The trip to the Netherlands was quite interesting. I can still clearly remember his broad shoulders. *Snap out of it*, I said to myself, gently slapping my face. *Though they're quite sexy… what the hell is wrong with me? It's Andrew—that stupid guy. There's nothing sexy about him.*
We were in a restaurant in Germany, and I'll admit, it had been a little boring. Andrew and I weren't always together, and he frequently came back drunk. The next week in Germany, I woke up late and saw him sitting on a chair with a book filled with notes. It looked like some kind of data analysis.
"What are you doing?" I asked. He looked back at me, holding the book. "This? It's football matches and my predictions. I'm going to capture them for sure today," he said, looking so assured. It wasn't the first time I'd seen that confident face of his. He bets a lot and always tracks scores. I still remember the first time he tricked me into playing. It was fun—I won a lot that day, though he cashed out quickly out of doubt.
"Are you really sure you're going to win?" I teased. "Don't worry, I paid for it," he replied, still looking delighted. Hours passed, and his happy mood turned to devastation. I already knew what was going on. "Andrew, what about the correct scores?" I teased again. "Shut up!" he snapped, taking his anger out on me.
We left Germany the following week. I really wanted to see the Colosseum, so we made our way to Rome. When we arrived, I was in awe. "Wow! It's beautiful!" I exclaimed. I'd heard that gladiators once fought here—such a piece of art. As I looked around, I heard Andrew yelling my name. "Natsu! What's your problem? You're turning me into a weirdo like you!"
"What do you want?" I replied, annoyed. "Can't you see the ladies around this place?" he said. "So what does that have to do with me?" I shot back, feeling a little angry. "They're a piece of art. Italian babes are some of the best," he said, adjusting his glasses.
"Why are you wearing those?" I asked, referring to the glasses. "They're kinda cool, aren't they?" he replied. "Why are you turning red?" he asked. *Snap out of it*, I thought, turning my back to him.
"Anything wrong?" he asked. "Nothing!" I said. "Then why are you yelling?" he shot back. "You know what? Just let me be for now," I said. "Yes, ma'am," he replied obediently, leaving me alone for a while. I caught my breath. *He's always so freaking cute in glasses.*
We spent the night in Rome and headed to Venice the next day. What a place! I was completely mesmerized by the city's beauty. After two weeks in Italy, we left for France, where we visited the Eiffel Tower and Disneyland. Then we traveled to Egypt to see the pyramids. I was a little scared inside, holding onto Andrew the entire time.
Months passed, and I only had a few countries left to visit. When we arrived in the States, Andrew looked confident about being back home. "Stick close to me, or you're gonna get lost," he said. "I'm not Zoro," I replied nonchalantly.
When I saw the Hollywood sign, I jumped for joy. "Andrew, I've seen this in movies!" I exclaimed. "By the way, Natsu, can we go to Ohio? I want to check on something quickly," he pleaded. "No problem. It's part of the adventure, but we're leaving tomorrow. I'm a little tired," I said. "Thanks," he replied.
The next day, we headed to his hometown. I had no choice but to stay close to him—I felt like there were eyes on me. Two guys approached us, and Andrew moved closer to them. They seemed acquainted.
"Damn, bro, it's been a long time. Papa D is pissed you left the streets without a word. You know he sent you to college to be the family doctor—to keep the cops off our backs," one of them said. I stood a little farther back, watching but still able to hear. *How can you send your son to college for such a bizarre reason?* I thought, still worrying.
One of the guys turned his attention to me. "Who's the babe? Your girl?" he asked. "Better not be," the second guy replied. "Little D prefers tall, badass girls with tattoos all over, chests like water balloons, and backs packed like Christmas gifts. There's no way that's his girl."
They talked too fast for me to catch everything, but soon after, we left for the next city that night. Our trip to the States came to an end, and we headed to England. There, I watched a live Premier League match—it was quite interesting. Ever since I heard about his "type," I couldn't resist teasing him whenever I saw a lady with a big chest.
After England, we traveled to the last country on my list—my dream destination.