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Back in society, I am also someone nobody dares to offend.

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The background story is that the protagonist, Lin Chen, was once a prominent figure in society. He was framed and imprisoned, where he endured hardships and trials, and made friends who shared his ideals. Years later, with wisdom and courage, he was released from prison, determined to reclaim everything he had lost. Upon his release, Lin Chen found that society had drastically changed. Some of his old brothers had betrayed him while others remained loyal. He decided to rebuild his influence from scratch. First, he sought out Li Qiang, a friend he had met in prison. Although Li Qiang was just a small-time hoodlum, he was fiercely loyal. Lin Chen helped him resolve his troubles and recruited followers, making a name for himself in the streets. He then led his brothers into various businesses, starting small and gradually expanding to a large scale. They defeated numerous competitors and established themselves in the business world. Along the way, Lin Chen met Su Yao, a smart and charming woman who fell in love with him at first sight. She provided him with significant support and help, and their relationship grew stronger as they faced challenges together. However, as Lin Chen's power grew, it attracted the attention of evil forces, among which Zhao Gang's gang was the most powerful. Zhao Gang was ruthless and stopped at nothing, trying to suppress Lin Chen through various means, including violence. Lin Chen and his brothers faced an unprecedented crisis, dealing with both Zhao Gang's pursuit and police pressure. In this critical moment, Lin Chen demonstrated exceptional leadership and intelligence, cleverly exploiting rivalries among enemies and allying with other small gangs to fight Zhao Gang. After an intense battle, Lin Chen identified Zhao Gang's weakness and defeated him decisively. This victory not only freed Lin Chen from danger but also made him renowned and untouchable in society. Subsequently, Lin Chen continued to expand his business empire while giving back to the community. He established a charitable foundation with Su Yao to help others, and their love story, after many trials, came to a happy ending. In conclusion, through his efforts and wisdom, Lin Chen rose from an impoverished ex-convict to a respected successful person. His story inspires countless people to pursue their dreams bravely, showing the power of justice and courage.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Impermanence of Life

2003 年夏天,19 岁的陈学文发现自己戴上手铐和脚镣,被送往平城监狱.就在一周前,他参加了一个同学聚会,在同龄人的鼓励下,他向之前拒绝他的学校美女表白了他的爱.那天晚上,满怀忧郁的陈雪文酗酒大醉.当他醒来时,他发现学校的美女赤身裸体地躺在他身边,显然是暴力袭击的受害者.几名证人后来作证说,陈学文违背她的意愿把学校的美女带走,带到了一家酒店.因为这些证人证词,陈学文在一周内被捕并被判入狱.尽管他恳求正义,但没有人听.在监狱门口,陈学文的父母举着写着"无辜"的血迹斑斑的牌子,跪下,大声呼喊正义.另一边,十几个穿着白布的人哀嚎着,愤怒地喊道.车队一到,校美的爸爸就冲上前来,指着陈学文吼道:"陈学文,你没良心!"为什么不判他死刑?""我必须上诉;我必须判他死刑!陈学文的爸爸陈建国反驳道,"我儿子是无辜的!校美的爸爸一拳打在陈建国的头上,说:"你儿子也是无辜的?"我的女儿被你的儿子杀了.我要打死你,你这个枪子..."门口的守卫介入,将所有人分开.陈建国的头上被割伤流血,鲜血顺着脸颊流下来.然而,他无视了它,并在车队离开时向监狱大门大喊:"孩子,勇敢点!"爸爸知道你是无辜的!""爸爸会想尽一切办法洗清你的罪名!"陈学文看着这一幕,眼泪在眼眶里涌出.被送进监狱后,陈学文被带到牢房.牢房里有七个人,肌肉都鼓鼓的,面色阴险.当他们看到瘦弱苍白的陈雪文时,这些人露出了冷笑.警卫离开后,这些人立即将陈雪文团围住.首领,一个脸上有刀痕的男人,上下打量着陈学文,冷冷道:"小子,你怎么来了?陈雪文低声说道:"我...我是无辜的..."还没等他说完,刀疤就打在了他的腹部.这辈子从来没有被打过这样的陈雪文,在地板上呕吐时,感觉自己的内脏几乎要爆炸了.刀疤踩在陈雪文的头上,说道:"既然你在这里,肯定是做了什么."我想听你说真话,否则你会为此受苦.""如果你不懂规则,就不要惹麻烦;否则,你会被打败的.陈雪文喊道:"我真的是无辜的..."刀疤挥手,几个男人扑向陈雪文,将他打在地上.陈学文被打得黑青颜,然后被拖到刀疤处.刀疤踩在陈雪文的头上,问道:"现在,我再问你一次,你怎么在这里?一向固执的陈学文咬牙切齿地说道:"我是无辜的..."刀疤怒道:"该死,还在撒谎!"我会把你吊起来打你!"几个男人用床单把陈学文的手绑起来,吊在床架上,接连殴打他一个多小时.陈学文被打到昏倒,但他仍然坚称自己是无辜的.刀疤和他的手下不敢杀他,最后还是放了他.然而,在接下来的日子里,刀疤和他的手下根本就没有把陈雪文当人来对待.他们想什么时候就打他或踢他.陈学文试图向看守报告此事,导致刀疤的下属受到了惩罚.但结果,陈学文被刀疤和他的手下打了一整夜,差点要了他的命.从此,陈学文变得非常谨慎,避免与刀疤和他的手下对抗,不敢还手.他唯一的希望是他的父母能帮助他寻求正义,让他离开这个人间地狱.出乎意料的是,三个月过去了.这些天,陈学文的心情非常不安,因为他的父母已经一个多月没有来看他了.每个月都有探望时间,这是他唯一能见到他们的机会.这条规则以前从未被打破过.但这个月,他的父母没有来看望他,这让他很焦虑.他知道他的父母不会放弃他;也许他们发生了什么事.一天晚上,陈学文请一个名叫张东的相对温和的警卫帮忙查看他的父母.第二天中午,趁着陈雪文吃饭的时候,张东走了过来."小辰,"他轻声说,"我刚刚收到一些消息;你得坚强一点..."陈学文的手颤抖着,似乎感应到了什么,泪水在眼眶里涌出.张东深吸一口气,轻声说道:"你爸妈两周前骑摩托车去替你申诉,出了车祸,不幸丢了命.听到这个消息,陈雪文眼中充满了泪水.他最害怕的事情终于发生了.他的父母确实遇到了麻烦!Zhang Dong gestured at Chen Xuewen's meal and took half of it away, then threw some food scraps from his own plate into Chen Xuewen's meal. "Boy, today is meat day. These bones, Old Man gives you as a gift; don't be polite!" Zhang Dong laughed and said as he and several underlings sat down beside Chen Xuewen. The knife scar casually took half of Chen Xuewen's food and threw his own meal's scraps into Chen Xuewen's plate. "Boy, today is 吃肉的日子,这些骨头,老子送你的,别客气啊!" The knife scar said as he pointed at the plate and ordered, "妈的,给老子吃完了!" "敢剩一点,老子今晚再吊你一个通宵!" Chen Xuewen did not speak but was in deep grief. His eyes stared blankly ahead. The knife scar thought Chen Xuewen was staring at him and got angry. "What the hell are you looking at me for?" "What business is it of mine if you eat my food? You're happy about it?" "Okay, then I'll also take something from you!" Saying this, the knife scar directly spit out a phlegm into Chen Xuewen's meal and said, "妈的,给老子吃完!" "敢剩一点,老子今晚再吊你一个通宵!" Chen Xuewen still did not speak, but his eyes gradually showed a glint of anger. He gradually came back to his senses and felt both anger and grief in his heart, making his body tense. He gripped the chopsticks tightly and looked at the knife scar and his men around him. All the blood in his body was rushing to his head. He had lost all hope of living since he was wrongfully convicted and his parents died in an accident, leaving him with a desire to die. However, before he died, he also wanted to vent his anger! The knife scar, seeing that Chen Xuewen did not eat, became even angrier. "妈的,我说的话没听见吗?" "我让你吃饭,你他妈听到没?" As the knife scar spoke, he suddenly roared and pierced Chen Xuewen's eye with a pair of chopsticks.