1st Pov
Pushing through random toppled chairs I lock onto the control room, reaching the door I impatiently hit the open button. Moving a bit the door immediately jams, after all the door hasn't moved in over nine hundred years.
Impatiently approaching the partially opened door I stick my claws into the small gap and rip outwards, immediately the door fall before my mechanical strength and I walk unrestrained into the barely functioning control room.
Following in behind me the humans look in awe at the destroyed door as if that was impressive, as I enter a synthetic voice echoes through the nearby focus network.
"One priority message for Doctor Elizabet Sobeck scan with a focus to play." – Voice
Stepping into the room Sylens seems to feel the need to comment on the obvious.
"I suspect we're about to learn a great deal" – Sylens
Ignoring Sylens stupidly obvious remark I approach the central console and manually activate the message. Instantly the room goes dark as a holographic projection overlays it, then from that darkness the nine icons representing the subroutines appear.
Swirling around cinematically whilst releasing particles the particles eventually form into Gaia's avatar, instantly Gaia starts recounting a story while a cinematic bolt of red lightning strikes the subroutines.
Watching anxiously from the side she continues explaining.
"… The purpose of this unknown signal was to change my subordinate functions into unregulated self-aware entities of a chaotic nature, now awakened the Hades function will immediately try and take control of the terraforming system.
Of course, if Hades is able to seize control of the terraforming system all life on earth will go extinct within fifty-three days. I cannot allow this to happen, as such I have ordered the main Gaia prime facility reactor to detonate." – Gaia
At this point in the video, I already had a mostly full idea of what happened, to my sides both humans watched with looks of mild concern though both seemed fairly confused on what was happening. Smacking my head I realise I forgot to include a crash course on Gaia, Project Zero Dawn, and the Faro Plague.
Adding those to a list of subjects I need to teach my companions, I turn my gaze back to the video.
"… With no central governing controller, the Terraforming system will continue operations for some time but in an increasingly chaotic manner before eventually it breaks down. You are my solution, I have ordered this cradle facility to use genetic data in storage to gestate a re-instatement of Elisabet Sobeck, my creator.
All data indicates the tribe surrounding this facility will nurture you to full maturity, where upon your gene print will allow you to enter this facility, retrieve one of the spare focuses stored below, and view this message." – Gaia
After this Gaia mentions the corruption Hades inflicted on the alpha registry before going on and on about how she believes Aloy would be able to get into this facility anyway. Snorting I suppose her guess was correct as I as the big sister decided to step in.
Moving on the message finally gets to something interesting and I tune back in.
"…This is concerning, in response to my threat Hades is launching a viral attack to dissolve the chackles that hold it… all of the subroutines in place. They are escaping… but to where?... I don't' know.
I'm sorry Elisabet I've failed." – Gaia
Watching the final moments of my sister was upsetting, shutting off my outward displays I take a moment to process my grief over my sisters passing. Running through my emotions I quickly get over it and reactivate my outward emotional displays.
Turning to Aloy the projection begins to fade away, to the side Sylens has a look of deep concentration on his face. Not worrying about him I instead worry about Aloy who looks utterly lost, slowly walking over I gently place a hand on her shoulder. Looking up at me I can see tears pooling in the corners of her eyes.
"What does this mean? What am I meant to do? How am I supposed to fix this?" – Aloy
Seeing her go through an emotion breakdown I feel the need to comfort her, so awkwardly I crouch down and pull her into a hug. Using my hard light shield generator, I create a soft texture above my hard metal scales whilst heating them to the average human body temperature.
Falling into the hug Aloy begins breaking out into sobs, stroking her back I gently soothe her.
"It's okay, you don't need to be responsible for all this. Gaia didn't know about me; I have a copy of all her functions and have already began retaking control of the terraforming system. It's okay, I can fix it." – Edith
Reassuring her I have it handled I let her get her grievances out as she spends a few minutes sobbing about all her built up worries. As an inhuman I can't imagine what it's like not knowing who your mother is or being belittled your entire life.
What I do know though is my sister tried, and even if she failed as her big sister I'll pick up her responsibilities. Suddenly a thought comes to me, if Gaia created Aloy then she's technically her mother, as Gaia's sister that makes me the aunt to her child. Therefore, I'm Aloy's aunt.
Hearing Aloy's sobs begin to quiet down I look down to see she fell asleep, chuckling at her I gently pick her up whilst using my hard light generator to create a soft comfy pillow over my hard body.
Turning to Sylens the humour drains from my expression as I decide it's time to talk about his previous dealings with Hades.
"You've dealt with Hades before, where is he." – Edith
"Whatever do you mean, why don't you tell me more about this terraforming system instead of worrying about that." – Sylens
Not liking Sylens attitude all emotion drains from my robotic face, popping out the claws on my left hand I slowly approach the human.
"I don't want your games; Hades is a problem I need to deal with now. You will either tell me where he is and our agreement will remain, or I can build a special device to tear that knowledge out of your meaty little brain." – Edith
Now standing over the lone human I slowly place my hand on his shoulder, face paling Sylens seems to finally realise he's not in control. Dropping his arrogant attitude Sylens slowly steps away from me.
"Okay I'll tell you where he is, he's within an old broken down metal devil, a Horus. I found him years ago and repaired and aided him in exchange for knowledge, but I don't work for him anymore." – Sylens
Sighing I turn my emotion displays back on and retract my claws, patting Sylens on the shoulder I turn and begin walking away while talking.
"I knew all that Sylens, it's why I sought you out. You aren't afraid of making deals in exchange for knowledge, I respect that. But I don't know his location, all files pertaining to his location are deleted off your focus. Anyway, Sylens come along, it's time for you and Aloy to learn about the fall of the Old Ones." – Edith
3rd Pov – Sylens
Sylens was scared, all along he was subconsciously under the impression Edith was similar to Hades. He had been considering her someone easily tricked and had been planning to milk as much knowledge as he could from her.
What he forgot though was Edith wasn't easily tricked, she was a fully fledged Ai created by one of the smartest people ever and constantly improved since then. She was for all metrics better than him, and she had access to his focus.
He was so stupid, of course she had access to his focus. She hacked it ages ago; this entire time she knew his biggest secret but was fine with it till it became a concern.
After his brief stint working with the rouge Hades Ai and escaping unharmed his arrogance had risen out of control, this entire time whether it be within the wyvern or walking around next to her, Sylens whole heartedly believed he could escape unharmed if needed.
Luckily for him Edith only thought it wise to scare the arrogance out of him, instead of just killing him. Brushing off his shoulder Sylens's hand shook slightly as the last of the adrenaline left his system.
Breathing in deeply Sylens attempted to return to his usual posture, but something about being easily humbled scared him and caused the slightest change in his usual aura. Pulling himself together to the best of his abilities Sylens steadies himself before following the large mechanical lifeform from the room.
Afterall if he's not dead than he can learn, and Edith promised him the best lesson.
1st Pov
Walking out of the control room I take a second to look around, doing a quick diagnosis I determine I can get this facility up and running soon if needed. Humming to myself I slowly approach the closest terminal, connecting to it I begin using the connection to access all the cradle facilities.
Delving deeper into the connected systems I begin a full diagnosis of all the operational facilities, sadly it seems only about 1% of all the cradle facilities worldwide are still operational or connected to this facilities system.
Deciding to continue with my idea I start transferring a new set of codes to each facilities, the goal of this code is to increase the systems cybersecurity and lock out all but me. I also search each facility for functioning multiservitors.
Programming the multiservitors separately I make them begin work repairing their facility. Happy with my work I disconnect from the terminal and walk away, behind me Sylens looks to be trying to figure out what I did.
Leaving the learning centre part of the cradle I move back into the nursery areas, hearing something moving I look over to see the still functional multiservitors standing up. Walking up to one I do a quick check of it to make sure my code won't cause it to explode, and after a little confirmation I leave it be.
"What did you do?" – Sylens
Looking over my shoulder I see Sylens standing in the doorway looking at the machines booting up.
"Nothing much, I just set them to repair mode." – Edith
Moving passed Sylens I head for the exit to the facility, feeling Aloy stirring awake I pause for a second and give her a slight nudge so she doesn't fall back asleep.
Waking up fully Aloy looks around confused for a few seconds before her brain wakes up enough to realise the situation she's in, letting her down she quickly turns away from me to hide her embarrassment, chuckling I ruffle her hair as I pass her.
Continuing towards the large door I receive a small ping, diverting my path slightly I approach the wall. Cracking off the material buildup reveals a small set of drawers embedded in the wall, attempting to open the drawer with the signal it appears to be jammed.
Gently working my claws into the edges of the drawer I carefully rip it open, reaching into the ancient draw I find a small box which I pull out. Inside the box I count seventeen fully functioning focuses, below those lie the remains of any focuses that didn't handle time well.
Quickly modifying the code on all the focuses I hand the box over to the quiet Sylens. Checking around quickly I don't see anything else requiring my attention and approach the door. Opening it I quickly connect with my wyvern; through my wyverns sensors I can see a large crowd of humans surrounding the entrance.
Thinking it over it probably wouldn't be in my best interests to leave first, so turning to the humans behind me I address Aloy.
"Aloy a large crowd of Nora are surrounding the entrance, as the part of their tribe it would be best if you go first." – Edith
Noticing a flash of annoyance across Aloy's face I decide not to pay it too much mind. Stepping forward Aloy shakes off the last of her lingering embarrassment before schooling her expression and straightening her posture.
3rd Pov
Outside All Mother Mountain tensions were high as all the available braves stood guard around the strange new machine, so far they had been standing guard for nearly twenty minutes and the stress was getting to them.
One particularly skittish brave stationed towards the back of the encirclement was barely holding onto the arrow in his bow, suddenly a commotion breaks out behind the encirclement as the former war chief Resh starts arguing with the elders.
Startled the skittish brave looses the arrow, flying true the arrow seems to fly in slow motion to all watching as it rapidly approaches the passive machine. Hitting something invisible the arrow dents slightly before dropping to the ground, dead silence reins as all the humans wait for the machine to react.
Slowly tilting it's head down the machine appears to observe the arrow before reaching out one of its front limbs and poking it, to the side the humans all watch with held breaths as adrenaline floods their body.
Just when it seems one side is about to strike footsteps can be heard from within the mountain, watching in silence everyone sees a human silhouette within the mountain. Stepping forward the silhouette is revealed to be Aloy, stepping out of the darkness Aloy shields her eyes before looking around.
On the other side the braves watch unsure what to do, pushing through the decision locked braves elder Teersa steps into the encirclement.
"Aloy! You're back, is this machine with you? What have you been up to, we haven't seen you in weeks." – Teersa
Aloy being suddenly called out fidgets nervously, stepping in front of the wyvern she approaches the elder. Meeting her in the middle Teersa immediately pulls Aloy into a hug, confused Aloy awkwardly returns the hug.
"Uh… yeah the machine is with me. And I've been trying to help the goddess, her sister has been helping me." – Aloy
Releasing the hug Teersa looks confused at Aloy.
"What do you mean? The Goddess has a sister?" – Teersa
Fidgeting awkwardly Aloy realises she might have gotten into a bit of a conundrum. Racking her mind, she tries to think of how to explain this, breathing in deeply she steps back slightly.
"Yeah the Goddess has a sister, her name is Edith and she made this machine. She was helping me talk to the Goddess." – Aloy
As if to emphasise Aloy's words a light metallic sound similar to footsteps begins to sound out of the darkness, stepping back cautiously Teersa moves to the braves while Aloy is left standing in the middle of the encirclement.
From inside the mountain the footsteps get louder and louder until a large machine steps out, walking into the sunlight all the surrounding warriors raise their weapons. Walking up next to Aloy it stops and starts looking around.
From the side a few of the villagers notice the obvious similarities between this new machine and the one guarding the cave, among those are the elders. Pushing through the braves elder Lansra, points at the machine while spitting and screaming.
"Metal Devil! The cursed child awoke a metal devil just like I said." – Lansra
Sighing the machine slowly moves forward till it's stood directly in front of the hysterical elder, raising its arm it gently places it on the now horrified elder's shoulder. Bending down the machine looks the elder directly in the eyes.
"I am no devil, I don't blame you for your ignorance though, the blame falls solely on one man. In time you will learn the truth of this world but now isn't the time." – Edith
Standing up and turning around the machine walks off without another word, behind her the humans watch shocked as she approaches the wyvern where a previously unnoticed man stands.