Chereads / Shinobi:The RPG / Chapter 37 - Capture the Flag: Punked

Chapter 37 - Capture the Flag: Punked

Let's be practical about this.

Am I ticked off? Yes.

Have I needed to come up with a jutsu that mends broken walls because I keep punching holes in them?

+300 EXP.


They think I'm self-destructive because I keep walking away from quests with less than 10% of my health and have made their issues known.

Message Received.

I'm going to re-order my selection of perks to…handle this latest development. Instead of Ninja and Paralyzing Palm for the next two perks, I'm going to pick Elemental Training: Water and Adamantium Skeleton for the next perks. Elemental Training so I can use Water Jutsu…hopefully that means I gain the affinity but I'm not entirely sure anymore.

Whatever. Even if I don't get the Lightning-Water release mix, I can still be game breaking.

The main goal of Water Jutsu is to take advantage of the water-drinking game mechanic. In theory, I can just Water Jutsu to create a super-nutritious drink, similar to Nuka-Cola in the Fallout games, that can restore more HP than 5 a sip. The jutsu would also dump it in my mouth, where I would store and use as needed. My best bet, I think, is to get something similar to the Refreshing Beverage in Fallout 4, which was basically a max-tier healing item for no perks. I might need a higher medicine or even survival skill, but it can work. I know this for a fact.

Also, inventing Stim Packs will be a miracle for the Shinobi of Konoha.

Getting off track.

The main reason behind Adamantium Skeleton is an…exploit…that I've got in mind. I've noticed that seals are really good at absorbing, storing and releasing energy. Explosive notes and especially the chakra-theft seals from the boss of Organ Trail demonstrate this perfectly. What I want is a set of seals, preferably written in invisible ink so I don't tip anyone off, that redirect kinetic (thrown boulders, kunai, punches, etc.) to other sections of my body. Even without Adamantium skeleton, a seal like that evenly distributing force around my body would turn kunai into dull butter knives. With adamantium skeleton, I'd put all the force possible on my bones and would become indestructible.

I have 76 Fuinjutsu and I'm reasonably certain that it could work. The only conceivable draw-back would be that the seals would take chakra every time they activated. The check for making the seals was 90, which either meant I can make them, or that's the skill I need to know it's impossible and why.

As for right now, I've got a weakness in regards to tactics. Since I'm horrible at thinking on the fly, I need to prepare in advance. Biggest hole in my kit is Genjutsu, and I've got an idea to fix that. See, the Organ Trail boss had these Chakra-absorbent seals. Genjutsu is controlling the flow of chakra in a person's brain. All I need to do is rig a similar absorbency seal to go off whenever it detects foreign chakra infringing on my system or touching a part of my body and absorb it.

…should make sparring with Hisako easier, at least. That's all she ever uses anymore and it's not even the bizarre Genjutsu that take you on an acid trip, they're so plane-jane that you would never figure out you were in a Genjutsu unless you were told.

I mean, beyond the self-reinforcing belief loop that comes standard with the Acid Trip Genjutsu.

Fuinjutsu Check Success: 76/75.

+600 EXP.


The seal itself I wrote on my scalp, hidden in my hair as best as I could get it. The last thing I needed was for someone to recognize I had a seal on my head and switch tactics. It should actually provide some protection against Ninjutsu as well, what with absorbing chakra from boulders or flames. Only thing it can't do is absorb directly from enemy shinobi, since that's a system that's self-contained and focused. I'll need to re-write it later as I get better with Fuinjutsu, but that's a fairly good problem to have.


Fuinjutsu Check Failed: 76/90.

Well, I need a seal to store all the excess chakra. I was wondering since Storage seals already warp space-time (I don't think the answer as to how is out there, sadly), if there was a way to make a seal that stored infinite chakra. Well, I don't know but in theory it should be possible. I'll just make a temporary seal around the Chakra Defense Network and rewrite it when I devise a better one.

+150 EXP.

And I have plans to stop by Tenten's to plan out a chest plate. Optimistically, it should offer 30% damage resistance, bringing up my total DR to 70%. Then, combined with the Adamantium Skeleton and accompanying seals, I shouldn't be coming close to almost dead again any time soon.

Now…to get Adamantium Skeleton first or to get Elemental training first?

…getting Water Techniques means healing and nukes. That's what I'll get next.

And…yeah, furlough's still suck but at least inventing jutsu can fill the time. So can Taijutsu techniques, now that I think about it. What's that thing Rock Lee did? With the spinning, someone upside down, driving their head into the concrete at maximum speed? Yeah, that. That's a technique. Might take some more creativity than Jutsu, but it's still a source of experience.

How long until morning?

Six hours?


Alright, I've cleared the changes to my plans off the docket…what else is there.

Oh, right. The big one. Sorting out the charisma problem.

So, the Charisma problem is bizarre. I've noticed that if a situation requires any degree of internal awareness or understanding of a situation, those checks are higher than 4. Always. But if it's just getting someone's attention or letting my appearance or the sound of my voice do the work, it's within the check of 4. Usually.

What does this mean?

Well, from what I can gather, it means that SPECIAL bonuses are faceted, which makes sense. I can't expect a henge that only improves my looks to also enhance my social understanding. However, the dinner party with Nichiren's folks with the chakra suit showed that there was some sort of threshold – a spot where the score stops only improving one area and helps the neglected area. So, what's the threshold? 5? Anything after 5 actually helps with my problem? That seems right.

So, that begs the question of whether the amulet would actually have helped my problem or would it have gone towards my appearance. Would I need something that applies a bonus of 2 charisma to get the benefit I want? I think so. Of course, that also asks the question as to whether the amulet was a faceted bonus…I mean, I know the henge is, but is the amulet? Does it offer a bonus to social understanding? Was it even worth getting pissed off at Kakashi for stealing my things and treating me like a head case-

…oh, great. I made another hole in the wall.

Rat, Horse, Dragon…

As the wall fixed itself up, I went back to my musings whilst hanging from the ceiling.


At least I've made plans to reduce my chances of dying. I may heal from damage, but it still hurts and almost dying still sucks. Honestly, I'm surprised my lucks held out as much as it did, progressing further without improving my defense was honestly starting to feel suicidal.

Now to start making preparations for the training exercise everyone's going to do.


The Academy was surrounded by Chunin and Jounin. Most I didn't recognize, but some of that Anko?

She was laying against the concrete wall of the academy, still in her trench coat and talking with a Chunin I didn't recognize.

I…huh. She has purple hair. It's dark, but it's definitely purple.

Maybe I should rethink 'pink hair is blood line'. I mean, it doesn't matter, the only guy I told that too is dead, but I'm just saying. I shouldn't repeat it and look like an idiot. I mean, I already look like an idiot but…


I was early, of course. I didn't want to sit too close to the doors, so I picked a bench across the street and sat down. Tapping my foot.

Of course, school is cancelled. The floor could cave in at any moment and rabid anglers could come pouring in to eat your children. No one wanted that, and the clans would want some alone time with their heirs to train them almost dead before school started back up.

Which was also the length of my furlough and 'mission grounding'.

Odd coincidence, that.

Hmmm…Chasing Shadows is still burning a hole in my book. I'll need to get that fixed soon. Exact step I'm on is 'learn Kage Bunshin before Naruto graduates', with an optional one to learn the Mass Shadow Clone in the same time frame. To be honest, I've got plenty of time. Graduation not until May and its only September. If I can clear up the whole 'self-destructive' crap that's sprung up, my Chunin exams will be in December up in Suna.

No snow for me.

I feel sad, even though it doesn't snow in Leaf either. I miss Snow. The white blanket of dreams turning the dreary normal life into a winter wonder land, being beautiful and causing traffic accidents from November to March in some areas.

I miss snow.

Using the Wait command usually made a poor impression and I've never used wait when waiting on Naruto, so…I just sat there. Patiently. It's not like I was bored, I had a vivid imagination. Not a particularly cohesive one, but a vivid one nonetheless.

First one to arrive was Sasuke, believe it or not, he walked up to the academy gates from the east side. The bench I was sitting on was on a road down the south. Sasuke looked around and I waved at him. He saw me and marched over.

"…Good morning," Sasuke said with a bow, trying to be cordial. "Senpai."

"Good morning," I said back. "How'd you sleep?"

"Alright," Sasuke answered with a neutral face.

"You know you can sit down, right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "I don't make just anyone explode."

"…Right," Sasuke finally replied, taking a seat on the bench. "What sort of training are we doing today?"

"A training exercise to see where everyone's at," I shrugged. "Should be fun. Once we've got a better idea of everyone's general skill level, we can start working on improvements."

Sasuke nodded, leaning forward and steepled his fingers. "So…I heard that your Jounin Sensei has the Sharingan."

"You'd be correct," I replied.

Sasuke was quiet for a minute. "How did he get it?"

"I don't know," I really didn't. I know it was explained at some point – he had a teammate who was Uchiha, he died...but he really hadn't died and was now a member of the Akatsuki? And acted like a moron? But the exact details of the transplant eluded me. "Sorry."

Sasuke took a breath and didn't say anything.

Okay then.

My teammates showed up next, talking as they walked up the south road. I waved them over, we exchanged greetings. Sasuke almost simply greeted them with a grunt before he stood and gave them a very formal greeting before sitting back down into the same pose.

"So, you get everything ready for the training exercise?" Hisako asked me.

"Yeah, I got everything we need in this scroll," I said, bringing the scroll up for everyone to view. "It should be fun."

"I hope it's as informative as you hope, Senpai," Sasuke said with a raised eyebrow.

"You were hoping we'd just dive into training, huh?" Hisako asked with a grin.

"The sooner we start training, the better," Sasuke replied, sitting up straight.

"The exercise will be worth it," Nichiren nodded. "Promise. Besides, you'll get a chance to use all the skills you've been building up."

Sasuke didn't say anything, just shrugging.

Next came Sakura, coming down the west road. Hisako called and waved her over. She had a backpack, actually, like she was expecting a camping trip of some kind.

"Sakura, you realize the exercise is going to be done and over with before the day is done, right?" I asked with a grin. "We're not going camping."

"Oh, I know, Senpai," She nodded vigorously. "I just didn't want to get caught unprepared."

"That's the right attitude," Hisako nodded.

"Paranoia's only paranoia if you're not a ninja," Nichiren supplemented. "Then it's just common sense. Seriously, this is good thinking. What'd you bring?"

"Well, I brought some blood pills and rations," Sakura had a nervous grin on her face as she unshouldered the bag and unbuckled the top. "Extra shuriken and kunai…some paper for explosive notes, Ninja wire. Lots of equipment my parents let me use."

"Excellent," I nodded, examining the contents.

"Thank you, Senpai," Sakura's smile seemed more at ease now. Huh. Was she really that nervous about this?

That of course meant that the last person to arrive was Naruto…and he was late. Only five minutes, so it wasn't that bad, but he came tearing down the south road so fast he missed us completely.

"Aw, man!" Naruto shouted at the academy gates. "They already left!"

"We're over here!" I called to him, waving a hand.

"Oh!" Naruto, before speeding over here. "Sorry I'm late. I overslept."

"It's all good," I stood up, smiling. "Five minutes ain't that big a deal. To me. Let's go."

"Daisuke, five minutes is about how long it took for everyone to get snatched," Hisako said with a frown.

"Oh just kill the mood, why don't you?" My eye twitched as I saw Naruto deflate. "Oh… seriously, look what you did!"

"I'm just saying that being late can be a serious problem," Hisako said with her hands up in a placating gesture.

"It's okay, Daisuke," Naruto, getting a determined look on his face. "She's got a point."

I took a breath. "If you say so."


Training ground 3 was always my favorite. I mean, I've gone up the gamut from ground 1 to ground 12, but number three just had that serene feel too it, when people weren't tossing fireballs at each other. There was a lake, the trees seemed still and quiet and the gravestone really set the peaceful tone. As opposed to Training Ground 44, which made me salivate in anticipation but I was utterly and completely banned from even going within 22 training grounds of it because it was restricted to Chunin.

I mean, it was also because I'd run in there and not come out until I was 50. The stuff I can kill in there is literally endless, according to stuff I heard about it. Kakashi was telling us about it after the Organ Trail and I guess got this look on my face because his eye got really wide and he said that it was restricted to Chunin.

Anyway, we started over by the lake and I took out the storage scroll.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

Everyone gave nods of assent and I shrugged.

"Alright, who here's played capture the flag?" I asked, taking the scroll and unsealing its contents. A trio of balls, made like marbles but the size of bowling balls were neatly set on the scroll. I almost went with actual flags, but there were much more durable and would keep up with Shinobi and their fireball throwing, mountain exploding ways.

Everyone raised their hand.

"Good. So, here's what we're going to do," I said. "We'll split off into three teams, one member of Cell 13 with one academy student. Each will have one of these balls and will hide it away in their section of the training ground as best as they can. In order to win, one team must bring all three balls to this spot."

To emphasize this spot, I used an earth jutsu to create a platform or earth that rose from beneath my feet. I used two hands for it, even if I didn't need too because I didn't feel like revealing I only needed on hand. Yet.

"If we meet, we fight – we don't need to win, it could just be hit and run," I explained. "Bringing all three balls to this location is the only win condition. No hiding your ball on either of your persons and no severe injuries. Unless it's me – because let's be honest, that's the only way you'll get me off your tail. Understood?"

They all nodded their heads.

"Okay, teams are as follows, Naruto and Nichiren-" I started.

"What?" Naruto looked shocked. "Why?"

"Because you and Nichiren possess similar skill sets," I replied. I had thought about this. Naruto needs to start using his trap making skills and Nichiren's a trap specialist. It was a match made in heaven. "Seriously, the guy has got a lot to teach you."

"But I want to be on a team with you," Naruto whined.

"That's not what you need right now," I frowned. "We can be on a team next time, okay?"

Naruto frowned, and stuck his lip out in a pout. "Fine."

"Cheer up, buddy," Nichiren smiled good naturedly. "We'll have a lot of fun together."

Naruto just folded his arms, grumbled and looked at everyone with narrowed eyes.

"Cool," I nodded. "The other two teams will be Hisako and Sasuke and Sakura and me. Any questions?"

"Why me and Sasuke?" Hisako asked.

Perception Check Success: 8/7.

She's just barely hiding a frown. Is she upset about something?

"Because you're a highly skilled fighter with a sneaky streak and the ability to adapt to your situation," I surmised with a nod. "With the…you have the Sharingan, right?"

"Yes," Sasuke's eyes became red. I had seen them in the sewers, but I had to be sure. He seemed proud of himself. "I have the Sharingan."

"Good. I'm hoping that adaptability will rub off on him so it'll be easier for him to use jutsu he appropriates out in the field," I explained. "Make sense?"

"Okay, about you and Sakura?" Now just a hint of an edge.

I blinked and turned to the student in question. "Sakura, correct me if I'm wrong, but would you say you're in the weakest position, here?"

"Yes," She nodded. "Sasuke could breathe fireballs, Naruto killed a couple of them and I did…nothing."

"There's your answer," I said, summing that up. "Weakest student counterbalanced by the strongest Genin. Does that make sense?"

"Sure," Hisako shrugged, still seeming just a bit upset.


"Anything else?" I asked.

"What happens if two teams bring the balls to the center at the same time?" Sasuke asked with a frown.

"They'd fight it out," I replied. "But I seriously doubt that'll actually happen."

I don't know how that would happen unless two of the teams agreed to an alliance.

No one else had any objections.

"Alright, I think fifteen minutes should be enough time to prepare," I said. "Good luck, everyone and have fun."

Quest Added: Training Exercise: Capture the Flag!

Gather the Balls: (0/3).

Bring them to the center.

Don't let one of the other teams win.

Well. Alright, then! MOAR EXP!

And training exercises count as a radiant quest, if I'm not mistaken. Take that, Hokage's mission ban!


Sakura and I split off for the trees.

Perception Check Failure: Success not possible.

We had an audience. I couldn't see them, but I had this earie feeling like we were all being watched. I guess it made sense, but it was still annoying. That, and the failed check right out of nowhere. Actually, that's mostly it.


Sakura and I ran down into the trees.

"I think this should be a good spot," I said, taking the ball and the empty storage scroll.

Sakura was panting heavily, hands on her knees.

I sealed the ball back into the scroll and looked for a good hiding place…I used an earth jutsu to make a small opening underneath the roots of one of the giant trees and slid the scroll underneath.

Sakura was still panting. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," She said, nodding. "Just…haven't been training as much as I should have."

"Oh, okay," I was confident she didn't need any further reminder as to why training was important. "So, we've got fifteen minutes to get ready and I need to kill time. What would you say are your strengths?"

"I, uh…I don't know," She shrugged with a frown. "I mostly just study really hard."

"What did they praise in the academy?" I pressed. I knew she had excellent chakra control and I think she could really use the tree-walking jutsu right about now. But I didn't know IC, so I needed her to tell me.

"Uh…well, I pass all the tests pretty easily," Sakura replied with a frown. "Oh! And I've got great chakra control!"

Thank you. "Okay, so do you want to learn how to stick to walls? You just need good chakra control."

She blinked and smiled. "Sure!"

If memory serves, she got this jutsu on her first try. It should help her out if the pattern holds true now, in spite of the fact that she's a year out from graduation.

"Okay, so, remember the leaf exercise where they have you stick a leaf to your fingers with chakra?" I asked, putting a foot on the tree trunk. "It's like that."

Sakura blinked, then her eyes got wide as it clicked with her. "That's…it? That's all it is?"

"As long as you have enough chakra, yes," I nodded, pulling myself onto the tree and sliding off. "If you don't have enough, you'll slide off."

…oh crap, I didn't think about that. Does she have the chakra to stick?

She put a foot on the tree…then another. She squealed like a fangirl, only to start sliding down as gravity started to assert itself.

Ow, my ears. I caught her and set her on the ground. "Alright, well…I'd just practice that for a while. Sticking to walls is awesome."

"I don't have enough chakra?" Sakura asked with a frown.

"I'd use it as a training method, actually," I replied. "Bring those chakra levels up to a respectable level, you know?"

"Yeah," She sighed. "So…are we going to do anything else to hide the scroll? It doesn't look all that safe?"

"I haven't thought of anything," I replied truthfully. "I actually stink at strategy, something that makes my Sensei pull his hair out."

"Wait, really?" Sakura blinked.

"Yes, really," I nodded. "Any suggestions?"

"Well…" Her eyes narrowed as she thought. "Do you have any more scrolls?"

"I carry a bunch of empty ones around, yes," I replied with a nod, producing said scrolls. Turns out, as long as a scroll isn't storing anything, it's basically inert and can be carried around in another storage scroll. "Why?"

"Can we leave them around here?" Sakura asked, tapping her lips with a finger. "Like, as decoys?"

"…yes," I nodded. "We can absolutely do that."

That was a brilliant plan, actually. Right up there with transcribing Harry Potter from memory and a seal that produces Root Beer. So, we got to work. I had fifteen other scrolls on me and we got to work hiding them.

Fuinjutsu Check Success: 76/75.

I know I'm a friend of Naruto's because I checked if it was possible to store jutsu in these scrolls and proceeded to store a Water jutsu that would spray those unlucky enough to unseal the contents.

It's like an exploding note, but for a water-war.

"So…how does that work?" Sakura asked as I slid the final scroll into its hiding spot beneath a bird's nest. "The inventing jutsu and seals on the fly?"

"Honestly, I think anyone could do it if they've had enough practice at it," I said, dropping to the ground. "A lot of it is just understanding the way hand signs manipulate your chakra – feeling how your chakra changes with each one."

She actually took out a pen and notepad. "Go on."

I blinked. "Well, each sign primes your chakra to act in a certain way-"

I made sure to keep my explanation to ten minutes. I really did. She took extensive notes, much the same way those at R&D did when I offered these explanations. I wonder how much good it actually does them, I haven't heard of any results coming from them…I need to ask about that next time I'm hauled over there.

"…and once you've hit that point, manipulating chakra like that should be instinctive or rote," I finished, nodding. "Make sense."

"Uh…." Sakura blinked, looking over her notes. "I think so?"

"How much of that went over your head?" I asked with a frown. I wasn't surprised, she was eleven. But I was still somewhat annoyed in any event.

"…a lot," She finally admitted with a blush. "But I'll try to do the exercises you mentioned, though. It'll make more sense, then, right?"

"It should," I replied. "And…yeah, it's about time to start. Let's go."

"Alright," Sakura replied, following after me.

The forest was quiet, save for Sakura's footsteps. Mine were only quiet because I raised my sneak to an acceptable level…you know, with all the points into Melee weapons, it might be good to get a weapon of some kind. It's be nice to switch things up and weapons can be effective. I mean, look at Tenten. She's all about weapons. It's what she lives for.

Genjutsu Absorbed.

Ah, good to see my CDN is working as intended.

Sakura started freaking out, though. I grabbed her by the shoulder. "Kai!"

She calmed down immediately. "What was that?"

"A Genjutsu," I replied with a frown. "It's one of Hisako's favorites…she presents herself as jumping on you and she's an unstoppable Taijutsu beast while she sneaks around and guts you. Or in this case, render you unconscious."

"It didn't work on you because you're such a good shinobi?" Sakura asked.

"No, usually she always gets me," I replied with a nod. "I just set up a countermeasure ahead of time."

Perception Check Failed: 8/9.

I thought I heard a whispered curse, but I couldn't place it.

"You set up a counter measure?" Sakura asked with a curious frown.

"A seal," I replied. "Absorbs chakra when it comes into my system. Genjutsu almost killed me once and so I started to do something about it."

"You did something about it now?" Sakura asked. "How long ago was this Genjutsu?"

"A couple months, why?" I asked.

"That seems…delayed," Sakura blinked then she started. "I don't mean any disrespect, Senpai."

"Uh…it's fine?" I said with a frown. "I got a lot of improvements to make. I just couldn't do what I did before now."

"Oh. Alright, Senpai," Sakura nodded with a smile.

"Now where did they go…" I wondered aloud.

Perception Check Success: 8/6.

"They're gone, and I can't see their trail," I frowned. "They were up in the trees…guess I decided to go for the ball instead. Smart. Do you see anything?"

"No, Senpai," Sakura replied, looking up where I was.

"Though that's odd they've come this way," I mused aloud. "I thought Naruto and Nichiren had taken over this stretch of the forest. But I don't see any traps."

"Naruto's an easy target," Sakura explained.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Uh…see, he cuts class constantly and never studies…he's a terrible student," Sakura stuttered through that entire sentence. "So, Sasuke might've wanted to go after him because of it…they might already have their ball."

"I seriously doubt that," I replied with a frown. "Nichiren's an artist with traps and Naruto's got a similar skill set with his pranks…I think they took a look at where the ball is and went 'nope'."

"I-if you say so, Senpai," Sakura frowned.

"Let's keep going," I said, beckoning her forward.

As we moved, the quiet started to grate on me. I was right, Nichiren and Naruto were both trap experts. Which could mean anything could jump out at us.

Perception Check Failure: 8/9.

Those constant checks did not help matters. I was gritting my teeth in anticipation, the anxiety almost making me stop completely. But I pressed forward, until…we came to it.

"Oh my," Sakura breathed.

Perception Check Success: 8/8.

It was like a hallway of trees and the ball, yellow in its core, standing on a stump and cradled by a stone stand was at the end, the picture complete by a pillar of light shining through a hole in a canopy. In between us and the ball was a spider web of ninja wire and I could see that while not all of them were linked to traps…a lot of them were. There were paint launchers, other nefarious traps and triggers tucked away in the branches.

"Well," I nodded to myself. "They've really outdone themselves."

"I think Hisako-senpai and Sasuke-kun decided to save this for later," Sakura said, looking at the hall of traps with wide eyes.

"I agree," I nodded. "But you know what my favorite part of coming across a trap is?"

"What?" Sakura asked with a frown.

"Springing it," I said, taking a careful step forward over a trip wire.

Sakura took a sharp breath as she watched me move forward.

I slid around the ground, stepped cautiously over wires and went up tree trunks. Clever pranksters they were, Nichiren and Naruto managed to set up traps along the trees. But I still stepped over.

…I wonder if I can balance on one of the wires…nah.

In that thought, as I tried to step over the wire…I succeeded. But…I also accidentally stepped on a hidden wire that I didn't see there.

Perception Check Failure: 8/9.

The worst part about perception checks is that they let me know they failed after it would've been useful to know.

When I pressed on the wire, the paint launched it was connected too fired its balloons. But it also set off all of the other traps in the area. Paint went everywhere, the bark on the trees in several different areas stripped off, including the one under my feet.

Agility Check Failure: 7/8.

I failed to stick back on the tree in time and fell to the ground and found myself utterly coated in paint…and feathers. Yeah.

It was over as fast as it started and I stood up, laughing.

"Are you alright, Daisuke-Senpai?" Sakura called.

I was coated in paint and feathers, and I was laughing. "Yeah, I'm fine. Well, at least we know what to expect now. You?"

"I got splattered, but yes," Sakura said and I noted a splotch of white paint on the bottom of her dress. "I'm okay."

I cleaned myself up with a jutsu and felt a nudge on my foot. The ball had come off the pedestal and rolled through the paint and came out unmarked. "Still got it, though!"

"That's good," Sakura smiled.

I kneeled down and picked up the orb, noting how it wasn't stained at all…then it disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving a brown piece of paper in my hand instead.

Daisuke, The note read. Tunnel vision gets you killed. N&N.

If you want to help me financially, you can do it on