrals, got ready to kill them but then heard a loud voice from behind and the voice shouted, " Kill all the Neutrals and protect our king!! ", it was the army of Lazahr kingdom, the army which came with them, the army of knights.
All the knights jumped on the Neutrals and formed a way for Zhang Li to the king of the Neutrals.
Zhang Li used his speed and went to Radahn. Right infront both of them was the king. Radahn was wounded pretty badly but still had the fire to fight. Zhang Li was barely able to prevent himself from falling unconscious but was still ready to fight the king.
Zhang Li asked Radahn, " You got any ace up your sleeves? ".
Radahn said, " Yes, I have one but if I used it I won't be able to fight for few days as it will put me into intense fatique and pain. ".
Zhang Li said, " I also have one....the king is our last enemy, so let's just forget about fatique and pain and use it. ".
Radahn agreed and they both used their ace, Zhang Li chanted, " Soul Manifestation: Guardian Of Hell. " and Radahn chanted, " Dragonite. ". Both of them turned into different beings. Zhang Li got the humanoid cerebrus form which he used against Lucifer and Samael and Radahn turned into humanoid Ice Dragon. Radahn's face looked like a dragon, it was like he wore an ice dragon head and he also grew ice wings. His palm turned into claws, his legs into dragon legs but were of same size as before. His blade even turned into a blade made up of Ice.
They both were ready to hunt the king down and for some reason, king's eyes turned red.