Chereads / Shinobi:The RPG / Chapter 45 - A Stranger in a Strange Land: Council of Friends

Chapter 45 - A Stranger in a Strange Land: Council of Friends


It took a week and a half. A week and a half of endless drills, practice and breaking my guitar, but I. Can. Play!

Well, I can play one song, but it's a song that I haven't been able to forget whatever reason. It makes me feel good. Like I brought a piece of home to this screwed up world with even more screwed up rules for me to follow. I feel great.

As a result of being able to play the song, I…went ahead and made some alterations to the apartment. Specifically, musical additions.

+300 EXP.

A seal that acted as a stereo, giving me a sweet bass and drums and another seal, this one on the guitar, that made it an electric guitar for those amazing solos.

+300 EXP.

And finally, a seal that kept all the sound within the confines of the apartment because, and I was proud of myself for thinking about this, there was no chance any of my neighbors would appreciate my righteous, metal rock.

+150 EXP.

This whole thing just makes me happy. I can do something, through legitimate hard work, dedication, tears (no, I'm not proud of it) and perseverance! And it's a song...or a variation on a song, that I've loved since I was a teenager the first time around!

To top it off, I only have 1,895 more EXP until I level up to 20, bringing with it the Adamantium Skeleton perk and a level of tankiness the setting really isn't ready for. Speaking of things that the setting isn't ready for, my pistol was mounted on my wall while I…still deliberated over what to do with it.

See, here's the thing. In order to use it properly, I'd need to put points into Ranged Weaponry. Like, a lot. If I want it to be as reliable as my fists (that is to say, totally,) I'd need to raise it to at least 80. It's at 35 right now, coming to a total of 45 skill points, being just shy of two levels worth of skill points.

The problem is that raising Ranged Weaponry now means raising my Ninjutsu later. Ninjutsu, unlike Ranged Weapons, is a source of EXP. Just inventing new tools to cause murder and death with ninja magic that I mostly don't use because it easier to punch people. At 100 Ninjutsu, which was only one level away, I'd have no limits. As far as I can tell, casting jutsu of opposing elements only had a chakra and skill penalty, both of which are rendered moot by my 9 END and the 100 Ninjutsu.

And since I can see, with a quest named 'Hail to the Emperor', that the Penguin's 1 versus 3 war is about to come to an end. Which may or may not end up with me getting a summoning contract, but more importantly, it's an end to the flow of EXP. Which means that'll be the last until the mission ban is done. The mission ban was put in place because I went off, deliberately, on my own and I guess because Kakashi knows me, knew I wasn't trying to rendezvous with the group. Having a ranged weapon would minimize the kill-stealing odds to absolute minimum, help keep my team safe from a range with enough precision to avoid friendly fire. But the jutsu offer the same benefit, if not taking a bit longer and an additional chance for friendly fire which is unacceptable. That, and figuring out the exact jutsu for the exact situation you're in is harder than it looks.

So, the question is this – an easy to implement and reliable weapon to make other quests less risky or a continuous source of new weapons which I don't always understand how to implement properly. It all depends on which one I want to max first since I'm going to get both of them – it'd be one level to raise Ninjutsu from 80 (without bonus) and then stack into Ranged Weapons over levels 21 and 22. Then level 23, if I feel like maxing it immediately.

As I pondered my progression path, I strummed the guitar, moving from string to string, note to note, each dulcet tone bringing a smile to my face. know, if I end up wondering if I did the right thing by joining a war I had no stakes in to kill as many things as possible and maybe get a contract out of it for years to come, I'm going to be upset. The war was just going to go on anyway, the only thing I did was pick a different victor and I stopped the genocide of a species, paving the way to an alternate solution with, hopefully, less sapient death.

Besides, traditional morality applies even less there than it does here and I'm trying to fix an actual disability that I have so I can actually understand people…and maybe see them as people.

What, no. I see people as people. Besides, it's not like I knew the Rookie 9 was going to be forced downwards towards the behemoth for whatever reason. I thought reason and logic still prevailed down there and they'd find a way up. They honestly weren't that far from the surface, I don't understand why they couldn't find something going upward.

That's not my fault.

It really isn't. It's the games fault, just like everything else that's wrong with my life. And a lot of what's good with my life, like surviving an explosion, being impaled and dragged through sewer water and…I'm trying to be mad, here!

...I'm just going to keep jamming. Just keep jamming.

Honestly, I'm just scared. Scared I'm never going to reach level 30. Charisma boosts have been banned for whatever freaking reason. I had a mission ban which was meant to stop me from gaining levels until I fought quote-unquote smarter, which was just code for 'will of fire, go get sensei for difficult fights and give up EXP', also known as teamwork.

So, it makes sense to me that I rejected some…a lot...of what he had to say out of hand. It went directly against my self-interest. I've already spent almost 12 years without any levels, and I was patient then, but then the levels started and they do not stop for any reason. Ever!


I'm just working myself up over this. Come on, what comes will come. I do technically have a whole life ahead of me and I've gained almost fifteen levels over the course of five months. At this rate, I'll be level 30 before the canon exams.

Unless they stop me. Or the game ends because I wasn't strong enough.

…I need to think of something else.

Naruto told me the Academy re-opens today. After my tactics training, I want to be there when he and the rest of Team 7 get out. And possibly the rest of the Rookie 9, provided they aren't surrounded by guards the moment they step out of the gates. I mean, the last time I actually had a little bit of fun. You know, a little. It was fun watching them play off each other like the unpredictable little munchkins they were.


"Sensei," I gave a nod to Kakashi, who I hadn't seen since the second party the Akimichi threw. "How've you been?"

"I've been alright, Daisuke-kun," Kakashi gave me an eye-smile. "You?"

"Okay, I guess," I shrugged.

Nichiren and Hisako were also on their way, since this was technically a joint team effort to improve our cohesion. Well, to improve Hisako and Nichiren's cohesion and try to stick me in there with super glue and scotch tape. Neither of them had shown up yet and I was surprised to see Sensei here so early…maybe he was making sure I'd actually come.

"So, Sensei, I'll be up front with you," I started. "I've really come to resent the direction you went with our tactics lessons."

Kakashi sighed. "And why might that be, Daisuke-kun?"

"I asked you to teach me how to fight smart because I nearly ended up a stain on the ground," I replied. "Rather than tell me how to plan around my opponent, which is what I wanted, you've been trying to tell me how to plan with my team, which goes against my self-interest."

"How?" Kakashi asked, his one eye blinking. "You wanted to know how to plan better, and working with your team is planning 101."

"Working with my team involves me giving up kills," I explained with a frown. "That makes it take longer to get to where I need to be to understand people."

Kakashi took a breath. "I see. I confess I hadn't thought about it from that angle, I was thinking in terms of 'most efficient way to stay alive'…we'll probably get into the nitty gritty of planning solo engagements at some point, but you need to learn how to work with your team."

"That's not good enough Sensei," I snapped, then I took a step back. "I apologize, I don't mean any disrespect, but I doubt I'll be satisfied until I've hit that mark."

"You have a goal," Kakashi nodded. "I respect that. Really, I do. But pursuing that goal at any cost is a bad idea, because you could easily die along the way. The point of teaching you tactics, and how to work with your team, is to help you actually get there without dying."

"That's just it, though," I continued. "How can you expect me to work with my team if I can barely understand them as people?"

"Well, by getting experience in working with them," Kakashi replied. "You don't need to get better at understanding them to come up with a plan with them…That does work, right?"

"I think so," I answered with a frown. "My bloodline is really arbitrary about…almost everything, actually."

"I know," Kakashi sighed. "Believe me, I know. And I'm sorry, but you can overcome this. If Rock Lee can overcome his lack of Ninjutsu and become a skilled Genin, then you can overcome your inability to understand people and become a skilled tactician."

"I don't think they're the same thing," I frowned and folded my arms.

"I think the principles the same," Kakashi replied. "If they weren't, you wouldn't have emerged from the sewers in better condition than when you fought Mori."

The boss from the Organ Trail. Right. "Right…okay."

"We just want you stick with the team so we can function as a cohesive unit," Kakashi continued. "Failing that, we want you to make it easy to reunite with your team."

"I'm not apologizing for the sewers," I glared, folding my arms. "That was my first escape from my social problems in a long time. I built myself to do exactly what I did that day."

"You…built yourself," Kakashi sighed, rubbing his eye. "You know, I had a question about that, actually. You mentioned that you decided how you grow with each power spike, right?"

"Right," I nodded.

"So…was there a point, somewhere in the beginning, where you decided your initial capabilities?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I took all the points from my social capabilities and allocated them toward...well, bluntly, Luck."

"…you…made yourself this socially inept?" Kakashi's eye boggled. "Why?"

"I didn't think it would be that important," I shrugged, my frown deepening. "Believe me, I've regretted that decision every day of my life since I got here. But it's not like I was talking to anyone anyway, what with being barely able to move and completely unable to speak."

"You were cognizant as an infant?" It only barely sounded like a question.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "What about it?"

He was quiet for a moment. "…do you remember the Kyuubi attack?"

"Yeah," I replied, growing increasingly upset. "Attempted suicide isn't easy to forget."

I think sensei tried to say something. He really did, even if I could only barely see hints of his mouth through his mask, but no sound came out.

"Before you ask, yes, I know exactly where it is and no, I don't care," I quickly inputted, actually kind of happy that I was picking up that he was concerned about Naruto. "And the Hokage's already given me the run-down."

"That's…certainly a good thing," Kakashi gave a shallow nod. "But, ummm…Luck?"

"I automatically win at Casinos," I replied. "The odds are always in my favor when I go gambling. Especially blackjack."

I was so happy when I learned that Blackjack was a thing in the Elemental Nations.

"…so, you are in no danger of losing funds," Kakashi blinked. "I can see why you wanted to head over to the casinos during our C-rank. But that can't be the only benefit."

"I have a one in ten chance to land a guaranteed hit for extra damage," I explained. "In addition, I made friends with Naruto and by extension the Hokage, got one of the most valuable Sensei's Konoha has to offer, earned a pair of amazing teammates, a potential mate in Hisako despite looking and acting like a gargoyle and ended up earning the gratitude of every clan in Konoha. Twice over, in the case of the Hyuuga. In all the madness that we've been through, I've never lost my teammates and they've only gotten more capable. I am the single luckiest person in the Land of Fire, Sensei."

"…I had wondered how you…" Kakashi shook his head. "Then why are you afraid you won't make it to the social boost that you talked about?"

How…Nakama. It has to be. "Because. It's been such a menace over my life that I want it gone. I want it gone yesterday. I don't understand my teammates and because of that, I don't fully trust them because I don't know how they'll react. I don't know how you'll react. That's why I'm so stingy with the details of how reality decides to screw me over, I don't know if it'll make it worse or better."

"Daisuke," Kakashi put a hand on my shoulder. "You'll make it there. We want you to make it there. It might take longer than you'd like, but you will make it there. And if I have anything to say about it, you'll get there without getting anymore crippling injuries and your teammates will improve right along with you."

"They've been improving," I grumbled. "They aren't perfect, though."

"You can't expect them to be," Kakashi sighed. "I know perfection in a skill can be a reality for you, but it can't be for anyone else. The best they can go for is 'good enough'."

"That's scary," I muttered. "How do you ever know they'll be good enough, then?"

"You trust them," Kakashi replied. "And you help them when they fall short."

He wanted to add something, I think. But he didn't. I don't know why he didn't say everything he wanted to, but he didn't. I sighed. "You have a point, sensei."

I almost wonder if I should tell him about the Penguins.



The academy was swarming with security, like I expected. Jounin were everywhere. Clan members of all types were stations on the roofs in a perimeter around the academy and parents were waiting at the gate.

Speaking of parents.

"Shimoda-kun," Hiashi Hyuuga gave me a polite nod. "Nakamura-kun, Yamada-chan. A pleasure to see you."

"Hyuuga-san," I gave a polite bow. "…good to see you, too."

Nichiren and Hisako, who both came with me for some reason or another, gave bows in turn as well, uttering their greetings.

Pretty soon after that, I ended up…not swarmed, since it was too dignified, but crowded by clan heads as they all said hi. Even Nara Shikaku and the Inuzuka clan head whose name I've never learned got in. I think they all understood that I didn't know how to function beyond saying 'hi' back and failing at small talk because they soon went on to talking with each other.

I didn't offend anyone, thank goodness. I just didn't understand why they backed off. I thought political manipulation was part and parcel with affiliating with the clans. Not something I ever want to get involved with, but it'll happen eventually. Preferably after I'm married and I don't have to worry about marriage proposals from people only interested in getting my political capital.

A capital which is depressingly high, but I digress.

Pretty soon, the school bell rung and students were escorted out in organized lines. I was pleasantly surprised to see Iruka up and about as he guided the students out. As they approached the gates, Naruto broke formation, rushing toward me with this giant smile on his face. "Daisuke! Hisako! Nichiren! You guys came!"

"Well, it was your first day back, and we wanted to make sure you were alright," I smiled back at him. "Everything go okay?"

"Amazingly!" Naruto replied cheerfully, his smile somehow getting bigger. I was almost afraid he was going to split his lips open. "Everything was way easier! Those shadow clones really cut down on my study time, too!"

"Good to hear it," I replied with a smile. Seeing Naruto take advantage of the Shadow-Clones this early made me really happy.

"Nice work," Nichiren had really taken a liking to my friend, something I was worried about when I realized that he had parents that might not like him. It did take me several months of being on a team with Nichiren to figure it out, but I did figure it out!

"So, do you think Sasuke and Sakura might be up for training later?" Hisako, similarly, had taken a liking to the whole team and took this training part seriously. I also noticed she was getting better with each training session, so that might have something to do with it.

"Yes," Sasuke walked up to us. "I've gotten a lot stronger since we've started and I see no reason to stop now."

"So, we are meeting today, then?" Sakura showed up, smiling. "My Taijutsu's gotten good since we've started."

"I guess we are," I nodded. Then I turned to my team. "Right?"

"Right," Nichiren nodded.

"Oh yeah, it'd be great," Hisako nodded with a smile. "Training with you three has a lot of fun, actually."

"Thank you, Senpai!" Sakura grinned wide, with her eyes closed and hands clasped in front of her.

It was then that I became aware of a new figure having walked up to us. It was Ino, dressed in her normal purples and looking fairly healthy. Her father was right behind her, regarding me…cautiously? "So…I heard today that you've been training together for the past couple of weeks."

"Yup!" Naruto nodded with his hands behind his head. "We're going to be amazing shinobi!"

"That's awesome!" Ino smiled at Naruto. Since when is that a thing? "So, I had wanted to join in, but I'd been…busy, for the past couple of weeks. But my schedule's freed up, so…can I join?"

"I don't have a problem with it," I replied. "You guys?"

"Nope," Nichiren nodded.

"…I guess it'd be okay," Hisako replied after a brief pause.

"Hey, can Shikamaru and I come too?" Chouji came up, bag of chips in hand.

"…do I have to?" Shikamaru groaned.

"Yes," Ino affirmed harshly.

"Uh-ummm," Hinata was pushing her fingers together. "Can I…can I come too?"

"Sure," I said to all of them.

"Me too, right?" Kiba had Akamaru on his head, who looked healthy and barked happily.

Don't these people have something else to do with their time?

"I would appreciate the chance to come as well," Shino, with his Dad behind him, said. "Why? Because study groups are usually very productive."

"Sure," I said, resisting the urge to pull my hair out and find the nearest escape. "You guys can all come, we're going to training ground 3."

What just happened? I don't understand what just happened. I hope our group swelling to a large size like this is a one-time event.

Their parents were all okay with it too, so I guess they don't have anything better to do with their time. What, was two weeks enough time to get all the training they wanted crammed into them? Is there something else going on?

I don't know.

Darn clan politics.

The…entourage, and by that I mean mob of people then proceeded to training ground three. When we got there, the parents, mercifully wandered off in the distance to let the kids and I hang out.

…I may have the brain of a twelve-year-old but I'm not a kid.

I'm not!

I kind of am. I mean, what's the difference between a kid and adult besides brains in certain stages of development? Experience, that's what!

…and I have a partially forgotten lifetime of experience that's otherwise irrelevant here. Does it still count? I think it does! You know…if you're generous.

"So…since you're all new here, perhaps we should explain how this goes," I turned to them with my hands behind my back. "Naruto, explain how this goes."

"Okay!" Naruto grinned. "So, we start by showing each other things that we've been working on and asking for feedback."

"Showing what you've been working on?" Ino rose an eyebrow and frowned. "You mean like techniques?"

"If you've been working on super-secret clan techniques, you don't need to show us," Nichiren answered with a shrug. "Just say so. Sasuke's got a couple he hasn't showed us because of their sensitive nature."

Sasuke simply shrugged from his seat on a rock.

"What about Daisuke-senpai?" Ino asked with a frown.

"I don't care," I shrugged. "I make a bunch of new ones every few weeks or so."

"The idea of 'secret jutsu' is kind of ridiculous because all he needs to do is think kind of hard and he figures out how to do it," Hisako nodded with a flat look on her face. "He does it with seals, too."

"I wouldn't say I need to think hard," I debated. The game kind of takes care of that little thing for me, actually, for the most part. know, that means that the game has more or less taken over my thinking for a large part of my life. That's depressing. Horribly, horribly, depressing.

"Well, you do need to think, right?" Hisako asked.

"Kind of," I replied with a shrug.

"So, what kind of jutsu have you made?" Ino asked with an eager look on her face. "Show us!"

"Ah-ah," I shook my finger. "I'm not particularly interested in showing off, this is about helping us all get stronger."

"Yes Senpai," Ino bowed her head in shame.

The class might've gotten bigger, but I'm determined to learn something, darn it!

"Good, now…Naruto, if you don't mind showing off," I asked him.

"You know it!" Naruto was smiling wide again. "So, I took that jutsu you showed me last week and managed to get it down to one hand-sign."

I blinked. "Let's see."

He put his fingers into some sort of cross. "Mass Shadow-clone jutsu!"

Oh right, back in the Anime he never used traditional hand-signs. I'm amazed he figured that out, though. I'd put it up to luck, but it's not me that figured it out so…Naruto's just super intuitive. Or he's been spamming it and taking what I've been saying about hand signs and…you know what, forget it. That's just impressive.

"Well, I'm impressed," I nodded.

Well, our guests, old and young were gawking at the sheer number of Naruto's that had taken up residence in the training yard. This made me feel good.

"Naruto…you mind getting rid of the army?" Hisako asked with a smirk. "You're freaking out the guests."

"Awwww…" Naruto pouted in loud stereo. "Okaaay."

The training ground was filled with smoke again and then it was just Naruto.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Well, my Taijutsu's been getting pretty good!" Naruto smiled. "I can't wait to show you!"

After that, Sakura showed us some of the progress she's been making on the Chakra Strings and Sasuke declined to show us the jutsu he's been working on. Fair enough. Then we extended the invitation to show off to the clan heirs and they all declined. Well, that makes sense. It's a little annoying though.

Then Hisako showed us a Genjutsu that basically super-imposed a Genjutsu of the area around us with only one change – Hisako wasn't there. Everything else was fine, but if you wander into this area, you'd never know she was there if you didn't have the Byakugan or the Sharingan. Thus, she had plenty of time to go Homicidal.

Nichiren's been working on medical jutsu, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to show off, apologizing. I would have taken my gloves off and sliced through my palm, but with the allegations that I'm suicidal floating around, I decided against it.

Then it was my turn. "Alright…after this, we'd normally break up into spars. By that, I mean everyone would take turns trying to beat me in Taijutsu, but since there's a lot of us today, we might not have time."

"Come on, just show us the jutsu, Senpai!" Kiba asked and suddenly the whole crowd looked really enthusiastic.

"Alright, alright," I grumbled.

"Daisuke, there's nothing wrong with showing off a little," Naruto chided, still smiling. "Seriously, give us something awesome."

"Well, if you say so," I replied. "Uh…okay, so I've hit a conundrum, actually."

I reached into my jacket and pulled out my pistol. My reason for bringing it was because I wanted some…second opinions on how I should use it. After all, the last time I got into a conversation with everyone, actually, I got the idea for summons and clones, which gave good precedent. Hisako let out an irritated sigh. Nichiren eyed it warily.

"What did you do to that kunai?" Ino tilted her head.

It was a mangled piece, if I were honest. I had taken off the handle then fused it back on, higher up to go over the ring I had replaced to be a trigger guard. The ring itself was small enough for one finger to fit inside, primarily used to tie explosive notes but Hisako did kunai-twirling tricks when she was bored on missions. The weapon didn't look…good. But I could work on that later.

"I made it into a weapon," I replied. "I mean, it was already a weapon, I just changed its functionality."

I grabbed it and let loose a shot into a nearby tree, watching with satisfaction as the instantaneous bright blue flash pierced a hole right through the center, about the circumference of an eight ball that got smaller the further you went in. "This thing's powerful. Not as powerful as some of the jutsu I make on a regular basis, but it's also really reliable and simple to use."

"Before you ask, no you can't use it," I continued, interrupting Kiba, Chouji and Sakura of all people. "Sorry, I just built the thing not too long ago, I don't want it getting accidentally broken."

There were sighs of disappointment around.

"Before I let you all at it, let me explain some stuff about my bloodline," I said, noting how everyone started adjusting to pay closer attention. "I don't get better at skills by training. I get better with power spikes my bloodline hands me after an arbitrary number of accomplishments, like number of missions completed."

"Why's that?" Chouji asked, Shikamaru lying beside him watching the clouds.

"I don't know, it's just arbitrary," I replied with a shrug. "I call them level ups and I try not to think about it too much. But here's the thing, because I don't get better like everyone else, I need to be judicious about how I use my power spikes and I'm not always the best at this. So, my options are this – I can get as good as I can possibly can be with Ninjutsu next power spike. Put it up there with my Taijutsu, Chakra Control, Fuinjutsu, etc. Or I can work on my aim, and get it to a fairly reliable level and it would synergize really well with my current fighting style. As opposed to Ninjutsu, where I rarely find one or two that fit and usually don't see much use beyond when I first invent it. So, should I focus on improving Ranged Weaponry, Ninjutsu, or some split between the two?"

Honestly, if I don't like the conclusion drawn, I'll probably ignore it. But since I got some great ideas out of the group by accident last time, I kind of wanted to see what I could get out of them on purpose this time.

"Is the increase numerical?" Shikamaru asked, sitting up with a focused look on his face.

"Yup," I nodded.

"How are the numbers handled?" He asked with a frown.

…I like you. "It's a percentage. Each point in a skill brings me one percent closer to mastery."

"How many points do you get per level?" Shikamaru asked with a focused look.

"Twenty-three," I replied.

"And the current levels?"

"Ninjutsu is at 80 percent and my aim is 35 percent," I nodded. My teammates already knew about my bloodline and they were still my friends, and everyone present already knew something bizarre was going on with me, so…I didn't feel the need to be overly secure.

"You're just telling them this?" Hisako asked, alarmed.

"Well, yeah," I said. "You found out and you're still my friend so…I thought maybe I should be more open. About some things."

"…alright then," Hisako frowned, looking back at everyone.

"So, is it just missions that get you these level ups or are there other things?" Shikamaru asked with steepled fingers.

"There's…making jutsu and getting kills," I replied with a shrug. "Not a lot."

"I'd just max out Ninjutsu and make more jutsu until you get enough power spikes to max out your aim," Shikamaru nodded. "Unless there's a reason you haven't been able to do so?"

"I run out of ideas," I cracked my knuckles. "I can't invent the same jutsu twice and if there's too many similarities, it doesn't count."

Requires enough original thought to prevent spamming, not enough to be interesting. Truly, this system was designed well. And by well, I mean it was designed to be frustrating.

"What's the point of having a weapon you can't use well?" Kiba asked with a raised eyebrow. "If you're not confidant in how you use your jutsu in combat, I think you should work on getting better with your weapon."

"Because if he improves his Ninjutsu, it widens the number of jutsu he can create," Shikamaru said. "Since he can't create copies with slight deviations, that makes the higher skill-pool even more important."

"Yeah, but that doesn't help Senpai now," Kiba replied with a frown. "If he gets into a fight, like if the academy gets attacked again, then his ability to defend it is less than if he improved something he could use well."

"I agree with Shikamaru," Ino said with a nod. "Senpai, you should improve your ability to use Ninjutsu to make even more incredible jutsu."

"Quick question, I heard that the academy was going to implement my flash-light jutsu in its curriculum," I asked. "How many of you know it?"

Some, like Ino, Sakura, Chouji, Naruto and Kiba, all performed the jutsu right there. Others, like Shikamaru and Shino, merely raised their hands. Sasuke gave a lazy wave of his hand.

"Okay, just checking," I nodded. "Please continue."

I'm making waves all over the place. Geeze.

"Personally, I think if you can easily implement something into your fighting style, you should work that in as fast as possible," Shino said, pushing his glasses back onto his face. "Why? His personal style of rushing in and making the enemy explode clearly means Senpai has very little time for strategy. If improving his ability to use the weapon allows him to continue this line of fighting with less risk, it should be improved."

"Hey, what do you mean 'he has no time for strategy'?" Naruto asked grumpily.

"He means that instead of attempting to anticipate my opponents move and plan around it, I prefer to move in and punch them in the face," I replied. "And it's true, I like to keep my fights as short as possible and planning around enemies is…difficult, at best."

"Oh," Naruto said. "In that case, I agree with Shino."

I tilted my head. That was not what I expected out of Naruto. "Why?"

"Understanding your opponent is a part of strategy," Naruto shrugged. "You suck at understanding people, so you have trouble with strategy. I mean, I still think you can learn it, but it'd be harder for you. If the weapon makes it safer to do what you're already doing, I say go ahead."

I blinked. Huh, that…made sense, I guess. I mean, I guess it explains why Captain Shizo got through where Kakashi-sensei didn't. Kakashi wanted me to work with my team. Shizo's school of thought is minimize risk to myself…which coincidentally may involve working with a team, now that I think about it…

"Now hold on," Hisako put her hands on her hips. "The weapons…powerful, no one's denying that, but I think learning how to use Jutsu in a fight would be more worth his time."

"And it's kind of weird how he spends all of his time making jutsu he never uses," Ino chimed in, folding her arms and nodding in a sage-like manner. "Seriously, jutsu are way more flexible than a weapon you simply point to use, I'd think it'd be easier to use them."

"Hand signs take more time than I'd like," I admitted. It was true, too. One Handed Jutsu made it easier by letting me charge in and around, punching things while making jutsu at the same time. I just really like keeping myself fluid with the battle.

"That's really impatient, Senpai," Ino frowned, putting her hands on her hips and leaning forward. "Your ability to make jutsu is awesome, you should learn patience so you can use it better!"

"But patience is hard," I offered lamely. "Especially since killing the enemy fast reduces his ability to use strategy."

"Yeah, but what happens if you're not fast enough to kill them?" Ino asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I…use a…Jutsu," I then quickly grabbed the weapon and held it up. "Or this! This would help, too!"

"I guess it would but jutsu offer more versatility," Ino argued back. "And like Shikamaru said, it'd let you get better aim anyway if you really need it."

"But if you have a trouble actually using something in a fight, maybe you should try something else," Nichiren piped up. "I mean, I don't really like the weapon but if it stops you from being blown to bits, Daisuke, I think you should get better now as opposed to later."

"Um…Senpai?" Hinata asked. "Do you have any other skills you could improve?"

"…there's medical knowledge," I offered after a second, remembering the hypothetical reflex and speed increasing jutsu that required a mere ten points more to get.

"Of course there is," Nichiren rubbed his eyes.

"How high is the medical skill?" Shikamaru asked.

"Sixty percent," I replied.

"Well then, if you want my recommendation, I'd boost Ninjutsu and Medical skills by ten points each and use the spare three points to improve your aim if you really think you need that weapon," Shikamaru offered. "Increase your ability to keep yourself alive, increase the number of jutsu you can make and improve your aim ever so slightly until you the other skills are complete."

"Ooh, that's a good point," Hisako nodded. "He's got a good point, Daisuke. Keep yourself alive and make more jutsu."

"Eh, I think you should go with what you want, since you're attached to that weapon," Kiba offered, Akamaru barking happily from his lap. "But I do think you should increase your medical skill, though. You might've even been able to fix your chest up before we found you."

"Eh," I waved it off. "I slept it off anyway, it didn't matter."

"How long were you down in the sewers coughing up blood?" Sakura asked with a frown.

"Honestly, coughing up blood wasn't that bad," I said with a nonchalant shrug. "Just pretty painful and left me open to some attack…you know what, forget it."

"Good," Nichiren looked upset now.

"If I may, Senpai," Sasuke started. "With your percentage in your aim at 35 percent, is it unusable or would you just like better aim?"

"It's not unusable," I answered. "It's actually at…I dunno, C-rank equivalent? I'd just like it to be around 80…or I guess around A-rank equivalent. I like reliable."

"C-rank is around Chunin, yeah? I'd say that's still pretty good, Senpai," Sasuke said. "You're not too far from completing Ninjutsu, so I'd do that, then split points between medical skills and your aim and bring them concurrently if you really feel you need the weapon with full Ninjutsu."

"So, when you say 'completed' or 'full' Ninjutsu, what does that mean, exactly?" Chouji asked, taking another bite of chips.

"Perfection," I replied with a frown. "First skill I completed was Chakra Control, then after that went on to increase Taijutsu to 80 and left it there until recently."

"You're joking," Chouji said.

"I beat the rookie of the year, a Hyuuga, currently being taught by the greatest Taijutsu master in the village, without getting touched," I told him flatly.

"Okay, you're not joking," Chouji blinked.

"That's incredible," Ino breathed out.

The discussion went on for a while, I listened to each point as it was made. Sides were switched. Opinions got heated. Then I stood up. "Alright, I think I've made my decision. Gimme a second to make some jutsu."

"Ooh!" Ino said, sitting down to watch.

Ninjutsu Check Success: 88/80.

This was an Earth release. I don't usually make too many of these since the skill and chakra penalty make them impossible to actually make, but it's at 88, so this one was in my ability. Six large, earthen spikes erupted from the ground in a circle and then rushed together to slam into each other, creating a single, stone pillar.

I'll call that Stone Henge.

+300 EXP.

Let's make a Storm Release…this one sending a beam straight up into the air and then slamming into the stone, shattering it into a million pieces and leaving a hole in the center. I'll call that one Wrath of Olympus.

Ninjutsu Check Release: 88/85.

+1200 EXP.

Cheers from behind me as they watched the fireworks. I always liked fireworks, actually. In fact, that gives me another idea for a jutsu. This one's a fire jutsu, but one that should end up with dozens of pretty colors.


Ninjutsu Check Success: 88/65.

It was a fire jutsu. Technically. But my firecrackers shot up into the sky with a whistle and exploded into a green and red symbol for Konoha…the Will of Fire was strong in the sky.

+600 EXP.

More cheers. All at the same time, I send more fireworks for the symbols of each clan, figuring that they might enjoy it.


Level up!

Level 20.

I'm two-thirds of the way to level 30. It almost brings a tear to my eyes actually. So the perk is Adamantium Skeleton, obviously. For the skills…well, Shikamaru did have a point in that more jutsu is more EXP and that's a concern since that brings me closer to level 30. So, 12 points into Ninjutsu, bringing it to 92 without bonuses but 100 with, and put 10 points into Medicine, bringing it up to 70, since it's both the reflex enhancement jutsu and it'll let me figure out what I need to do to un-cripple limbs. And finally, well, I put the last point into Ranged Weaponry. Bringing it up to 36.

8,045 more until level 21.

"Alright, so," I turned to face them. "Shikamaru had a point, more jutsu means more power spikes and since I'm trying to get to a specific spike in particular, I decided to go with what he and Sasuke suggested."

Shikamaru nodded in satisfaction, leaning back onto the grass with a grin.

"Aw, man!" Kiba folded his arms.

"Alright, if that's what you want, Daisuke," Naruto shrugged. "I guess you can get better aim later."

"Sorry, Naruto," I said, before turning to everyone else. "Now, I think we're overdue for some sparring, if we still have time."

"I…I think we have time, Senpai," Hinata said quietly, her Byakugan on.

"Cool. So, are we doing this 'one at a time against me' or are we breaking it into pairs?" I asked. "What do you think, Hisako? Nichiren?"

"One at a time," Nichiren nodded. "I think everyone here wants a crack at you."

There were nods of agreement from the group.

I shrugged. "Alright."

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