The next morning, Li Wei woke up, replaying the events of the previous day in his mind. His abilities were growing, but so were the responsibilities that came with them. He decided to visit the cave again, seeking guidance from the markings on the walls.
After finishing his chores, Li Wei headed to the cave. As he entered, he was welcomed by the familiar glow of the crystal.
Sitting on the stone floor, Li Wei closed his eyes and focused his energy. The crystal pulsed in response, and the markings on the walls began to shimmer. When he opened his eyes, he noticed the symbols related to strength and wisdom—qualities he wanted to develop.
As he traced a finger over one intricate design, it started to glow. Suddenly, visions filled his mind: ancient cultivators training, battling dark forces, and uniting against shadows threatening their world.
Feeling warmth surround him, Li Wei realized he was part of something greater. But he also sensed a warning—a figure cloaked in darkness, watching from afar.
Startled, he pulled his hand back. The connection broke, and the cave returned to its quiet state. Li Wei understood that he could no longer ignore these warnings. If dark forces were a threat, he needed to be prepared.
Li Wei left the cave and approached the village elder, a wise man with a long beard. He needed Elder Zhang's guidance.
"Elder Zhang," Li Wei said respectfully, "I need to speak with you about something I've seen."
The elder looked concerned. "What troubles you, my boy?"
Li Wei explained the visions from the cave—the ancient cultivators and the dark figure he had seen. The elder's brow furrowed in thought.
"I feared it would come to this," Elder Zhang said. "The darkness has lingered too long. It seeks power and will stop at nothing to claim it. The crystal you possess can attract both light and dark."
"What should I do?" Li Wei asked, feeling anxious.
"You must continue your training," the elder replied. "But find allies. Seek those who share your purpose. Your strength alone may not be enough."
Li Wei nodded, recognizing the truth in Elder Zhang's words. "I will. Thank you, Elder."
As he left the elder's home. The world was more dangerous than he had thought, and he needed allies to help him harness his power and fight against the rising darkness.
That evening, he met his friends Mei and Jun by the river, where they often gathered to relax.
"Li Wei, you seem deep in thought," Mei said, noticing his serious expression. "What's on your mind?"
"I had a vision during my training," he told them about the cave, the crystal, and the dark figure. "I need your help to become stronger."
Jun looked thoughtful. "What do you want us to do?"
"I think we need to train together," Li Wei suggested. "If we work as a team, we can be ready for whatever comes."
Mei nodded. "I've practiced archery. We can incorporate that into our training. We can help each other strengthen our skills."
"Count me in!" Jun said, excitement in his eyes. "We should train every evening after our chores. Together.
As they made plans, Li Wei felt relieved. He wasn't alone in this journey. With his friends by his side, he could face the uncertainties ahead. Together, they would prepare for the darkness and fight for the light.
That night, as Li Wei lay in bed, he closed his eyes, thinking of the journey ahead. The uncertainties were daunting, but with allies beside him.