"I'm off," said a man in his thirties, of average height, with brown eyes and prominent dark circles beneath them, black hair, wearing a simple black suit, and carrying a plain leather bag. He was on his way to work.
Oddly enough, there was no one else at home. He lived alone, without a wife or roommate. Yet, he said it every day...
After walking several blocks, he spoke to himself, "Should I kill myself today?" He pondered, hand on his chin, a look of confusion on his face.
"I'm so tired of my life. What do I do every day? I wake up; I eat; I go to work; I come home, I relieve myself, sometimes I masturbate, then I sleep...
Sometimes I try to exercise, but why? I have no desire to build a muscular physique. I'm fine the way I am; not fat, not thin, just in between. So what should I try now? I've played most of the games and gotten bored with them. Then I tried watching movies and got bored with them. The same goes for anime and manga, until I got to web novels. Some of them are good, I won't deny it, but they're not for me. It's all just a matter of readers' opinions.
So what do I love? What do I want to do with my future? Or rather, who am I? I feel empty... Well, it doesn't matter anyway, I'll kill myself today. But what if I kill myself and get reincarnated? Or what if the god of this world is angered by my actions and punishes me for committing suicide? I really don't want that... So what should I do?"
He continued to ponder until he reached his workplace, a medium-sized company where he worked as a document clerk.
Five hours later, he returned home, exhausted from work, cursing his boss and his ancestors all the way back.
The truth is, he was socially isolated. His parents had passed away five years ago, and he had no siblings or friends. Even his relatives had stopped talking to him and distanced themselves because he was somewhat strange.
But he didn't have a problem with that. In fact, he didn't suffer from loneliness; he enjoyed it...
"So what should I do tonight? Should I watch torture videos on the dark web?" He did this sometimes, but he felt nothing, literally, when he watched them. He had once made one of his relatives watch a video of this kind, and the relative started vomiting, panicking, and screaming at the top of his lungs. The man was surprised by this reaction, wondering why he reacted that way for the first time... And this was the main reason why his relatives distanced themselves from him.
"Well, I'll take a shower and go to sleep. I'm a bit tired today, and I'll be even more tired after the shower." He entered the bathroom after changing into comfortable clothes and started showering.
When he turned on the water heater, he felt a jolt that traveled through his finger to his brain, and he immediately lost consciousness.
In reality, he didn't lose consciousness; he died... The cause of death was an electric shock.
Everything went dark in his eyes, then he felt as if he was being pushed by something. He felt a slight pain in his legs, then he felt hands grab his head and pull him out of a tight space. He felt cold, and then his bottom was slapped, and he started crying...
He opened his eyes, but he could barely see anything. All he could see was a blurry scene, and sometimes he could hear crying, and then he would hear nothing. This is quite normal, as a baby's senses are weak at birth. All he felt was being held by huge hands.
Yes, he had been reincarnated as a newborn baby. He knew this too, but he couldn't do anything because his body was too weak at the moment. Even his thoughts were muddled and unclear.
"She's dead..."
The doctor said hesitantly and weakly to a man in the delivery room, holding a small baby in her arms.
The man began to sob and wail. This man was none other than the baby's father.
After a short while, the man stopped crying, then stood up with a blank look on his face. The man's name was "Cal," and he was of average height, with black hair, red eyes, and slightly dark skin. It's strange for someone to have red eyes, but it's quite common; there are many different eye colors in this world.
He looked at the baby in the doctor's arms. "He has her eyes..." Cal was talking about his wife, who had died during childbirth. She had fair skin, black hair, and blue eyes like the sea.
And the baby was just like her in every way.
"I'll name you Noah. From now on, you are Noah Meron."
The baby heard this, but he didn't understand anything. The language these two people were speaking was completely foreign to him; he had never heard it in his life, even though he had spoken four languages in his previous life and had partial knowledge of several others.
Noah thought to himself about his current situation, but all he knew was that he was very sleepy now, so he fell fast asleep.
A few hours later, Noah woke up and felt something warm entering his mouth. It was none other than the breast of a wet nurse Cal had hired for him, since his mother had died.
Noah didn't think about anything; he just continued to suckle and satisfy his hunger.
After he finished nursing, Noah opened his eyes. He couldn't hear or see clearly, but he could make out some people near him.
Besides the wet nurse, there were two other people. One looked like a girl because he saw something like long hair falling from her head, and the other looked short with black hair.
These two people were none other than his siblings. The girl was slightly thin with black hair, red eyes, and a rather short height of around 150 cm; she was his older sister. The boy was younger than the girl, with black hair, red eyes, and slightly dark skin, resembling Cal a lot.
The siblings' names were "Alia" and "Woner."