"Happy birthday," Aries said to Charlotte as he shot her in the stomach. "W...why?" she gurgled out spilling blood onto my bed. Looking into my eyes like a pet being euthanized. She knows what's going on but doesn't know why, I stay silent after all it's an emotional moment killing someone. I stroke my hand through her hair holding her in place her body twitches as she struggles against the paralysis medication I dosed her with before I shot her I wait with her until she is gone. it's the least i can do i'm not a monster i feel bad for doing this but she utterd those three stupid words "I love you." peter pan was right growing up sucks the concept of love is drilled into us in our teenage years society telling us how wonderful it is to be in love grow up and gain new freedoms as you age i watched my parents grow old and they didn't look like they loved each other they fought argued and wasted time together watching television they aged but they didn't look like they love each other i didn't want their life i didn't want to have a family and work for a living it seemed easier if i could just stay young forever like most teenagers i was put into the dating pool when i was 15 the idea is i would go on multiple dates with potential matches and eventually find the one i would like to be with my first girlfriend Grace i met shortly after turning 17 and she told me she loved me on my 18th birthday and so i killed her a few weeks later thinking if i never date anyone i would never grow old stacy was my 18th kill the 7th one this year the longer a person stays in the dating pool the more desperate the system is to pair you with someone she told me she loved me after our third date while at my house that's when i decided to paralyzed her and shot her in the stomach she must have been desperate i did what i had to do to guarantee she wasn't stealing my youth after all the pool does promote a 93% succses rate on matches and no one knows when the aging process exactly starts a few days later my phone rings it was an officer from the dating pool informing me another one of my dates has failed to report if the date was compleated or not i told her she never showed i've been running out of excuses "oh she never showed up that's the second one this month." the officer questioned on the phone "yeah i'm just as frustrated as you are. i really want to find someone" i mentioned there are fines and cummunity services for people who don't go through the dating pool process one also can't just say they don't feel it eaither without sufficient reasoning or proof after my fourth report i had to send to the agency i found killing my dates to be easier and would the police's problem and mine "well lucky for you took a personal interest in your case history i belive i found the perfect girl i'll organize a dinner date for you two at Zack's diner for 6 p.m. next Thursday." The officer spoke given me the time for the next date I had to comply Zack's Diner is one of the places owned by the dating pool it's a place for first-time daters to meet have a milkshake and a burger it's set up to be a 1950s diner I sit in my booth sipping on my strawberry milkshake waiting for my date to arrive according to any sheet I was given she loves music, movies, reading, and television. pretty much everything everyone likes but just with slight variations she seemed as thrilling on paper as vanilla yogurt "Oh god please don't tell me you're Aries" she misspoke sitting across from me she appeared to be a bit older than I am maybe in mid-twenties her hair is dyed red matching her red dress. " yes what's up?" I asked "You look like you just got out of preschool," she said with disgust "It's true I've been 19 for a few years now." we seemed to be out of each other's age range yet I do like how forward and aggressive she is being with me " hey now I'm 19 besides your what 26 or something?" "I wouldn't be braging if I was you" she shot back the dating pool has a high percentage rate for a reason I loved her after our first meeting after trading insults we decided to tell each other secrets to find out what exactly we had in common and after 2 hours and three milkshakes each later we determined it was the fear of growing up yet I wasn't scared of growing up as long as it was with her years passed and I'm in my mid-twenties I enjoy my time with zoey it's like the songs on the radio just like heven she is smart, cheeky, and sarcastic a great complement to my personality zoey is pushing 30 now and I'm in my mid-twenties I've been scared of growing up for years and the last year I've been showing my age I'm no longer young looking and I'm starting to grow a healthy beard I'm growing up that's when I thought about killing her tonight so I can stop aging one night in bed after sex where cudduling each other I told her a secret, "I thought about killing you today." "same here." she whispered back.