Casteron began to guide Krysstar up the gruelling stairs. Curiosity got the better of him, and he engaged the beautiful woman with questions. By the time they reached the top, he had learned quite a bit. "Do you know what this ruin was?" he asked eagerly.
"I do not, but whoever lived here was powerful. The Dernite here is dense," she answered.
"That natural energy stuff you talked about?"
"Yes, that natural energy 'stuff,'" she replied, rolling her eyes. "This will be important in the future, so listen. Dernite permeates nearly everything, but typically there isn't enough to affect it. You had barely enough to see the ruins."
"Is that why I haven't heard of any ruins around here?" he interrupted.
"Yes, and the only reason you could see them was because of its density." Krysstar grew impatient and muttered under her breath, "How slow are you?"
"If it's so dense, why couldn't anyone else see it?" His curiosity was getting the better of him.
"Most humans only have a drop of Dernite, which allows for life. You have about a cup's worth, granting you a very weak sight of the preternatural. You've probably seen strange things for a moment, then they were gone. That was likely a being with a small amount of Dernite. However, the Dernite in the ruin is so thick that it would be impossible for even you not to see it. Understand?" she lectured.
"So, everyone else is completely blind, while I'm only nearly blind, and the ruins are like a beacon?"
Krysstar clapped in response. "Well done; you understood something." Casteron began to guide the stunning demon to his car as she continued her lecture. "Dense enough Dernite will take a form that can be controlled. The form it takes varies from being to being, and this will affect you physically and determine what spellcraft you will be proficient in."
"Stop," Casteron whispered urgently. "People are coming; we need to hide." He tried to usher her into some bushes.
"Why? They cannot see me in this form! And stop interrupting me!" she barked.
"What do you mean they can't see you in this form?" he questioned.
"Will this form put you at ease?" As she spoke, her horns, wings, and tail began to retract and vanish. Her legs morphed, becoming human, and her height began to diminish. Though she had gotten shorter, she was still a full head taller than Casteron.
"What the hell was that?" he whispered.
"A basic transformation. Now listen." They had reached the beaten path, and Krysstar continued her lecture on Dernite. As they approached a more populated area, Casteron began to worry about people overhearing the conversation. The glances they received didn't help, though Krysstar seemed to be oblivious.
By the time her lecture finished, they had reached the car. "Jump in," Casteron said as he unlocked his rustbucket.
"What are you talking about? There's nothing to pull this metal wagon," she asked, confused.
"It doesn't need horses; it moves itself."
"Are you sure you're not the idiot? Here's a rundown: There's an engine that makes tiny explosions to rotate a rod. That rod rotates the wheels, making it go forward. Okay?" He clapped his hands together, a smug grin covering his face as he opened the door for her. He mocked a bow. "Mi'lady." Krysstar eyed him suspiciously as she got in.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course," he nodded and got in himself. He turned on the engine, its roar making Krysstar jump. Before driving off, he asked one last, pointed question. "What kind of demon are you?"
"A succubus," she replied matter-of-factly.