Caspian had been leading them through the dense woods surrounding the academy for half an hour when he stopped before a tiny cabin nestled among the trees. The building was simple but sturdy, appearing to have been constructed decades, if not centuries, ago by a skilled naturalist magic user.
"It's safe here," he whispered, entering without hesitation before Lysandra or Mia could even ask where they were going.
The three of them stepped inside the cabin and were immediately struck by its plain, functional simplicity. It contained everything they needed, indicating careful planning and foresight. Caspian explained that he and a close friend had built this hideout many years earlier, as a safeguard against unforeseen circumstances like the one they were currently facing.
Mia looked around with curiosity as Lysandra surveyed the cabin, searching for any potential sources of danger. "This seems like a quiet place," Mia said softly.
Caspian nodded gravely. "We'll have to stay here for a while until we figure out what to do next."
Lysandra felt a mix of relief and apprehension as she settled onto a simple chair in the corner of the cabin. She knew there were still many unanswered questions lingering in the air—such as what the Order's next move would be and how they could expose their true agenda to the entire academy.
As the weight of their situation settled upon them, Lysandra knew they had found a temporary refuge from the storm, but the battle for justice was far from over. The secrets of the Order still needed to be revealed, and they had to find a way to bring them into the light, even if it meant facing greater dangers ahead.