Bermont is a normal dude, average in his life if not bad, He doesn't care though he just wants to live a normal life and all, Recently though something happened to him, something that probably left a scar on him. It's very simple he got shot and yet somehow managed to live but He got transported to a new world, Strange Sightings embraced his coming in this new world, It looked like a medieval fantasy world. He took some steps trying to wake up because he though he was in some kind of coma or he just is asleep, but no he quickly realised that everything is real and that he won't make it out of there. He started hearing voices Again and again his brained trembled, It was pure madness every voice carried its own story but he quickly snapped a guard poked his chest
"Hey boy you look weird, you wouldn't mind taking a trip with me to the guards office would you?" -the guard said
"uh no" -bermont replied
He followed the guard to the office, there he saw many man, many people all different than him, some were elves other were humans and some were…just weird. A guard accompanied him to the interrogation room, there a woman was waiting for him*
"Greetings, sit down please" -said the woman
Bermont just noded and sat down looking both nervous and excited.
"My name is kitu Im the second in command of the royal guards, well who are you boy" said the woman who will now be referred as kitu
"I-Iam harmont I honestly don't know what, what is going on Why Im under interrogation?" He answered His voice mixed with fear
"You are a very weird man, first you have all that miasma on you second your clothes look weird and you want me to believe that you are ok? And a trustable person?" She said her voice rich with sarcasm
"Miasma?" Dermont asked clearly upset by kitu's sayings
"Do not play dumb with me young man, now Answer why do you have miasma on you!" She shouted clearly irritated
"As I said, I don't know what you're talking about! Let me go!" as bermont replied he noticed something, again voices rummaging through his head
"why are you like this…Why are you guilty!? And most of all why are you feeling sorry for me!" Bermont asked but without thinking, he said that on impulse, kitu stepped back clearly scared her hand raised And a red light is glowing from it
"WHO ARE YOU?" Kitu asked while trembling clearly in distress
"Who am I? I said Im bermont now care to explain what's going on here?" Despite his chill attitude inside he is trembling like her, Kitu Rushed towards him and With wind magic He slices of his arm. Bermont shouts
"WHY! WHY!" He said
"Explain everything" Kitu grabbed him by the hair and forced him to look at her, her tone stern and angry "Youre not normal, either you tell me and I will let you live or I will let you here die from bleeding your choice" she said as she let him go from her grasp, her hand raised for another attack
"Wait ..wait… as I said… Im bermont… A.. guy… who has lost his memory ok?… or.. or perhaps I still have sanity..and.. a-and I came to this world" He explained although kitu didn't believe a word and lunched another Attack "Wind blade!" She shouted as a blade of wind formed and sliced his other arm. Bermont collapses to the ground, next thing he sees is him lying on the bed and kitu sitting on a chair beside him, she noticed he woke up.
"Woke up? Good good, The miasma we found what it is, but don't think Youre off the hook." She said and she continued "the miasma we found belongs to the 3 curses of this world First curse is greed, It makes the user want a lot of things regarding knowledge, Fame and more, Then we have Compassion, it isnt what you think it is, it's a tool that can get exploited, it lets you Hear people's way of thinking and it's your own choice if you want to abuse it, and then we have will, it's the strongest curse whatever the user wants to happen or get he will get and it will happen, why are they called curses? Because if not used correctly they can eat the users brain, and you Bermont, you have The compassion miasma". She said in a rather neutral tone
"So what happens now?" He asks
"You will sleep again so we can heal your wounds, Now sleep". She says and knocks him out