Chereads / In One Piece with Creation Fruit / Chapter 5 - Chapter - 5 Logue Town

Chapter 5 - Chapter - 5 Logue Town

It was a sunny day one Going merry, the sky was clear the weather was warm and cool sea breeze was blowing against the mast of Going merry pushing her forward towards the next destination of the straw-hat pirates

James: " so where are we heading next?"

Nami:" To Logue Town, it is the hometown of the pirate king, and it is also known as the town of the beginnings and the end, because pirate king was born and died there".

Luffy:" Yeah, I want to see the platform where the king of the pirates was executed."

Just as they were chatting about their next destination a news coo flew over the Going merry, Nami tried to haggle with the news coo but ultimately failed and paid ten bellies. James thought to himself who bargains for mere ten bellies, as Nami was reading the newspaper, a brown piece of paper fell down from the newspaper, James noticed it and picked it up.



 BOUNTY: 30,000,000"

James: " Hey, Luffy look it's your bounty poster"

Luffy: " What let me see, let me see".

James:" look they put a bounty of thirty million on your head".

Sanji: "why did only Luffy get a bounty"

Zoro: "Huh, why would they give a curlybrows like you a bounty"

Sanji:" Huh, mosshead you wanna have a fight?"

Nami: " OH, no we will be hunted by the marines."

Ussop:" Look, there is my picture on the bounty poster."

Sanji: "Thats just the back of your head".

Ussop: " At least I have my picture, unlike you who didn't even get the picture of his head."

As the lively atmosphere on the Going merry continued a black dot slowly appeared on the horizon as they were closing in it started taking the shape of an island, it was their next destination Logue Town the town of the begging and the end.

As the ship slowly approached the port, they saw a beautiful town with people bustling through, many ships were docked at the port, as soon as the docked the Going merry on the port Luffy ran off without any warning, and once again James was once again dumbfounded by the child like behavior of his new captain, he internally started questioning himself whether he made the right choice by boarding this ship.

After Luffy ran off the rest of the crew decided to go on their own Sanji went to buy cooking ingredient, Ussop went to buy tool for his different sniper bullets, Nami went to buy new clothes, and Zoro went to buy swords for himself but not before getting into a debt with huge interest by borrowing money from Nami. 

As the crew separated James started wandering aimlessly, while walking he was contemplating his next course of action, he knew that no matter what he does if he wants to be free, he has to become a pirate, thanks to the memories given by GOD he knows that marines are just the dogs of world government and celestial dragons and if he became a bounty hunter he will eventually do something and the world government would label him as a criminal, Thus he concluded that becoming a pirate is his best bet.

James was walking around the town looking at various stalls and shops selling all kinds of different items, but there is a problem he is as broke as they come, at first, he thought that he would borrow money from the crew but when he saw Zoro's condition after borrowing money from Nami, he quickly threw that idea from his mind.

As he was wandering around, he remembered he will need a log pose to travel around grand line, he found a black market and purchased a few log poses for gold since he didn't have money, he also purchased many necessary items after leaving the black market he dispersed the gold created through his devil fruit, his devil fruit was unique since he create objects using equivalent exchange of energy the things he create will never disappear but since he is the creator he can disintegrate anything he creates with a thought, this also ensures that his creations will not be stolen or used against him. 

After shopping in the black market, he was wandering around, he saw many marines running around in groups, out of curiosity he asked one of the citizens " what is the cause of this commotion" the citizen told him that some big pirate is causing a commotion at the execution platform at the city square, hearing this news the first thing that came to James's mind was a goofy boy wearing a straw hat and flashing a bright smile at this thought James froze he immediately started running towards the square.

When James arrived at the square the scene, he saw baffled him, his mouth hung open so wide that he can fit a watermelon in it, his captain was locked up on the execution platform and some red nosed weirdo was holding a sword and babbling about how he will kill Luffy for disrespecting the great lord buggy and blah blah blah, the he told Luffy to say his last words.

Luffy: " I am the man who is gonna be the king of the Pirates."

 "Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Sanji, James sorry I am dead." Then he flashed his bright sunny grin.

Zoro: " Don't say that you idiot."

Buggy: "Now die"

James: " Hey red nosed weirdo stop."

Buggy stopped suddenly he shivered from anger and shouted loudly: "who dares to call me red nose, how dare you make fun of me."

As buggy was distracted James quickly took out his two desert eagles and fired four bullets the first shot landed on Buggy's sword and the sword flew out of his hand due to the bullet's momentum, the second and third bullet broke the wooden locks holding Luffy and the last bullet was aimed at Buggy's nose, but it missed.

After Luffy was rescued, he was about to start a fight with the red nosed weirdo suddenly a marine with the body of smoke charge at Luffy and marines began to surround them from all sides, when Luffy saw this, he immediately told his crew to retreat to the Going merry.

As they were retreating Zoro was intercepted by Tashigi while Sanji, Nami and Ussop successfully retreated, after some skirmish Zoro easily defeated Tashigi and retreated but Luffy was intercepted by Smoker and with his logia Luffy wasn't able to harm him. Seeing Luffy in a pinch James quickly racked his brain, finally he got an idea.

He silently approached Luffy and Smoker, he concentrated his devil fruit powers and created a large fan and quickly channeled his devil fruit to supply energy to activate the fan, due to the moment of surprise Smoker was blown away.

James quickly used shave picked up Luffy and made a run to the port of Logue Town, Smoker was going to give chase but a man in a green hood stopped him. When Smoker saw the man's face he frowned and asked: " Why are you interfering, the world government wants your head?"

Dragon: " No one should stop a man from entering the free sea and don't worry the government will soon get our answer."

After escaping from Smokers clutches the straw hats immediately set off without any delay because they knew delaying any longer will cause them trouble.