Chereads / A love beyond neglect / Chapter 8 - Jack

Chapter 8 - Jack

I couldn't contain myself anymore. I kissed her. I tried fighting the urge to kiss her but I couldn't resist anymore. I knew it wasn't the right time but I went for it. She didn't kiss back. I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me with confusion all over her face. I quickly stopped.

"I'm sorry", I apologized quickly.

"I'm sorry Avani, I shouldn't have done that. That was so stupid of me", I added.

"You're drunk.", she said and wiped her lips. She was right, I was a little bit tipsy cause I had drank a lot of alcohol before I walked out out of the bar close the mall. Since I found out Avani was pregnant, and after the argument we had, I haven't been myself. I've be so down. I went to her house several times to look for her but she was never outside and I didn't bother going inside to avoid causing her troubles.

"I drank a little", I replied and she looked away.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I just got carried away", I said. She didn't say anything.

"Avani, why are you here? It's not safe. Let me take you home please", I pleaded.

"I don't have a home.", she answered defensively.

"What do you mean you don't have a home? I'm not playing Avani. I'm not going to leave you here pregnant and a prey to all these rapists.", I scolded her.

"Well I don't have a home Jack. My parents kicked me out of their house. I had no where to go, I found this cabin open and decided to stay here and then I ran into my crazy Ex", she said harshly.

"Your ex? Is he… is he the..", I was completely stunned and I couldn't even complete my sentence.

"The father of my wedlock baby? Yes.", she said and sighed.

"I'm sorry for hitting him. I didn't know", I stuttered.

"He deserved it. I despise him. He ruined my life", she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. I held her hand and began to comfort her.

"Good night Jack", she said and was about walking away but I pulled her back.

"Avani I can't leave you here. It's dangerous. Please. Come with me, atleast let me take you somewhere safe", I nagged.

"Where? I don't have anywhere to go", she yelled.

"To one of penthouse down the street. It's better than staying here. It's safer, I don't want you to get hurt.", I said.

" you don't have to Jack, I don't want to feel indebted to you or anyone. I'm fine. Don't worry about me", she said and wanted to walk away again. I pulled her back and held her tight.

"Why are you so stubborn? I'm just trying to help, nothing else", I said softly.

"Yeah and that's why you kissed me?", she said.

"No Avani. I'm sorry about that but I'm just trying to help. The kiss was…. I didn't mean… I wanted to….", I sighed and palmed my face.

"You drive me crazy Avani. I don't know what it is about you but I just can't get over you. Avani I've fallen in love with you and I know it doesn't make sense, and with everything happening, it's just all weird. I'm sorry I kissed you. I've always wanted to do that but today it just happened. I couldn't hold myself anymore. You drive me nuts Avani. I'm sorry but you have a really strange effect on me and….", I sigh and stare at her. She was crying silently.

"I'm sorry, let me take you to my penthouse and if you don't feel safe with me, I'd leave and ask my security guards to watch you. Is that okay?", I insisted.

"Fine.", she said and went into the cabin to grab her stuffs. We got into the car and I drove her to my house. I took her to the bedroom she was going to be staying in. I went outside to get food and took it to her.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. I'm thankful for all of these Jack.", she said. I nodded my head and was about to leave but she held me back.

"You don't have to leave Jack. I feel safe around you. Please don't go.", she pleaded.

"Are you sure? If you're not okay with it you can tell me, it's fine I promise.", i opposed.

"Yes Jack.", she said.

"I'll be in the other room. Incase you need anything.", I said and walked out.


I knocked on her door and she didn't answer. I had to open it myself and get in. She was sleeping. I stood by the door and watched her.

"She's so beautiful and dainty. Why would anyone want to hurt her", I whispered beneath my breath. I walk into the room with a tray of food and shut the door. As I shut the door, she opened her eyes.

"Good morning", I greeted with a big smile.

"I'm so tired", she yawned and got up to sit on the bed.

"I made breakfast Avani.", I said and she smiled. She looked like she had enough rest, and that made me happy.

"Thank you so much.", she said softly and began to eat.

"How do you feel?", I asked.

"Fine. I guess. My stomach is hurting a bit. I've had alot of kicking sessions lately.", she replied.

"The baby's kicking already? That's nice.", I responded.

"No. Not the baby. My dad kicked my tummy before he threw me out.", she said and laughed.

"What?", I exclaimed and she looked so unbothered. She always made me scared with the way she said traumatizing words like it was nothing.

"Avani, I need to take you to the hospital.", said softly.

"Nah, I'm fine" She insisted.

"Even if you think you are; Avani, I think we still need to see a doctor. I may not know much about pregnancies but I know this for sure", I insisted.

"If you're worried about the bills, you should stop because I have it all covered already.", I added.

"Jack", she said with a whining voice. I held her hands and told her again not to worry.

"Thank you Jack. I don't know how I'd ever pay you back.", she said and smiled. I felt a relief because she wasn't crying. First time I'm seeing her not crying.

"You're so beautiful Avani. I love your eyes and your smile",I said hoping she'd compliment me too.

"Thank you. You don't look bad either", she said and continued eating .

"I'm supposed to say thank you?", I teased her.

"It's a compliment", she responded.

"Okay. Thank you", I said and she laughed.

After so much talking and nagging, I took her to the hospital to get checked. The doctor said she was fine and she needed to get a lot of rest. He gave her some drugs and supplements. Her little baby bump had already started appearing and it actually looked good on her.

"Let me help you with that", I said and opened the car door for her, then walked around to the other side to get in.

"Thank you", she said and rested her head on the window of the car. I responded with a smile. I started driving and it was awkwardly silent. After some minutes she broke the silence.

"I'm pregnant Jack", she said and rolled her eyes. I looked at her with confusion. I already knew that, why did she say it again.

"Mmmm, I know", I said.

"What could you possibly want from a pregnant girl.", she asked and that had me thinking. I didn't say anything, I just kept my eyes glued to the road.

"I'm not my father's child and because of that he has treated me so horribly and I don't want that for my own child. That's if it doesn't die on me, cause I'm poor as shit", she said and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not your alleged dad Avani", I answered.

"I'm pretty sure that's how it started with my mum and fake dad. Anybody can change. You may be acting all sweet and kind right now and still hurt me later on", she said.

"I can't promise you that I won't hurt you Avani, but I can promise you that I'd never hurt you intentionally.", I responded.

"Words are just words.", she continued. I was really confused.

"Are you insinuating that I'm pretending to love you Avani?", I asked and stopped driving, cause at the point I couldn't focus anymore.

"It's hard to trust you. It's hard to trust anyone after what my Raymond and Teresa did to me.Raymond pretended to love me for a full year Jack. One full year. I trusted him and he ruined my life. So why can't you also do same?", she said and I palmed my face.

"Avani, I am not Raymond, Teresa or your dad. I'm Jack. I'm different. I love you. I don't plan on hurting you.", said and held her hand but she pulled away.

"You love me Jack?", she asked and I replied quickly "I do".

"You love me with a bastard child? You love me with a bad name? You love me with a bad reputation?", she asked and I kept on replying with "I do".

"I really do. I don't care about what anyone has to say Avani. I don't care. The world will adjust", I said desperately. She sighed and I noticed that her eyes were teary.

"Avani, do you love me?", I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Please let's just go. I'm hungry I need to eat", she replied trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"Avani.", I said softly. She wiped her eyes and sniffed.

"Can we just go Jack?", she yelled. I looked at her with a sad expression.

"What do you want me to say? What? That I love you but I don't trust you, so I'm scared to accept it?", she yelled.

"Well yes. Yes Jack. I love you. I felt some of these emotions since the second day we met. I love you and it makes no sense. You know it makes no sense. I don't have what it takes to love you Jack. I'm horrible and everytime I'm around you something tragic always happens. I don't want to rub my sad luck on you. You deserve better Jack. So please can we go now?", she added. My heart melted and I felt a little bit of relief.

"I love you too Avani. I promise. I'd never hurt you.", I said and kissed her forehead.

"Let's go get you some food", I said and put my seatbelt back on.