Chereads / Shinobi:The RPG / Chapter 15 - Interlude: Conversations

Chapter 15 - Interlude: Conversations

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That evening at the Hokage Tower, Kakashi stood in front of the Hokage's desk. The Hokage himself was smoking his pipe. "Are you sure he didn't know anything ahead of time?"

"He didn't have any reaction until after I explained the mission," Kakashi replied. "Right after he confidently stated he could handle any rat problem."

"I guess birds were a different story," The Hokage sighed. "Do you think Daisuke can somehow predict the future?"

"I don't know, Hokage-sama," Kakashi said. "What I do know is that he didn't even know what house we were going to, he was confident about handling a rat problem, then suddenly he was pale as a sheet. Then Nichiren tried to comfort him by saying nothing can go wrong."

Hiruzen barked with laughter. "Oh. First, total recovery with a good night's sleep, perfect chakra control and now some sense of when a mission will go wrong. I'm almost thinking this is too good to be true."

"Hokage-sama," Kakashi began uneasily. "The hospital identified who I brought to the hospital as Shimoda Daisuke."

"So it may just be the real deal," The Hokage sucked on his pipe for a long moment, before blowing a smoke ring. "…the ability to sense the future. You can't put a Ryo-count to that, Kakashi."

"I know, Hokage-sama."


Kakashi nodded with an uncertain look behind his mask.

"If every team had someone like that on a mission, or even if our missions were screened with that power…we could cut mission foul-ups to a fraction," Hiruzen had a wide smile on his face. Then it hardened. "Nevertheless, we need to keep an eye on him in case of further developments. As you said, he was targeted specifically and if someone hired Yasukazu and he was not simply acting as a free agent, they will assuredly strike again."


Hisako did not sleep well the previous night.

As she stepped out the front door, she rubbed her eyes. They had heavy bags and her eyes were very red. She held back a yawn and began a march for Konoha hospital.

She hadn't seen Kakashi or Daisuke since yesterday. The latter more understandable than the former, as he was now likely missing an eye.

The nightmares last night were a keen reminder of that fact. First having to traverse a maze filled with horrifying monsters to rescue her captured parents, then being woken up and having to face a giant monster and a bird-thing took its toll.

She didn't think she'd forget the sight of her teammate with a feather lodged in his eye any time soon. Or ever.

Hisako stopped when she finally came to the front of the hospital. In the entrance, there were shinobi leaving, some having been discharged, others having been waiting. A Genin team, she didn't recognize them, walked out with their sensei's arm in a cast. They were talking animatedly, looking happy.

They were probably more than a little relieved.

"Hey, Hisako!" Hisako turned, and saw Nichiren running up to her.

"Hey Nichiren," She replied. "You doing okay?"

"W-well I ehhhh," He gave a nervous chuckle. Then he looked downcast. "No. Not really, no."

"Makes two of us," Hisako nodded with a frown. "Shall we go?"

Nichiren nodded. "I wonder if they saved Daisuke's eye."

"Doubt it," Hisako replied. "If he still has it, it's because of his bloodline. Otherwise, he's a cyclops now."

"You think his bloodline's strong enough to replace lost organs?" Nichiren asked, as they walked in through the front door.

"No," Hisako replied. They walked up to the reception desk. "But he's already done what I thought was impossible before so…"

They found out where Daisuke was, Kakashi having made sure he was safe before taking off to inform the Hokage. Daisuke was all the way on the top floor in the surgery wing, recovering from having the feather extracted.

"What do you think that house was?" Nichiren quietly asked as they walked.

"I don't know," Hisako answered with barely controlled fear. "I just don't think it's a good idea to talk about it until we hear from Kakashi-sensei."

"Good point," Nichiren gulped and was quiet the rest of the way.

Eventually, they came to Daisuke's room. They opened the door and saw not the form and body of Daisuke in a hospital gown and heavily bandaged on the face area, but fully clothed with his feet kicked up on the back rail. In his hand was a book about Ninjutsu, with a small pile of other books, both opened and not, on the night stand. His black notebook, the one he never went without, was lying on his lap, propped open between his thighs.

Daisuke looked up from his book. "Hey. You guys okay?"

"About as well as could be expected," Hisako shrugged, shutting the door behind them.

"So…not?" Daisuke rose an eyebrow.

"Pretty much."

"You look good," Nichiren smiled.


Things became quiet. Daisuke went back to his book for a few minutes before sighing and closing it with his finger in the spot he was at. "Do you know how Kakashi-sensei's doing?"

"We didn't see him," Hisako shrugged. "He wasn't checked into the hospital, so I guess he's doing okay."

Daisuke frowned.

"So…it's good to see your eye's back," Nichiren smiled.

"Oh yeah," He answered, a little forcefully. "I kind of liked the old eye better, to be honest."

"…right," Nichiren said, hunching over slightly.

"Do you know when they'll release you?" Hisako frowned.

"Nope," Daisuke shrugged. "I'm perfectly fine, but they're waiting for something before they release me. I should've just snuck out or something."

"No you shouldn't have," Hisako sighed with an annoyed look. "That'd have been very bad."

"Why? I'm sure every shinobi's that's been through here's done it at least once," Daisuke replied with a shrug. "Whatever. Patience is a virtue and all that."

The door opened…and in stepped the Hokage, with Kakashi a step behind him. Nichiren and Hisako jumped at the unexpected entrance, backing away from the door to make way.

"I'm glad you agree Daisuke," The Hokage said with a merry tone of voice that carried just a hint annoyance.

"Hokage-sama," Daisuke was out of bed instantly in a bow. "I didn't know you wanted to see me."

"It's quite alright," The Hokage said. "I'm glad to see you all here. That will save us some time."

Kakashi closed the door behind them, and leaned against it with his arms folded. Any hope someone had of opening that door or eavesdropping was now completely dashed. Daisuke sat back on his bed.

"I just wanted the three of you to know that what happened yesterday is under investigation," The Hokage said. "There was absolutely no reason for that house to be anything other than a house. All three of you are to be commended for your bravery during this ordeal and you will be compensated as if this were an A-rank mission."

Daisuke let out a breath. Nichiren's eyes went wide and his glasses nearly slid off his nose. Hisako did a little fist pump.

"Th-thank you Hokage-sama," Nichiren said.

"That said, your records will only be updated upon the completion of the investigation," The Hokage continued. "What happened at that house is to be considered an A-rank secret until I tell you otherwise. Don't tell anyone, as it could hamper the investigation that is currently ongoing."

Daisuke raised his hand.

The Hokage smirked. "Yes, Daisuke?"

"So…can I ask a question about the investigation?" Daisuke asked hesitantly.

"Well, I don't know how much would be appropriate to tell you," The Hokage responded. "But I suppose I can answer a few questions."

Daisuke didn't miss a beat. "Who was the guy I killed?"

The Hokage inhaled. "Right to the point, I see. The shinobi you killed was Nakata Yasukazu, the owner of the house. His servant Susumu has currently been detained for questioning."

"How long do you think the investigation will take?" Hisako asked.

"Two to three weeks," The Hokage replied easily. "Until then, you are not to breathe a word about this to anyone other than yourselves and your sensei."

"I understand, Hokage-sama," Hisako nodded her head.

"Ummm…" Nichiren raised his hand.

"Go ahead Nichiren," The Hokage gestured to him.

"…how much is an A-rank worth?" Nichiren asked.

The Hokage simply smiled. "A lot. I'll let you see the exact numbers for yourself, but I think you and your parents will be quite pleased."

Nichiren smiled.

The Hokage cleared his throat. "Now, in light of recent events, you are all being granted two weeks' furlough. Please use your vacation wisely."

"Yes!" Nichiren cheered. "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

Daisuke tensed in his bed, then relaxed and said nothing.

"I could use the extra time to train," Hisako shrugged. "Thank you Hokage-sama."

"I wish all of you well," The Hokage turned to leave. "I must return to the tower, I have a lot of work to do."

Farewells were exchanged.

Kakashi got out of the way of the Hokage and after the robed man left, cleared his throat. "Everyone, tomorrow I want to meet with you to talk about the mission, get some questions answered."

"What kind of questions?" Daisuke almost sounded suspicious for some reason.

"Just questions about the mission. What exactly happened from your point of view, how you think you'll do better in the future," Kakashi shrugged. "I figured it would be a good chance to teach you how to file your own reports for the missions we go on."

"That makes sense," Daisuke's shoulders slumped. "Alright. Where did you want to meet?"

"The Memorial stone," Kakashi answered. "Be there at twelve o'clock."

"So…about a week?" Daisuke asked with a risen eyebrow.

"Now that's just hurtful," Kakashi eye-smiled. "Goodbye, my cute little Genin…stay safe."

And with that, Kakashi completely disappeared from the room.

"Alright…see you guys tomorrow?" Daisuke asked, stepping out of the room.

"See you," Nichiren waved goodbye.

Daisuke's doctor walked up to him, and they walked off, talking about his bloodline. What else.

"…is it just me," Nichiren started. "Or is Daisuke a jerk sometimes?"

"He's a jerk sometimes," Hisako said as they started walking together out of the hospital. "Not sure he realizes it, though."

"What do you mean?" Nichiren asked.

"I mean it's never really clicked in his head how to behave socially," Hisako explained. Upon seeing that Nichiren was still confused, she sighed. "It doesn't occur to him how he sounds or acts some times?"

"I don't get it," Nichiren replied.

"Okay so…when I first met Daisuke, he looked off. Like a statue in some ways," Hisako continued as they walked down the stairs. "But that wasn't the only thing. He stood way too stiff, he'd make eye contact and keep staring in a way that would make you nervous. Right?"

"Yeah," Nichiren nodded. "He doesn't do that as much now."

"He's started wearing a Henge," Hisako replied. "It's helped and he's stopped staring, but you notice how when he talks, it's either monotone or like he's trying to hard? It's the same sort of thing."

"Huh," Nichiren said as they entered the open air. "But how does that make him a jerk without realizing it?"

"Think about it," Hisako replied. "Daisuke apologized for leaving us by ourselves when he found out it made us uncomfortable, tried to help you feel better when we found you in the forest and went out of his way to save our lives when we got caught in our separate Genjutsu cell-things. Would a guy like that act like a jerk on purpose?"

Nichiren was quiet for a second. "Probably not."

"It's like most of the other shinobi in the world," Hisako said. "Kakashi-sensei's constantly late, there's that guy in the green spandex whose way too enthusiastic, you're a nervous wreck-"


"-I don't even care and Daisuke's a social cripple. It's all these little quirks people pick up. Daisuke's just picked them up a lot sooner than everyone else."

Nichiren hummed. "You think he's like that because of his bloodline?"

"You know what?" Hisako answered with a look. "Probably. But I don't know. Maybe he got dropped on his head or something at the orphanage."

Nichiren laughed.