Darion continued to hit himself like a moron, believing that he could do something to at least have relevance in the disastrous situation.
Alba once again brought her hands to her face, ashamed of Darion's stupidity, while Adolf smiled evilly.
Once Darion's punches against himself began to reduce, Adolf snapped his fingers, and all the wounds healed.
As you know, unlike your all-powerful empire Valteria -he said mockingly and putting quotation marks with his fingers- The Camus empire is dedicated to magic, and our warriors from the age of 2 practice healing magic, until they are 7 when they start with combat magic.
Darion clicked his tongue -So what do you want, old man? For me to stay here as your bargaining chip without doing anything? - Darion asked mockingly.
Adolf smiled innocently like a typical grandfather spoiling his granddaughter- yes! that would be perfect-
Darion was taken aback, and fell to the ground.
Alba smiled at her father's mockery, and after a few minutes of mocking, Father and daughter left the room. Before leaving, they warned her not to run away.
The door closed, and a latching sound rang out. Darion quickly searched the entire pink room, but found nothing except for Alba's belongings.
``What the heck? Not a single dagger or knife?´´
He kept searching, until he finally found a small dagger, the handle of brown leather and it had a red rock in the center. Darion looked at the weapon, it was the only thing he had found for hours, and sighed in satisfaction.
After a few brief preparations, he opened the window, jumped, and realized he couldn't fly, and fell.
Ouch... - it sounded from inside the bushes.-
Darion stood up clumsily and painfully, some needles stuck in his face, he quickly removed them and started running through all the gardens.
Meanwhile, Alba and Adolf were laughing at Darion's innocence in the main hall.
LOLOLOLOL - Does this guy really think he can escape so easily?
Alba laughed at her father's mockery and wiped some tears from her eyes with a finger - Are we going to look for the prisoner father? -
``No, let him escape´´
Alba tried to say something, but she saw that her father's face went from laughter to seriousness, and she nodded her head.
Darion kept running with all his strength, he was still not recovered, just a little, but he managed to avoid the guards.
Thanks to the dagger, he could stab the soldiers on guard, not killing them, but rendering them unconscious.
After running and stabbing several guards, he managed to escape from the royal palace. Darion leaned against a door of a house, and stopped to pant and take a breath wearily.
He resumed his run, fleeing through the narrow alleys of the imperial city. Finally he reached the walls, pretended to be a passerby and when he left he sighed from exhaustion.
I did it... - He said while looking towards the imperial capital of Camus.
Leon looked ahead, and advanced along the road. Hours passed, and he had to detour, entering a forest so that the border guards would not ask him for his documentation.
Darion cursed himself for his bad luck, he was only a few hundred kilometers from the Valteria empire, and now he had to detour.
He entered the forest, hours passed and despite having explored this forest dozens of times in his past life, he could not orient himself.
What for Darion, should have been a quick detour, and simply going straight through the forest, in the end was full of traps and dangerous animals that he had to avoid, which made him have to deviate from his original path, and go even deeper into the forest.
Shit... I'm lost... - Darion sighed.
Suddenly, an arrow grazed his ear, causing some damage.
Darion quickly grabbed the dagger, and turned around, looking in the direction where the arrow came from.
Several knights mounted on horses, a carriage and other soldiers with large shields appeared. There was a banner stuck on the shields, a blue background and a golden crown drawn on it.
Darion quickly swallowed with difficulty. -What was the merchant empire doing here?- he thought.
From the carriage, a beautiful woman stepped out, she had long brown hair, white skin, somewhat pale, slightly flushed cheeks, she was wearing an elegant white and pink dress, and she was walking out accompanied by several maids.
``How curious, the bastard son invading my territory´´
Darion was petrified, and understood the mysterious woman's words. The Merchant Empire, the Valteria Empire, and the Camus Empire were stuck together, but there was a forest between these three, which was also divided between these 3 kingdoms. Darion assumed that he had entered the forest part of the Merchant Empire unintentionally when he was avoiding the guards and dangerous monsters.