Ren stood outside the Rustboro City Gym, Mudkip perched on his shoulder and Ralts hovering nervously at his side. The chat was already buzzing with anticipation:
[Livestream Title: "First Gym Battle! VS Roxanne!"]
[Viewers: 1,203 ➔ 3,817]
The chat log exploded with familiar names from across the Pokémon world:
MudkipFan4Life:YOU GOT THIS, REN!!!
PokefanDawn:Go, Ren! Channel your inner hero!
RivalBrendan:Don't embarrass me out there!
ChampionSteven:Rock-types are sturdy. Play the long game.
TrainerRed:…(silent, but his username alone sent the chat into a frenzy)
TrainerEthan:Yo, from Johto! Rootin' for ya, kid!
ContestStarLisia:Win this, and I'll design you a victory outfit!
Ren smirked. "Thanks, everyone. Especially you, Red. Didn't expect you to tune in."
TrainerRed:…(sent a **Master Ball** emoji, which the system translated as a silent thumbs-up)
TrainerEthan:Red's here?! Bro never talks!
The system pinged:
[Special Donation Received: TrainerRed has gifted 1x Hard Stone!]
[Attach to a Pokémon to boost Rock-type moves.]
Ren blinked. "Uh… thanks, Red? Not sure I need Rock moves, but I'll take it!"
GymLeaderRoxanne:Focus, Ren. The battle begins now.
Rustboro Gym – Battle Against Roxanne
The Gym was a rugged arena of jagged boulders and sand pits. Roxanne stood at the far end, adjusting her glasses. "Welcome, Ren. Let's see if your training has prepared you for the weight of true battle."
Ren nodded, Mudkip hopping down to the field. "Ready, Mudkip!"
Roxanne tossed her first PokéBall. "Geodude, standby!"
RivalBrendan:Geodude's Defense is nuts! Use Water Gun!
PokefanDawn:Mudkip's typing gives you the edge!
ChampionSteven:Patience. Wait for an opening.
"Mudkip, Water Gun!" Ren commanded.
Mudkip fired a pressurized blast, but Geodude crossed its arms, weathering the hit with a grunt.
GymLeaderRoxanne:Geodude, Rock Tomb!
Boulders erupted around Mudkip, trapping it in a cage of stone.
TrainerEthan:Break free, little dude!
"Mudkip, Tackle through the gaps!" Ren shouted.
Mudkip rammed its body against the rocks, shattering the tomb.
TrainerRed:… (sent a **Fire Blast** emoji—approval?)
ContestStarLisia:Darling, you're sweating! Channel that passion!
"Now, Water Gun again!" Ren yelled.
The blast struck Geodude head-on, and this time, the Rock-type collapsed.
RivalBrendan:ONE DOWN!!!
ChampionSteven:Adequate. Now prepare for her ace.
Roxanne smiled. "Well done. But this is where the true test begins. Go, Nosepass!"
The compass-nosed Pokémon emerged, its body gleaming like steel.
PokefanDawn:Nosepass has high Defense too!
TrainerEthan:Or just spam Water Gun!
Ren glanced at the chat. "Mudkip's getting tired… Ralts, you're up!"
He swapped Pokémon, and Ralts floated onto the field.
Nosepass magnetically anchored Ralts in place, preventing a switch.
MudkipFan4Life:OH NO, TRAPPED!!!
ChampionSteven:Adapt. Use Confusion on the arena!*
Ren's eyes lit up. "Ralts, target the boulders behind Nosepass with Confusion!"
Ralts' eyes glowed, and a massive rock levitated, crashing into Nosepass from behind.
TrainerRed:!!! (sent a **TM29 Psychic** as a donation)
PokefanDawn: GENIUS!!!
Nosepass wobbled, dazed.
"Finish it with Confusion!" Ren shouted.
The psychic blast struck true, and Nosepass fell.
[Gym Battle: Victory!]
[Reward Received: 5,000 PokéDollars] [Audience Gift: Stone Badge Replica] [Special Reward: "ContestStarLisia" has unlocked a Mission: Visit Slateport for a Wardrobe Upgrade!]
Roxanne handed Ren the Stone Badge. "You fight with creativity, Ren. I look forward to your growth."
ChampionSteven: Resourceful. You'll need that in Meteor Falls.
TrainerRed:…(sent a **Lv. 100 Mewtwo** sticker, which did nothing but terrify the chat)
Post-Battle Stream
Ren sat outside the Gym, catching his breath. The chat was still active:
MudkipFan4Life: REN'S THE GOAT!!!*
PokefanDawn: What's next? Slateport?
ContestStarLisia: My boutique awaits, darling!
TrainerEthan: Yo, come to Johto next! I'll battle ya!
Ren grinned. "Slateport's next. Time for a wardrobe upgrade and maybe a Contest on the side?"
The system pinged:
[New Follower: TrainerRed]
[New Follower: ChampionSteven]
"And… thanks for the follow, Red. Steven. Don't be strangers!"
TrainerRed: …(logged off, leaving only a silhouette of Charizard)
ChampionSteven: Until next time, Ren.
End of Chapter 4
Guys author here I was busy with exam because of that I haven't posted any chapter if any one is still reading this please support me with power stones! 🙏