Chapter 12 - Just Smut 18+

And with that Sunny and Nephis left. Nephis has gotten instructions on where to go from Cassie, so she took Sunny and they walked to the River.

Connected by a Rope to a Tree that stood on the shore of the River there was a small Boat with a Engine so none of the 2 would have to do any Physikal labor this time, at least not yet. Sunny and Neph took the Boat and left the shore. Driving down the River sunny asked Neph what they were looking for and neph answered.

"Apparently there is a small cave behind a Waterfall to the left side of the the River, about 30 Kilometers from here. That's our target."

"OK then let's see what Cassie has prepared there for us."

About 20 minutes later they reached the Waterfall Cassie has told neph about.

"That looks like the right spot." Nephis said excited.

"OK I will drive the boat to the other Side, there is a Tree where I can anchor it." Sunny said with a smile.

After sunny anchored the boat he took nephis hand and extended his shadow sense towards the Waterfall. He found the entrance of the Cave and pulled them into the Shadows, appearing right behind the waterfall.

"Wow it looks beautiful in here" Nephis said with awe in her voice.

"Yeah your right, Cassie has really outdone herself with this one."

The cave was rather spacious and to the surprise of both of them, warm. That was because there were countless Candles lit in the Cave and there was little natural Hot spring on the left side while there was a Giant bed that looked like a Heart on the Right.

"Wanna take a bath first?" Nephis asked while taking off her clothes.

"I would love to."

Sunny also undressed himself and they went into the Bath which was pleasantly warm with Rose leaves swimming on top of the water.

"Ahhhhhh, it's so nice." Sunny said after letting himself down into the water.

"Yeah, your right, it is nice but I know a way to make it even nicer."

Nephis pulled out some chocolate and Wine from a box that stood beside hot spring.

They ate the chocolate and drank some wine while talking about the day and how good it turned out in the end despite for how bad it started.

"I'm glad that Rain is here Sunny, you finally had a chance to have a real talk with her."

"Your right, that conversation was long over do. I'm glad she's safe. I hope she can overcome what happened today."

"She will, she has a strong will, just like her brother."

Sunny chuckled before kissing neph, gently at first, but soon they got more intense. Between kisses they still held a conversation.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are neph?"

Nelhis Chuckled.

"A million times, I think. But I guess I haven't told You enough, since you always act like I'm out of your league or something."

Nephis laughed heartily before putting a hand on sunnys chin looking him in the eyes she said.

"Your one of the smartest people I know sunny, your the only one who can create memories the way you do, your funny and Charming, you always find the right words to comfort the people around you while giving them advice they couldn't have gotten from anyone else but you. Your eyes are like a beautiful, calm, dark ocean and your hair looks like a river made out of Black silk. Your body resembles a statue of a Greek god and lastly you protect the people that are dear to you with everything you got and that needs to be awarded."

She began to make her way down his body while sunny started to speak.

"Thank you neph, I didn't think of me that way but I'm glad you do. There is nothing in the world that makes me more hap...."

Sunny couldn't end his sentence because nephis has gotten to his Cock who was already hard since they started talking actually.

Nephis was stroking sunny cock while they continued to make out. Her hands were soft but she moved them Graceful. Her skills were forged over all those years by training with a sword so she had perfect control over them.

Sunny mover his hand down to her pussy and clit which was already swollen and in desperate need for some of sunnys skills he developed over the years while Weaving. While his other hand moved to her Ass grabbing it to hold her in place.

"You got better with your hands again. Didn't think that was possible after what you did last time." Nephis said between moans.

"You too, although I feel like we should bring this over to the bed. What do you think?"

Nephis let out a Chuckle and nodded. They both stood up and sunny picked up nephis and moved over to the bed. Neph let out a exited yelp after sunny threw her Feet first on it. He moved around her and was now back in the same position he was a couple of days ago when they both gave eachother an unforgettable night with oral sex.

"So you wanna do this again. But what if I want to get down on you first sunny?"

Sunny chuckled before starting to kiss and lick her breast. While he made his way down her body he said. 

"I would tell you to shut up and wait your turn."

Nephis bit her lower lip and said.

"Make me."

Sunny chuckled and said.

"As you wish."

He manifested a second Avatar who was now sitting on his knees, his legs spread with nephis head between them. His Throbbing Cock was Rock hard and lay beside her face, she could already feel the heat coming from it.

Nephis looked at his throbbing Cock and then back down to the other Sunny who put his mouth down on her pussy. Then she looked back up and smiled nervously.

"Ahhh, me and my big mouth, I'm in so much trouble, am I?"

The other Sunny put a thumb in her mouth while rubbing her right cheek and spoke.

"OH don't be scared I will take good care of your big mouth."

He leaned down to her and whispered.

"And with that I mean I will stuff it so you can't even scream while your pussy gets assaulted."

Nephis licked her lips and Sunny smiled at her again.

"Now be a good girl and open wide for me."

Nephis did as she was told and sunny put his Cock down her throat and began moving his hips while massaging her tits.

While Sunny was giving Nephis mouth the well eanerd punishment it deserved he took a pillow and put it under her back to bring her in a better position. Then he put his mouth and his right hand on her pussy again and began his handiwork.

"Your so wet already, what a good girl."

Nephis wanted to sream but she couldn't. Her mouth was full while Sunny was hammering his Cock down her throat, his balls slapping her in the face.

'He put that pillow under me so that my head is stretched back enough so that he has full access to my throat. What a treacherous men.'

She wanted to scream but that wasn't possible so nephis took her hands and buried them in sunny hair again.

Sunny had increased the speed of his hips moving and getting closer and closer to orgasm.

"I'm getting close neph, so be a good girl and swallow it all. If I see you missing a single drop the punishment will be nothing you have ever experienced."

Nephis couldn't speak so she gave him a ok sign that divers used underwater.

'Im wanna find out what that punishment is so bad.'

About a minute later nephis could only moan and whimper as she was cumming from sunnys assault on her pussy and practically Waterboarding him again, her legs were shaking while he thrust his Cock down her throat to the base and held it there while he was shooting his semen down her throat into her stomach.

After several seconds he pulled his Cock slowly out of her while she used her lips to create a tight seal around his shaft, when he pulled his dick back enough so that the tip of his Cock was back in her mouth he let out another load that filled nephis mouth which she gladly swallowed while letting out a satisfied humm

'His semen actually taste good, nothing like the people online said. I guess that's part of beeing a saint too.'

He finally pulled his Cock completely out of her but before he could move away though, nephis grabbed him and kissed his tip, she smiled and whispered.

"Thank you"

They both layed down for a second before nephis sat up and looked at Sunny, she let out a drop of sunny semen out of her mouth which was flowing down her chin.

With a grin she looked at Sunny while she catched the drop of semen with her finger and licked it from it.

"I guess that counts as spilling a drop" she said with a Chuckle.

Sunny chuckled before the one that stood behind her grabbed her chin and whisperd.

"Your in serious trouble now miss Changing Star."

He picked her up from the bed and held her in the air, her back against his Chest and his arms under her ass and thighs, he held her legs spread wide open.

Then the other Sunny stood up from the bed. He manifested a thin layer of shadows around his Cock and moved over to neph who was biting her lower lip. He took her chin with his left hand and guided his Cock up and down her pussy with his right hand.

"You have failed in your mission Changing Star now you will face the consequences for your disobedience."

He kissed her gently and then pressed his tip slowly inside of her.

"Ahhh... yes sunny."

He pushed more and more of his thick throbbing Cock inside while nephis tensed more and more, after a couple of seconds he stopped. He noticed her nervous and troubled smile, with a smirk he said.

"Already having trouble? I'm barely half way in my love."

Chuckling and breathing heavily she said.

"You can't be serious. Did you grow since the last time or what is going on?"

Sunny leaned in for a kiss and whisperd after.

"No, your just in a really good position for some serious punishment, a little trick I have learned from a very experienced man."

That's right, sunny had Lings dad over for some cooking lessons a couple of days ago and while the 2 of them prepared some dishes lings dad has shared some of his secrets aswell.

Nephis knew she was in trouble, but she had brought this over herself, so now she's gonna be at sunnys mercy who was grinning at her with a devious look on his face.

'Im gonna die. I really think that this is it for me.'

"Brace yourself."

Sunny whispered before starting to move his hips again.

Which each thrust he went a little deeper inside of neph who was currently losing her mind breathing heavy while moaning and screaming simultaneously.

All 3 of them were sweating buckets while sunny was trying his best to hold a rhythm and not loose himslef because of nephis heavenly pussy.

Nephis was meanwhile hugging the sunny in front of her and kissing him intensely. Her hands moved all over his back while his hands were on her ass helping the other Sunny to hold her up. They stayed in this position while talking to eachother.

"This is amazing, your pussy is practically pulling me inside." Sunny said between moans.

"Well what can I say, shes probably embracing her beloved visitor with all her HEART." Nephis said while sunny started thrusting harder at some point which caused her to scream the last word.

"I'm gonna Cum again sunny, I can feel it, I'm getting close."

"Again? This is your 6th time in 11 minutes!"

"I guess that only speaks for your skills as a lover."

Sunny chuckled and whisperd into her ear while fucking her.

"You know that there is still a Second Sunny behind you right?"

Nephis eyes shot wide open and she licked her lips.

"I'm aware."

"So what if I join forces with him and we let you see some stars, while still in that cave ofc."

Nephis gasped but she couldn't shake of the thought so she nodded and let out a yelp after the sunny behind her lifted her higer into the air and put his Cock right next to the one that had already his tip inside of her.

Lowering her back down she began to shake and screamed.


Sunny looked at her concerned and asked her with a worried voice.

"Are you alright? Should we stop and continue without the Clone?"

Nephis kissed him and then shook her head. Sunny gave her a big smile.

"Good girl, now get ready."

As sunny lowered her further down on their cocks she bit her lower lip and plunged her fingers into sunnys back. She even drew some blood but sunny didn't mind. Because blood weave would keep it inside of him.

"Fuck that's good, your doing so good neph." Sunny whispered.

When both cocks were deep inside of her she let out a exiting scream and shouted.


Sunny chuckled and said.

"Your wish is my command my lady."

Both sunnys started moving their hips up and down but out of sync so nephis was feeling full the entire time. A couple seconds later they were already breathing heavily.

"FUCK YES, THIS IS IT , I'M ALREADY CUMMING, HOLY SHIT SUNNY."Nephis said between moans and screams.

"GOD, YOU FEEL SO GOOD NEPH, I'M CUMMING." Sunny screamed while wiping the sweat from his face.

They continued in this position for hours. They were both saints after all and had a giant pool of endurance to pull strength from.

After some time both let out one last moan.

Sunny embraced nephis in a deep hug before dismissing the second avatar, he held her for a second in that position, her legs crossed behind his back, then sunny stumbled back and fell down on the bed with nephis still laying on top of him, his throbbing Cock still inside of her pumping Semen in the Shadow Condom.

They tried catching their breath and after a couple of minutes sunny said.

"That was amazing."

Nephis lingered for a second before coming to the same conclusion.

"Yes it was." Nephis said not sure if the assault from 2 of sunnys cocks to her pussy would leave her with a permanent limp now.

Both chuckled and kissed eachother.

They stayed like this for some time before nephis found the strength to pull herself up from sunnys cock. It slid out of her and fell down on sunnys stomach.

Nephis strength instantly left her again and she fell down beside sunny. He pulled her closer to himslef and put a blanket over the 2 of them.

Now whey were cuddling and trying to process the last couple of hour's.

"The idea with the second avatar was diabolical. We have used one before but not like this though." Nephis Chuckled still a little dazed.

Sunny laughed and said with a smirk.

"Well technically I have 3 body's with me right now, since the one that was in Ravenheart is back. So we coul..."

Nephis interrupted him with a kiss.

"As much as I would love to. I think 2 is the most I can handle. I didn't think that there was such a thing as too much from you, but today I got to my limit, for sure."

Sunny chuckled and said.

"Goood, because if my mind gets to have sex with you 3 times, at the same time, I would probably loose consciousness. 2 times is already hard to handle."

Now it was nephis time to Chuckle and she began humming a song again.

Sunny was deep in thought when suddenly he asked.

"BTW, what is that song your humming every time we lay in bed after sex?"

Nephis laughed heartily and gave sunny a smirk.

"Take a guess."

Sunny thought about it for a second but just shook his head at her.

Nephis gave him a smile and nodded.

"Well I'm not surprised that you don't know, since you probably haven't watched the movie, but it's the Mongrel theme song."

Sunnys jaw dropped, he did not expect that answer, but it made sense since nephis was probably his biggest fan, although she never admitted it.

"You have to be fucking kidding me, are you serious?" Sunny said while laughing.

"Ofc I'm, mongrel is a inspiration for millions out there, Mundane and Awakened, the song is pretty good although the Movie sucks, since they used it for propaganda." Nephis was smiling while giving him her reasoning.

"You do realize that everything cool and inspiring mongrel ever said was just me getting fucked over by my flaw in combination with Weaver Mask?"

Nephis sighed and said.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter. What matters are the things you did while wearing the Mongrel outfit. Saving all those people from the gate or fighting in Antarctica giving every soldier that saw you strength. That's the reason why I like mongrel. The catchphrase are just a nice bonus."

"I see, well if you put it like that I'm pretty amazing, your right."

Nephis Chuckled.

"Yes you are, although I like you the most when you are your true self."

"Thanks neph, I also like you the most when your with us and just relax and allow yourself to show emotions. Your laugh always puts a smile on my face. I can't stop grinning when I see it."

Nephis chuckled again.

"Yeah I noticed, that's why I enjoy it so much."

They talked for a bit more, but even the 2 most powerful Saints in existence need some rest after the extremely intense sex they just had, so after some time they closed their eyes and slept in eachother arms.